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Fox News is advocating outing CCW!

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So.... People should be writing fox news and letting them know that they don't appreciate a national news network watering down their constitutional rights, and also making a good argument against outlawing CCW!
Sorry, but Fox News isn't our friends. Don't ask me to cite the source, but I've seen their news reports enough to know they're anti-gun.
geophysicishooter said:
why the popularity of the fanny pack, then? According to what I've been told, people like to wear the fanny pack holsters because of the convenience, ease of access and as, if not more, importantly the perception on the part of bg's and cops that "old white guy" + "fannypack" = "concealed handgun"..
the average BG or sheep won't see a fanny pack and think CCW. If a non-gun person doesn't actually see a gun it won't be in their mind.
why the popularity of the fanny pack, then? According to what I've been told, people like to wear the fanny pack holsters because of the convenience, ease of access and as, if not more, importantly the perception on the part of bg's and cops that "old white guy" + "fannypack" = "concealed handgun"..

My dad uses one when he is on road trips/vacations. But he doesn't CCW (yet.) He uses one because he is fashionally impaired.

We finally got him out of snap-button western shirts. (although I thick Ashton Kutcher seems to be trying to bring them back -- along with HUGE baseball caps.)

-- John
I'm sorry, I looked for the link but I can't find it yet

we had a long discussion about the incident (here on thr)
A guy in Ohio had his name in the paper as a ccw holder during a heated time in Ohio, the next day he was gunned down and his gun stolen.

I still watch foul news, but they always get the gun issue dead wrong.
I pray SCOTUS doesn't.

thanks frankie, merry Christmas to you too
Write your congress critters and get it exempted from the FOIA. Simple as that. I've got a thread about this topic, as does gunsmith.

I don't take lightly to some news organization deciding to make a story rather than report one.

I've been writing my Oregon legislators on the matter, I've written e-mails in support of Sheriff Michael Winters of the Rogue Valley where this story originated. Mr. Winter's has denied the newspaper the CCW holders list for the county and has promised to fight releasing it to the bitter end. The newspaper is suing for the list. How the hell is that good reporting? It's not, it's a paper trying to make a story, not report it. In that portion of Oregon, that is not a particularly wise move on the part of the paper.

As far as Fox is concerned, they're big media, what do you expect...intelligible, thoughtful dialogue...or typical media boneheaded style sensationalism?

So, if you happen to be some lucky bloke with a unique name and your name is printed in the paper, a criminal can peruse that list, find your address and just wait for you to leave the house and feel pretty much assured that you will have more than just your CCW you left the house with remaining in your home. Do you want that potential aid to the criminal posted in the local paper. Sure, you might have a safe that holds your firearms and other valuable contents. But is your home absolutely break in proof, not if you've got windows. Do you want to risk that potential damage to your home because some liberal newspaper a&&hole decides he wants to print your name in the paper while this same newspaper editor has gone through great lengths to keep his name and address out of the local phone book and remain unlisted because he's made a career out of pissing people off?

Come folks, knock off this bravado crap and realize this is not a good thing. I don't care if you CCW or OC, that's your choice. But I don't want a list with my name on it stating "our towns gun owners who carry concealed", here's their names and possibly, addresses and phone numbers because some newspaper editor doesn't respect your privacy simply because he doen't have too and has a "right" not too. Any criminal can connect the dots and surmise that you might own more than one gun. Any criminal can watch you leave your home and ransack it less than 10 minutes.

This hasn't even touched on the estranged spouse angle or other issues regarding people's personal safety.

I don't care what the newspaper thinks, I am making efforts to let my legislators know that this is not something I want within the reach of some unscrupulous editor that is simply trying to "make" a story for his paper. Only law enforcement should be able to access this information, and only in the context of their job. It should be protected just like medical records are, a subpoena should be required to get them, and the case has to be relevant in some context besides a news story, like a real court case of some sort or another, not just so a paper can publish to "make" the story.

Again, this same editor who has seen to it that his name, number and address are unlisted in your local phonebook. He wants his privacy, but he doesn't mind trampling all over yours, you know, for the story.

I must say I find it hilarious that Fox News can be convicted of being anti-gun because a couple of their talking heads discussed something antigun...

The heads must be spinning on Hannity and Coombs.... Those two guys never agree on anything, so which one represents Fox News? Now I am confused. Which is it? Whose opinions are the ones that truly represent Fox news?

People overeacting to what a talking head has said and attributing this to an entire network.....WOW.

Next do we assume that Rosie Odonnell represents fully whatever network she is on and that they are socialistic whackos because of it?
Why should it bother anyone to be "outed" as someone who legally packs heat? Some seem to think that this would make someone a target for criminal attack.
The "danger" to CHL holders that are "outed" isn't that they'll become targets for criminals (other than maybe women that have armed themselves against violent Ex's and gone out of their way to keep their contact information "unlisted").

The truth is that if a lost of CHL holders is published against the will of those on it the following things WILL happen:

Someone on that list will lose their job.
Someone on that list will lose relationships with family members.
Someone on that list will lose friends.
Someone on that list will lose out on a promotion.
Someone on that list will be treated like a dangerous psychopath by their sheeple neighbors.
Someone on that list will be dragged into uncomfortable debates about CCW.

Frankly if the public has a "right to know" about my CHL status, and the media has a "right" to start publishing lists, then they also have the right to publish lists of homosexuals, lists of who voted for whom, lists of who has [insert embarrassing disease here]. You get the idea.
Gun owners have been killed for their guns when outed

Do you have any examples where a holder of a carry permit had their identity revealed and then was killed to take the weapon?
courtroom evidence? no

Do you have any examples where a holder of a carry permit had their identity revealed and then was killed to take the weapon?

but that singleton case had the hallmarks of an example, Singleton shot the guy dead so we will never know for sure.

iirc he was attacked the day after his name was published in the paper.
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Singleton, owner of United Check Cashing, was shot in the chest moments after he arrived to open the Lake Shore Boulevard shop near East 156th Street.

It seems more likely that he was shot during the robbery of a check cashing service. They are the site of a lot of robberies where I live. They're usually not located in the best part of town, and the ones I have seen don't have anywhere near the security of a bank. Usually one or two employees in a rented office space.

It doesn't make Mr. Singleton's death any less of a tragedy, but it would seem more likely that he was killed by thugs after cash than by peoples specifically targeting CCW holders.

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