G10 handles on custom knives

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Jul 31, 2003
Las Vegas, NV
Like I always do, I went nuts when I decided to get some G10 and ordered like $500 worth in all different colors. :) Silver/black, blue/black, black, green/black/pistachio, orange, blue, red/blue - I got it all. Here I used it on a couple of my smaller utilities and I like it alot. I've now used green/black, red/blue, blue and blue/black and they all look really nice! Can't wait to use orange - the blue really came out nice and is being traded to a knifemaker for one of his knives.






Green/Black and the blade is etched:


The blue/black one came out beautiful, and is available in the Trading Post under Accessories along with a Dymondwood handled small utility. :D
Real nice work. Be sure to wear a respirator and keep the dust cleaned up with that stuff. I'm not too good about all that safety stuff usually, but G10 has glass fibers in it and the dust from cutting a grinding it will be full of small glass particles. Very bad stuff for your lungs (just look how fast it eats a bandsaw blade!)
Those are turning out great though, I hadn't realized how many colors you could get G10 in now. Might be worth getting some again :D
Oh man - the first time I cut G10 on the little Delta bandsaw it ruined the blade! Now I use the metal bandsaw on a faster speed and it works great, plus I put Lenox BiMetal blades on both of them.

One day I cut up a bunch of micarta, G10 and ironwood and wound up flattening some scales with no mask and had a nasty cough for a while - it's easy to forget the mask but you really pay with this stuff if you do.

Thanks for the comments, I appreciate it! :)
I've made more handles out of ironwood than anything else, probably because I kept posting pics of knives with it and then everyone requested it. I bought some at Blade from Sandy Tudor and man this is nice, but now it's all gone. I'm also going to try Giraffe Bone, and those scales were $50/set. :p
Cool looking pieces.

You desperately need to get a shop ventilation system so that you grow into as fine a knifemaker as you seem to have the potential to be. It would be an absolute shame for you to have to quit making knives some day because you spent $500 on G-10 instead of an air cleaner.
very nice knives valk. cant decide if i like the first one or the blue one the best.

another thing you can try for safety is only working the material wet. i keep a small cup in my dip bucket and sprinkle water on the belt and dip the handle...it really cuts down on airborn dust
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