G21 decal grip questions

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Jan 31, 2011
Anyone here have talon grips on there G21?
I have been thinking that the added grip might really help my small hands get a better purchases, but I have a few question about these stick on grips.
First off, how think are they? How much bulk will they ad to the frame?

Secondly, any experience with the Decal Grip brand ones? How do they compare to the Talons?
The best solution I've found is a bicycle innertube. Purchased at Walmart for just a few dollars you can cut about 2-3" strips off with with sharp scissors and slide them over the grips. You can probably do every gun you own with one innertube. Trim if necessary with a sharp knife.

They are cheap, last for years, add a bit of stickiness to the grip with amost no added bulk. They don't peel off eventually like the stick on grips.

Not a good photo, but these are on my G-20. I also use them on my AR-grips, and many other handguns

My one and only try at using stick-on grips did not end well. Here in the Sunny South where it gets quite warm they softened enough on a warm sunny day to slip around after a time. My sweaty palms may have had some effect, but still not my idea of an enhanced grip. I'll be the first to admit, once is a row does not a trend make and as is always the case ... YMMV.

Up until I installed CTC overmold lasers, I'd always used Hogue Handalls, still do on some laserless guns, but the bicycle inner tube piece sounds like a cheap yet good solution.
Gone the Inner tube rout before, tried it on the glock and didn't like it, I think Ill give the Decal grips a shot, at 10 bucks I don't really have alot to lose right?
Check out talon grips online,I have them on 3 glocks ,my XDS and a Kahr they have worked out quite well.Before this I used the 20"bike tube.
I have the Talon "sandpaper" grips on my M&P 9c. I am very pleased with them. They have probably been on it for 6 months or so. I haven't had any problem with them peeling off yet, so I figure I have got my $15 out of them. They add little to no bulk to the grip and feel great in my opinion. On a side note, if you carry iwb you pretty much have to wear an undershirt. Sounds obvious, but I didn't think about it till after I put them on. No big deal though.
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