German SPD pulling an Al Gore?

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Sep 18, 2005
Hello, everyone at THR--good to be back among some of the ol' TFL gang (I went by Ulfilas over there).

I've been keeping track of the German general elections over the past few days. Seems to me that libs are the same everywhere you go. The conservatives got their candidate through (first female chancellor, and the first raised from former East Germany--interesting that this combination would yield a conservative, no?), but the lefties aren't interested in conceding. The last I heard from Gerhard Schröder, he was saying how he still wanted to remain Chancellor.

Hmpf. Taking cues from Al Gore, so to speak.

I found it more hilarious that German television used New Orleans as a demonstration of the evils of capitalism and the reason they need the welfare state.
Heh. Red blindness

Are you serious? Were they talking about the aftermath of the hurricane, or the hurricane itself? Sounds like a dumb question, but I wouldn't put it past leftist propaganda to blame capitalism for either.

But as we know, the latter is a clear-cut case of s**t happens, the former the result of human nature. It would have been just as bad if an earthquake hit Pyongyang.

As if lefties have anything to boast about the track record of their ideology. I daresay the destruction as a result of their "revolutions" amounted to little more than looting. Not to mention the long list of human rights abuses from Lenin to "Dear Leader" after their regimes were established. 'Nuff said.

Off the soapbox now.
No, the whole "black people were made poor by capitalism" angle that sees the spectre of exploitation everywhere there are poor people. I want to vomit after hearing so many socialists on NPR talk about how this is a "wake up call to fix the disparity of wealth in this country."

As opposed to the "black people were made poor by dependence on the welfare state" angle I am more fond of. Jesse Lee Peterson needs to go share the truth with germany.
Welfare state

I find it unreasonable to argue that we do not already have a welfare state. I would argue that the criminal behavior seen in NO and elsewhere is largely a result of that welfare state. How do we respond to the criminals? We throw more money at them. Ask them to behave like civilized humans? Nope, excuse and reward them for acting like predatory animals. Seems to me that there were 20000 folks in the Superdome that did not lift a hand to help themselves, waited on hand and foot by others. Now moved to Astrodome, with full time servants.
Was meinst du von den beiden Kandidaten?


I want to hear a German's opinion about the two candidates. What do you think about them?

Looks like some of you don't understand coalition and parliamentary governments.

The ruling party in a parliamentary government has to have a certain percentage of members in parliament. If they don't, then they have the option of forming a coalition government, which is two or more parties combine in agreement to push the government forward. This can be dangerous, being that if one party decided to opt out of the coalition, then the ruling party may lose the number of seats needed to maintain the government, thus, the government fails, elections are held again, and the cycle starts over again.

The problem with Germany right now, is that even though a new chancellor was voted in, she does not have enough seat to hold the government, and unless she can do some bargaining and form a coalition, the government will fall, then we get to see more elections.

Now, I am not sure of this part, but if they form a coalition government, and one member party out numbers the other, then the most populous party might have the right to toss the current chancellor. If that turns out to be true, then just because she won the popular vote, her government might toss her.
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