"Ghost Ring" sights.

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Jun 2, 2005
North Chesterfield, Virginia
I've got a Hi-Point C-9, 9mm that came with a "ghost ring" peep rear sight. I put it on last night to see how it worked and took it to the range today. After a few sighting in shots, I got it shooting where I was looking, and started to shoot the best groups I've ever shot with this or probably any other pistol. (I know, I left myself wide open there. :) )

Can you get these for any other pistols? I'm thinking my Kel-Tec, P-11 with fixed sights. My old eyes could use all the help they can get.
Here's a link to one maker, dunno about the P11 though:
I've thought about getting some of theirs for my Ruger Single Six & MK II.

Also search for "XS Ghost Ring", they used to be AO(Ashley Outdoors). Good luck.

This tears it, I *gotta* get a decent peep sight for my "new" 9422! :banghead:
The peep sight works by the eye automatically centering the peep to the eye. To do that the peep must be close to the eye. In other words it works on a long gun but not on the handguns. Your success is due to some other factors .
Maybe I just have peculiar eyes, but I don't have any trouble hitting pop cans out to 30 or 40 yds. with one of my pistols that's equipped with ghost rings. If the peep is really close to the eye, a la on a rifle, most eyeballs can't see anything but a blur where the rear ghost is.

I'd say try a set and make up your mind, rather than taking the advice of somebody on the internet who's probably merely speculating. Give Ameriglo a call; good sights, good company.
They Work For Me

Cajunbass: I recently had a set that I bought from Brownell's installed on my Norinco and it improved my shooting as well. Perhaps, like you, my old eyes are more suited to this type sight. The Nork has pretty small front sights so I had a larger white dot staked on the front with a height that fits the Ghost Ring. Anyway, I really like them. I find it easy to raise or lower the front sight within the ring to adjust impact.

At the same time I had a set of Ashely's put on my 1991A1. Its a slanted "V" rear with a white bar in the center. That too, works well with old eyes. For you young fellers with good eyes that can shoot beer cans at 50 feet, stay with what you got that works for you. Once I could do that; now I'm lucky to hit a gallon bucket. :D
Rockstar, are you saying that I'm speculating ?? You don't understand the ghost ring obviously. They call it a "ghost" ring because you are not even aware of the ring but the eye automatically centers it. If you knew about sights you would know that in the late 1800s when handgun target shooting started there were various sights invented .However one stands out -the Patridge.That's because Patridge,before he designed the sight talked to a number of eye doctors and asked 'how does the eye function' ? Only with that knowledge did he design his sight and that is still the best - a square front post and a square rear notch .The post approximately 1/8 " wide and the notch approximately 1/8" wide.The Patridge works well on rifles too....The ghost rings are very fast and very accurate on shotguns and rifles but not usefull on handguns.
"Mete says: not usefull on handguns."

Despite the fact that those of who use them, and have compared them to other sights say they WORK BETTER FOR US. I don't think any of us are suggesting that you should change yours. :(

You might as well insist that Pepsi is better than Coke, or vice versa.
If you are focusing on the front sight your eye will "fuzz out" the rear sight, whether patridge, peep, "v" or ghost ring, no matter how far it is from your eye. Your mind will also naturally try to center the front sight in a circle (fuzzy or clear) no matter how far it is from your eye.

That is, after all, "how the eye functions". It doesn't change functioning just because you add 24" to the mix. :rolleyes:

Heck, IIRC, studies have shown that the mind will attempt to center the front sight in even an imagined complete circle whe given enough of an arc to work with, which is why the "half ghost ring" sight works, though a bit more roughly.
Gee, I used the ghost ring on the 9mm, shot 5 shots. 4 created a big ragged hole, the 5th was a flyer, it was about an inch away from the other 4. I've never shot that gun that well in my life. OH, and that wasn't 5 out of 20 or 30 shots, that was "Let me try hon" and the first and only 5 shots I had with that gun all day.

But, I guess it must have been something else, huh?
mete: If I'd intended to say that you were speculating, I'd have mentioned you by name; I'm not particularly shy. I was, of course, speaking to internet information in general. How about speaking to your personal experiences, though, with ghost rings on handguns? What type of handguns, and what brand ghost rings have you tried at what ranges with what loads? I'm always interested in different perspectives.

As I said, might just be my funky eyes, but I don't have any accuracy problems using ghost rings on handguns. They're not, of course, as precise as patridge-type sights, but certainly aren't inaccurate beyond a few yards. I have no problems consistently hitting expended shotshell cases @ 15-20 yds, and that's pretty accurate for the ghost rings' intended purpose. I have tried ghost rings on a couple of different pistols. Also installed a set for a friend, who also has no problems with accuracy. He probably has funky eyes, too, as he does wear pretty thick glasses.

You'd be erring egregiously to assume that I know less about sights or any other aspect of firearms than you. :rolleyes:
Rockstar, when I seriously began target shooting I did research it in detail.From history to physiological aspects.From the resolution limits to the fact that the eye's resolution increases as you shoot more .I came across many myths along the way.In metallic silhouette shooting 25 years ago the hot thing was colored sights, every color of the rainbow.Serious shooters found that the typical orange insert on a M29 was one thing in the shade but another in the sun.When the sun hit it it glowed so much that unconsciously you were pulling down the sight to see the target -moving it 2 clicks at 50 yds !! [If you have one , paint the sight black an you'll see!] The same difference I found with my Benelli ,very different from sun to shade .That sight was gone after the first day . The Patridge gives you very superior vertical indexing and horizontal indexing. You can't do better .The sights can be made for you.Front post width from about 3/32 to 3/16" ,rear notch the same.A relatively narrower notch for target and wider for faster combat aiming.All my handguns and all my rifles have the Patridge....While I have used the ghost ring on rifle and shotgun I have not used it on a handgun.Why should I ? I know it isn't as precise as the Patridge.And which ring are you all using ? round or the latest fad the hexagonal .I've installed ghost rings on all my hunting buddy's rifles, he loves them. I've fired them and they are very accurate and very fast But on a handgun they aren't accurate or as fast.
mete: Thanks for the clarification. Yep, you were speculating, but that's certainly your privilege. :D
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