GOA, gubmint out to get you

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Aug 24, 2008
I heard on THR in a thread titled "GOA, gubmint out to get you" that the GOA and the gubmint, and the establishment are out to get me. Also, the GOA is anti-gun, in fact they support complete bans. I even heard that their founder said

Every morning, I steal from a firearms dealer, than cut the firearms with a kitchen knife, I hate them so much. We, the gubmint, and the establishment are out to get you. They can fire 7000 rounds a minute, and have an effective range of 1000 lightyears.

How can they be pro-gun when their founder was quoted as saying that, by someone on the internet? Does anyone know about this?

Before anyone says anything, none of that is true. But the point I'm trying to make is that next time you hear a theory about a pro-gun group being anti-gun, research it. For instance, the NRA has fought for pro-gun legislation for years, is composed of shooters, and gets it's money from ordinary folks.
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