GOA, gubmint out to get you

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Aug 24, 2008
I heard on THR in a thread titled "GOA, gubmint out to get you" that the GOA and the gubmint, and the establishment are out to get me. Also, the GOA is anti-gun, in fact they support complete bans. I even heard that their founder said
Every morning, I steal from a firearms dealer, than cut the firearms with a kitchen knife, I hate them so much. We, the gubmint, and the establishment are out to get you. They can fire 7000 rounds a minute, and have an effective range of 1000 lightyears.
How can they be pro-gun when their founder was quoted as saying that, by someone on the internet? Does anyone know about this? :neener:

Okay, before you believe rumors like this, investigate a bit. Who are the founders? What legislation has the group supported? The NRA is usually a reliable source on this. Thank you :)
This thread is nonsensical. I pray we didn't beat the lock by long.
He's trying to say that if you dare criticize the NRA (i.e. you must be "bashing"), that by definition you are nonsensical like this thread. Nothing like a non specific attack against an entire point of view to demonstrate that the OP is flailing.
Uh, thanks.

I guess.

Perhaps there's a point to be made in a less obtuse fashion - I dunno. I really don't see much constructive in this, but that's probably a failure of my imagination more than anything else.
One of the basic requirements of threads at The High Road is that they must make sense.

When quoting someone, it is not required that you post links, but hyperlinks directing readers to the quoted statements lend credibility to the fact that the quoted statements were actually voiced.

A lot of nonsense is spawned on the internet. We try to not be the cradle of rumors and innuendo here.

Your thoughts may have merit, but the large font combined with obtuse sentiments and lack of citations obscures any merit from being percieved. Feel free to try posting again. If you do try to start the thread again, please take the time to make your thoughts understandable to others, avoid the large fonts, and the emotional content.
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