Good guys One, Mugger ZERO!

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Excellent work.

The police did their thing, but were only able to because you stepped up and tracked the guy, saving who knows how many other people from harm in the future.
Great job, Ze! Do what you can to help get this monster of the street. With any luck, the jury will put this guy behind bars where he belongs. This really does illustrate a need for defensive arms. Had any of the previous victims been armed, there wouldn't have been victims to follow.

Keep fighting the good fight.

what your forgetting is that its is DC, common sense holds no bar there. i would not be surprised if they let the SOB BG out for discrimination based on criminality or something. And then put ZeSpectre in his place for being a good citizen, Remember kids DC is the national safe haven for crooks, cheats, lies, criminals, and politicians. I know that last one was redundant but at lest they get armed body guards.
Quote ZeSpectre:

"Just a quick update for those intereted. Got a call from the U.S. Attorney's office. They want me to come in and testify because apparently they have connected him to several more felony assaults and at least one rape (possibly two)."

We need more folks like you in the US, ZeSpectre!

The reactionary side of me wishes this non-human entity (rapists lose the right to be treated as humans, imo) could have been put down permanently. Then the rational side of me says "Innocent until proven guilty - it'll get its due in this life or the next."

Great work - you deserve a hero's award!!!
Great job tracking the guy down!!! :)

I wonder how many more times he would be trying the same thing or worse if he was not sitting in jail?
Ze, that's awesome man. Way to keep your head!

So (thank God for good training and experience) I'm able to shadow this guy from a 20-30 yard distance for about 3 blocks without him knowing I'm there...

Anything in particular you'd like to share, technique-wise that helped you avoid detection?
Brilliant, and good on ya!!!

Very happy you had a [rare] positive experience with the DC police. We bailed from NoVA, last summer, and though we miss our friends, and gun-friendly VA, getting away from the DC/MD cesspool is a wonderful thing.

Consider - Ffx Co, w/1.1 MM vs NM with a total pop. of 2MM (Santa Fe has 68K ) - driving is fun here, all day rush hour vs 45 min on Fri PM (may be). Don't get me wrong, there still plenty of silliness here in NM, but I can't begin sto explain how good it is to be gone from the east coast in general, and DC in particular:evil:
great job bud, you deserve that award!

i hope you know that you probably stopped more incidents from happening.
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