Got Hauled In By Campus Security

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I don't think I would blame campus police. They did their job.
They got a complaint, they had to check it out.
And of course, during an investigation they ask leading questions to see how you react.
The questions themselves aren't important, they were just baiting to see if you're biting.

Go on with life.
Back when I was in college, I did a paper and presentation on bias crimes and their statutes in my state, also linking it to college settings. Not going to give the entire 24 page paper, but there was on relevant part I included.

Colleges are private institutions... you pay them to be there. It is their way or nothing. In one example, a student was expelled for making racial comments while drunk. It was considered "bias" due to the subject of the comments, but in the legal aspect, it was not a bias incident due to the drunkenness.

Case was brought to a high level court, can't remember if it were the US Supreme Court, and it was thrown out because it is a private institution (if anyone wants the specifics, I can look it up).

In this consideration, I'm going to stray away from saying what rights you have while being a resident (I never resided on campus, living somewhat nearby). If the school's handbook/rules are too restrictive, there is always the option to live off campus.

However, you are likely within grounds to make a complaint in how you were treated. Explain to whoever takes the complaint that you did not appreciate the incident, and felt security overstepped its bounds while there are more disruptive students in question. Making this statement based on your post, being the entire situation isn't completely known (not saying that you are misrepresenting it, just that it is hard to write a situation like that).
unfortunately, this is the world we live in now...

college, the place where you are encouraged to express yourself......unless of course it goes against the "norm".....then your a suspect.......all thanks to those nutjobs who feel its ok to shoot up a school....

i remember a few years ago i had a semester with only 12 i had a TON of time on my i decided ide teach myself electronics.......sounds harmless, right?

well when i was on break, i got a call from the chief of police, not campus security.....the Chief of police for the city.......inquiring about a "suspicious device" (actual words) found in my room.......

i had built myself a solenoid, which was powered by a small capacitor bank.....

well apparently the RA's checked the rooms during break, saw my project, and freaked out and called the police....

several phone calls later ensuring everyone it was not some infernal device, they seemed to let it go.......

do you have any idea how difficult it is to explain what a solenoid and a capacitor are to someone who has no electronics knowledge without making it sound like some high voltage death device........i do.
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last year at sam houston state university they had a campus lockdown for a "shooting"

it was a nerf battle by the school sponsored nerf club on campus

sheepeople cease to amaze me
Welcome to the world of " see something, say something". Kinda reminds me of Cambodia back in the day and stories told about Germany once upon a time..maybe my memory is off a bit?
That sounds like a strange college. I think i'd transfer somewhere else to spend my hard earned tuition money. At my college, it was common (and still is) for guys to wear hunting jackets to class because it was their warmest jacket. Some people quietly (not illegal but against policy) kept guns in the frat houses and dorms. I'd sure hate to have been caught carrying a straight blade knife that I wore when I left campus to go fishing in your neck of the woods.

Colleges in general are run by and a haven for ultra liberal people. The admin and professors wish to create a bubble where drug use is ok but even legitimate weapons use is a no no.
I recall reading your thread about your pothead roommate, though I don't think I commented. I think it would be ethical and moral to simply lie to those campus police if they hassle you again.
It's none of their business if you own guns, as long as you follow the rules on campus. They aren't real police and refusing to answer is the same as an admission of "guilt" in those circumstances.

Endure it, get your degree and move to a free state.
I sometimes get the feeling we are being conditioned to accept some version of the Thought Police. "Stay below the radar" and position your writing desk out of view of the telescreen.
I think "stay below the radar" is the best advice. I went to a pretty liberal private college in MN. I was one of a few people who actively participated in shooting, hunting etc, and never really had any problems. I think my key to that was pretty simple, I didn't care to waste my time arguing with the idiots, they outnumbered me.

What I'm getting at is that guns and shooting sports are just fine, and will be here once you graduate. That doesn't mean that you have to give up your interest or your passions, just cool your jets. This is a hobby for you, its something you're interested in, its not for everybody. Don't be so eager to fight and argue at every opportunity, because you're not going to change anybody's opinions. I taught a few people about guns while I was in school because they were friends who expressed an interest or curiosity, most of whom grew up in households with no exposure to guns at all and who genuinely enjoyed themselves when they came to shoot a .22 or a shotgun with other friends for the first time. Many are now interested in moving up to shooting clays, or even hunting, some didn't care for it, but none left thinking we were insane, militia wannabees.

One last thing before I leave the office, and might even go shooting.... If you're arguing with people a lot (even if they're midway through their 3rd bag of Funions), speaking in a British accent, or acting strangely, that's fine, you might be the weird kid. There are a ton of former weird kids who are very successful and lead great lives. The thing you have to realize is, weird kids are just that, but weird kids with guns, or who appear to have access to guns, make people nervous.

I don't know you, for all I know you're a stand-up guy, but things like this rarely come out of nowhere. You're on a crowded campus, like it or not, not everything you say or do is seen/heard the way you intend, especially to those who are very unfamilliar with you and your hobby.

Just my .02
If your at Goucher college, what did you expect? If your at Towson, show them your tactical gear and they will jealous and then kick you off campus.
The college is a private institution and can make any rules they want concerning your behavior while on campus. Your parents home is also private property and it is none of the college's business how many guns you have at home or what firearm related activities you enjoy off campus.
You need minority status. Try dressing in islamic garb and if they approach you again, start ranting that it’s because you’re muslim. PC vs PC.
It would appear you have been a busy guy. Its your freshman year. a pretty important year and one that usually means a lot of change for most, at least it was for me. I think in one of your post you stated you were 18. If you matriculated in mid to late august, that means youve been there as a freshman for some 90 days or so. In that short period of time you have had a dispute with a roommate, not unusual, made over 1200 post on this forum, which means an average of some 7 to 8 a day and some quite lengthy. Though your only 18 and say you do not own a firearm you post some strong opinions on almost every subject and now you have been questioned and or counseled by the campus authority. Wow, when i was a freshman i didnt have that kind of free time. They say where there is smoke there is fire but i jump to no conclusions. Perhaps you should take a look at your academic goals and use this time as a freshman as a spring board to a bright future. It is a time you can never get back or replace so use it wisely. To every thing a season.
There's a difference...

There is a big difference between:

"Stay below radar" [Which I hate, because I'm no fugitive and I don't have to hide.]


"Don't make yourself an easy target" [Which mostly involves watching your mouth.]

I advocate the latter.

(I'm not saying Eric F has a mouth, he surely doesn't. He's actually a very nice guy.
I'm just offering advice to anyone who happens to be interested in my view. YMMV.)
They aren't real police and refusing to answer is the same as an admission of "guilt" in those circumstances.

I'm not sure about the OP's university, but at my university, the campus police are full fledged state police. They have jurisdiction over the entire state and have all authority of a state trooper.
engaging him in some pretty intense debates about gun politics

If you already don't particularly get along with your roommate or anyone else, they are the worst person to have a discussion about anything that can get heated. Firearms, even in a very brief conversation, with someone who doesn't even think about them or know much about the issues, can become VERY heated in a very short time.

Also, non-shooters quite frequently view anything gun related as strange or even creepy. Your level or reasons for interest don't matter at all to someone who feels that way, and they are very likely to report you as a possible threat at some point, because any interest or knowledge of guns is to them a threatening quality.

If you two had a falling out, even more so. And don't expect that most of your so-called questionable behavior was part of a national (worldwide even?) campus recreational phenomenon will make security any more comfortable with you.

The lesson you should learn from this, is that nobody who you didn't meet at the range needs to know anything about your interests or hobbies. At all. Not only is it not their business, and not only is it advertising valuable property, but firearm owners or knowledgeable people are viewed as even more of a legitimate and open season target than smokers or drug users.

No joke. Don't even let them see American Rifle on your bookshelf. It's by Alexander Rose and is a must-read by the way. Excellent book.
Oh yeah and Lowerunit is right on I think.

Also, British accent? Were you raised in Wales or do you just need to have an affect to make it? The way you phrased it, sounded like your options were to speak in a British accent solely or a variety of different accents. If you can't control your own voice, then I would seriously think about why a college kid who isn't into guns (or who is for that matter) would come to the decision that someone, somewhere should take a closer look at you.

Are you a drama student?
I'm confused...from the way you spoke about your previous roommate, the pothead, I would gather that you do not smoke pot and are against it. But then there's your THR screen name...?
What is this humans vs zombies? Is this something in college related to the flash mobs on TV?

I do not keep up with that sort of thing. I sometimes wore camo but again I hunted just like other guys at my school. We never attracted this sort of attention. Other friends played paintball and kept their paintball guns in their dorm rooms.

It is not good to have this many problems starting out in school. It might be better to go to a more hunter friendly school where a lot of folks hunt.
might be better to go to a more hunter friendly school where a lot of folks hunt.

Want anything to change the first step is to stop catering to their ways. Vote with your money is one way.
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