Great. Here we go again. Gun reform revival...

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They're not doing anything. Zilch. Nada. Niente.

They had their shot, they took it, they missed, there is not a thing they can do to save it. I couldn't give a spent shell casing what they fantasize about on their weekend evenings in the Hamptons together.
They will never stop. Keep giving a little money to the NRA. Don't let up, because those clowns never will. Look what's going on in Nevada of all places...
they will not stop until you turn in your gun or there is no ammo for it. the 2nd amendment is supposed to stop them from taking other freedoms as well as gun possession away from us. since the 2nd is not being used they will take it. use it or lose it it seems they are telling us
You can't really go by what all of these hyperbolic news agencys report either.If you look on that same page, they are forcasting doom for the financial outlook of the country, a complete and utter crash. It's not to say these types of newstories are dead wrong, but they are created to make us buy or read "they get paid per click", their trash.
If you throw enough stories out there one will stick, then they can go on and say that they were the first to predict it. I think that the Govt. will continue to try to pass some sort of diminished legislation, "watering it down as they go" until they get something passed, or until a new Prisedent and new Congress gets in. That's why we have to keep fighting, I get tired of saying it, "but that's what they are counting on". I sent those Faxes, to the Congress and Senate, out from one of the websites again a couple days ago.
We must be dillagent.
They have to keep up the appearence that they are working on it, even if they aren't, IMHO
What I've been thinking as that they're intentionally keeping the issue on the relative back-burner till the mid-term elections, then there'll be another conveniently timed tragedy that brings the issue front and center. With the presidential elections over,they dont have the big unifying issue to get so many extra people to the polls,I think gun control will be that issue. We'll likely see big media campaigns focussing on this leading up to the mid-terms, with actors and musicians throwing their weight in to help get the young voters enthused.
The OP wasn't talking about what is happening in states.

Any gun ban or UBC bill is dead in the current congress. There will be no more support or enthusiasm for it than they had in about January. They have done everything they can do.

Both sides of the aisle will be talking about 'big changes' in 2014 due to the fallout from the fight. I predict no substantial change, a seat or two in each house, neither majority changes.
....with what? What is it they are going to use that they haven't already?

See, the problem is, the senate didn't do what they were supposed to. The reason Obama blew his cork when they didn't bring it to a vote, is that the plan was for the senate to pass it, and have it go to the house, where it would fail. This would give them leverage in the midterm elections, to portray congress as obstructionist. It didn't matter if the bill was al all-out ban or a no-records UBC, or something in between. He never thought it would become law, it had absolutely no chance at all.

But the senate didn't do what they were supposed to. He underestimated the pull of the NRA's lobbying, and was surprised when it failed. Big huevos on his face.

So, if they rushed it through in the heat of the moment, used every dirty trick in the book, compromised most of the substance in the bill to where it was almost nothing at all, and it STILL didn't pass.......what are they going to do this time?
I'm just worried about another tragedy happening :/ Lets open up the asylums again :)? I personally have seen very "odd" individuals the kind that kill small animals and walk around with a dead cat's body. Tho for some reason they could not be locked up? Thats just waiting for something bad to happen. As long as a tragedy dose not happen I think we are ok, but be on a look out for one to happen "coincidentally" just before the mid term elections. All of this has been fatiguing on the mind. I just want to be able to read through the news without seeing more BS proposals from people who dont understand what they are saying. I hope the ammo availability will skyrocket here soon and that the price will drop to the prices of a few years ago (the last part is a long stretch I know but I can dream cant I)
He underestimated the pull of the NRA's lobbying...

He underestimated the push back of law-abiding gun owners...

Correct to both, but we need to make sure that our guard is continually up. They certainly were caught by surprise duriing this last go-round with the pushback. They will be ready for it now, and are trying to undermine it on the back burner all the time. It's an ebb and flow, but it never stops. Neither can we.
They are pretty much the same thing.

I can tell you that even though I have been a law-abiding gun owner for 25+ years, I was not a member of the NRA until a couple of months ago. But, that never stopped me from contacting my representatives and pushing back against bad legislation.

Yes, there is a significant amount of overlap. And the NRA has a lot of influence. But, ultimately, there are more law-abiding gun owners than there are NRA members. And if we hadn't been constantly pushing our representatives to uphold their oaths of office, we would very likely be in a much worse situation right now regarding federal gun laws.
Just remember, the anti-gun forces WILL NEVER STOP. They've been at this game for my entire life, and likely for the entire life of anyone who posts on this site. They'll change and adapt their strategies, just as we'll adapt and change to address their attacks on our rights. But, the fight will never end.

The real threat is that these folks gain a majority when and where they need it. That scenario played out in my own very pro-gun state this year: the Democrats finally gained the majority in the state house and state senate, and did so while a liberal governor was sitting at the statehouse. As such, when the special interests started crying for new laws in the wake of Aurora and Sandy Hook, we were left with no defense against some ridiculous laws. The same thing can happen ANYWHERE! Complacency is the real enemy in this fight.
This is why the 2014 elections need to show a clear message. That puts the issue on the back burner for the Democrats for at least a few years.
Two quotes seem to stand.

The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing, each time expecting a different outcome.


The zealot tends to redouble his efforts after losing sight of his objective.

These people have serious mental issues. The problem is that they're in positions to have a detrimental effect...and much like Ted Kennedy...they're not going away.

Harry Reid and Joe Biden may be laughable buffoons, but they are not a joke.
Where does the 'reform' in the subject come from?

It's not like they are trying to reblue old service weapons, or un-bubba military surplus arms that were crudely sporterized. They aren't reforming, they aren't controlling, they are trying to prohibit. To prohibit sales, prohibit ownership, prohibit currently lawful acts involving guns. Call it what it is - gun prohibition revisited.
We all know for sure that there will be another shooting spree. It's just a matter of when and where it plays out. If you believe in conspiracy theorys, anyting can be "set up" to fall into place right before the elections.
It would be nice, if a ccw holder, shot one of these clowns ,and put an end to one of these mass shootings,
But who knows if that will ever happen. In the meantime, continuing to contact the "usual suspects" and remind them that they are being scrutinized, is the best course of action.
There is too much support for guns now for them to try and stop people from owning them, it would reflect poorly on an administration that has more than it's share of larger problems now. I would love to see an impeachment proceeding brought against our President, his policys are putting the final nails in our coffin, as far as budjets, health care, defense, taxes, and everything else. I think he's more concerned about those things right now, and Joe the Shmo, is left to handle the "gun issue", so he can keep him out of the way.
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