Great. Here we go again. Gun reform revival...

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Impureclient said:
To get paid to do nothing over and over, politicians have it so easy.

Accomplishing nothing is different from doing nothing. If they did nothing they would cause a lot less trouble.

No man's life, property, or liberty is safe while the legislature is in session.

-Judge Gideon J. Tucker
This ^^^^

We must get all gun owners on the bandwagon. Beg your non-NRA shooting buds to join, contribute to the NRA-ILA, GOA or other effective organization.

Letters, emails, phone calls to our representatives with sanity, when these infringements surface, need doubled. We will be heard again, and again.

We will not let this country turn into a socialist dictatorial wasteland.

I've not seen such abuse by a government tolerated as it is. The privacy infringements seem to hit the papers every day.

Criminal offenses by this administration are shocking to me. Even more shocking? Not much is being done, except assure we pawns that we live in a very different world, full of threats. I believe they are talking about themselves, as one of those threats. Perhaps the largest?

I'll help reel-in this out of control administration by contributing, and contacting. There is not much more I may do, except the ballot box.

Destruction of moral compass, destruction of family values, and socialist doctrine being taught at our universities, as well as brainwashing of our kids in school and of course the attacks on religious freedoms are abhorrent to me.

At an early age, I truly thought in my lifetime I would see greatness. This isn't what I signed-up for.
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they dont have the big unifying issue to get so many extra people to the polls,I think gun control will be that issue.

I don't think they will try that. They just got their hat handed to them over trying it and that was after the Sandy Hook shootings. Unless they have a horrible tragedy like that again I don't think they will go near it and they probably won't even if they do have a tragedy. They know they can't do anything if they get booted out by election so they won't go that hard against the obvious will of the people. They can claim all they want that 90% of people want more gun laws (a flat out lie) but the proof is in the pudding. If it had been even more than 50% of the people congress would have passed that bill. But it wasn't. They haven't forgotten what happened in 1994 either. Many people blame that on the AWB and the rallying of the NRA at that time. They thought things had changed with BO in the White House. Wrong.
I concur completely with post 28. That's a big hammer that swings where ti wants too. The BACKLASH has been just as shocking as the new laws, with many LE officials and politicians saying they won't enforce new laws. Realize, Obama didn't want to take this issue on at all. He knows it's a loser that will eat up a LOT of political capital. (RIGHT NOW, he's really wishing he had a few arms left to twist.) If he had, he would have steamrolled it through in the first term when he had both houses, and he got everything else he wanted. The only reasons he took it on this time were that he was confronted with a base and a handful of the usual suspect zealots who felt he hadn't done enough, and there was a shooting in the downtime after the election. That combined with the fact that he didn't need to worry about getting re-elected made it an issue he couldn't stall any longer.

The problem he has NOW is that there are scandals that have legs long enough to cripple him through the mid-term elections. He started this term with fantasies about re-taking both houses, now he will be relieved if no significant change occurs in the senate.
....with what? What is it they are going to use that they haven't already?

See, the problem is, the senate didn't do what they were supposed to. The reason Obama blew his cork when they didn't bring it to a vote, is that the plan was for the senate to pass it, and have it go to the house, where it would fail. This would give them leverage in the midterm elections, to portray congress as obstructionist. It didn't matter if the bill was al all-out ban or a no-records UBC, or something in between. He never thought it would become law, it had absolutely no chance at all.

But the senate didn't do what they were supposed to. He underestimated the pull of the NRA's lobbying, and was surprised when it failed. Big huevos on his face.

So, if they rushed it through in the heat of the moment, used every dirty trick in the book, compromised most of the substance in the bill to where it was almost nothing at all, and it STILL didn't pass.......what are they going to do this time?

Your post makes sense ONLY if they had any sense.

1911Tuner spells out the details pretty well.

Two quotes seem to stand.

The definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing, each time expecting a different outcome.


The zealot tends to redouble his efforts after losing sight of his objective.

These people have serious mental issues. The problem is that they're in positions to have a detrimental effect...and much like Ted Kennedy...they're not going away.

Harry Reid and Joe Biden may be laughable buffoons, but they are not a joke.
The proper way to stay strong is to continue to introduce newbies to the joys of shooting sports. I have taken 2 newbies to the range so far this year, and they both vote. If all of us do the same, and I think a lot of us do, the votes will continue to build in our favor.
But.....the question still stands. What is it they will be able to do this time that will make them succeed where they failed before? they can want it all they want. Without new ammo, they are stuck where they were.

They're encouraged by the fact that a couple of Senators said that they'd vote differently on a bill that is worded differently. Plus, there were those one or two polls which showed one or two Senators' public approval ratings dipping following the April vote. That's what they believe will be different this time.

Plus, they can't politically just allow a "defeat" to stay a defeat, and there is thought (hope?) that with an altered bill, plus the "pressure" that MAIG/Bloomberg's ads have been theoretically putting on those above-mentioned Senators whose approval ratings supposedly dropped, will add up to a different vote tally this time.

They're completely missing the forest for the trees (that any bill won't make it past the House, anyway), obviously, but that's the view from their perspective.
There drowning in there lies and BS. There just trying to get the public focused on something else to get it off of them. More smoke and mirrors from the current administration.
The current administration is the most heinous bunch of crooks and liars that have ever had the semblance of power, and need to be defeated at every turn, and prosecuted to the fullest extent for every law they break. They are in office by the behest of their constituents, and should be adherent to those voters demands, and rights. Lying to congress is a felony and should be punished as such, but Obummer and Holder will get off scott free without even getting their wrist slapped. If the normal American was to do the same, we would be in the pen so fast it would make your head swim. Just one mans opinion, but the anti gunners, and fast and furious liars, get me mad all over.
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