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Aug 17, 2006
If the gun grabbers come back to town, which guns do you think will go and which ones will last??? The choices to good I think would be the AK, AR, SKS. I ones to stay I think would be the MiA, M1 carbine and the Mini 14. What do you think and in which state could this happen in. What is a person to do with these guns if they are banned???:cuss:
First they came for the grammar teachers, then they came for the guns.

Didn't we already have our gun ban post for the day?

The guns that will go are the ones people are willing to surrender.

The guns that will stay are the ones that will fall off of trucks, out of hunting boats, down wells, be stolen in the middle of the night, etc. That's speaking from an official standpoint.

This won't happen in any state. We won't let it. California may almost make it, but anywhere the right is protected by the constitution and endangered by the politicians (read: everywhere) there are those among us willing to fight it.

I personally don't think we will ever have to vote from the rooftops.. heaven help us all if that ever becomes necessity.

There are no liberals in your closet, and there are no liberals under your bed. Don't ask me to get up and check.

(rolls over, resumes snoring)

btw, welcome to THR.
Tejon has it.

If you're willing to surrender your guns, and they find out about it, those are the one's they'll come for. You should "misplace" them, "sell" them, "break" them, have them "stolen." Officially, you should have no guns, if they ask. Maybe throw them some bait, but thats it.

Its my opinion that you have a duty to peacably resist unconstitutional laws where you can. So don't get belligerent and shoot at people when they come for them. Just don't let them ever find out that you still have some.
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