Gun Owners Outraged as New Zealand Government Refuses to Pay Full Price

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I cannot imagine why you think it would not be complete guns. The fact that ARs are registered on the lower receiver has little to do with Firearms overall.
The serial numbered part is what is on record (through Forms 4473, etc.). Everything else is untraceable. If there is a confiscation, turning in a lower receiver would have you covered. What more could they ask? (The rest of the parts could eventually find new homes. I leave that up to your imagination.)

The practical difficulties of a nationwide confiscation would not be lost on even the most ardent antigunner. This is not New Zealand.

In the Democratic debate last night they were talking about 150 million extant "assault weapons." They're recognizing the potential for massive non-compliance. The scale of this is daunting (apparently to everyone except Rep. Eric Swalwell).
So, we may be getting a little off topic but o:k. I don't presume to know it all but I do not recall hearing of any country who did any form of gun confiscation requiring just the serialized part of the gun. So, not sure why the gun grabbers here in the USA would require Americans to turn in only the serialized portion of any gun rather than the gun in its entirety. The grabbers here are not interested in part of the gun they will want the entire gun and ALL the guns the gun owners have. Thereby leaving us nothing but pitchforks and dinner knives. That will last until they come after the pitchforks and knives at a later date.
Back in the '90s, when the big push for racially invidious gun controls was in high gear, I had anti-gun cultists tell me they wanted to ban gun BOOKS.

Like islamism, the anti-gun cult is a maximalist ideology, not amenable to ANY limits on its scope, power or domination of others.
We all thought democracy was a great idea, that is until we find ourselves in the minority. The patriots who rebelled against England were lawbreakers. We who wish to remain free are rapidly approaching the same type of decision in our country.
Most on this forum will turn in their guns if it becomes the law of the land. Talk is cheap. Actually breaking the law and risking imprisonment is a huge step for the average person.

We are NOT a democracy, we are a republic.

As far as turning in our guns, don't presume to tell us what to do when they come for our guns.
And don't assume it's imprisonment we'd be risking.

Some of us might be risking more.

Our lives.
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