Gun Rights and other issues.

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Nov 19, 2007
Fresno ca
It seems to me that our gun rights get attacked because of problems caused by other issues. Attacking us allows gun control supporters to dvert attention and that is something we should look at.

We need to go on the offense and not allowing politicians to scapegoat us should be something to consider.

Some issues.

1. The Drug War Over half of the crime in the US is connected.

2. Gang violence Gangs exist in large part due to failed govt. social policies that have destroyed the family structure.

3. Mass shootings Many shooters were on anti depressant drugs yet we never heard much news about the connection between use of drugs and bizarre behavior side effects from using these meds.

4. Prison system We lock them up, but what happens when they are in prison and when they get out. Our prisons don't reform offenders, in many cases it makes them worse. Since we don't prepare prisoners to be law abiding citizens, what do you think happens when they get out.

5. Excess Government. Our government has grown so large on all levels that they are effectively killing any incentive to do things legitimately.

Taking risks to make things happen goes against Human nature of playing it safe. It is the willingness of some people taking risks and getting the fruits of their labor that fuels our economy.

We don't here much talk about how the government kills jobs and as such kills hope. Those policies fuel crime and violence because the bottom line is people have to survive.

Just some fuel for thoughts.

We need to be vigilant but also making it known to the politicians our views for our 2nd Amemdment rights. Belonging to organizations such as the NRA to lobby for us.

This November's elections are very important and we need to make our message heard. :cool:
I think that nobody is really commenting because there is nothing more to be said. You hit the nail on the head.

Now spread the word some more. These are things often overlooked by the general public.
You left out illegals, they bring in 80% of the drugs and cause 30% of the crime. Our government lets them run free to do as they will and use the crime they commit to argue for gun control.

We must challenge ourselves and each other to think and act as if these fools have put our Liberty -our very lives- in peril.

The time for apathy and appeasement must end and the time for serious change must start.
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