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Gun show and gun store observations.

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Feb 14, 2004
South Florida
Went to the gun show this last weekend in Ft. Lauderdale, it was far less crowded than the one I went to in November. Tons of ARs for sale. Stll highly inflated but I don't think they are moving as much as before. Not as many AKs out there.

Same thing at the gun shop I went to today. Lots of ARs on display considering the size of the store. Also lots polymer pistols and 1911s. Not much else.

Of course all the political experts who work at the gun show and gun shops swear up and down everything will be banned soon.
I think the panic buying is starting to taper off, in my opinion more due to dire economic circumstances for some people rather than thinking BHO won't try to pass a gun ban. But no doubt it will be back full force if he tries to pass a new AWB. Ammo, though, is still running dry in some places.:uhoh:
I've seen ammo dry up some. And in my area some of the dealers are gouging on AR lowers and such they had in stock before the ban, immediately raising the price on in stock items and spreading fear and bad info. The sky is falling,the sky is falling!

Gas prices coming dowm may have helped free up some money and I always figure a bad economy means more guns coming up for sale and fewer buyers.

However this is not always true and as I sometimes buy guns at an auction house that caters to high end buyers, I see the effects of this less as some of the rich are little affected by recession.
AK ammo has dried up bad in my area. I dont blame any retailers ofr jacking the price just to keep it in stock. AKs however are starting to turn up again as ARs are finally starting to dwindle. The prices are going to go up on ARs in the near future here.
I dont blame any retailers ofr jacking the price just to keep it in stock.

They're not jacking the prices up to keep it in stock for the next guy, they're jacking up the prices because they're greedy and want to make as much money off Obama as possible..heck, look at those "commemorative" plates they're selling on t.v. w/Obama's face on it. Everyone wants to make money from this "historical" election.
In defense of the dealers regarding the statement that they are gouging - you must relaize that they cannot get AR receivers like they did before. A friend who runs a local shop told me that he may order a 15 or 20 particular AR's and the distributers "may" come back with we can ship 3 or 4 of this model, that is all or, just tell him none in stock and we do not know when we will get more. If I were stitting a few AR receivers and knew that getting them in the future may be difficult or impossible, I too would raise my prices. I think those that call them gougers are just mad because they didn't buy sooner.
Supply and demand... the AR/AK supply is low and demand remains high, then the laws of economics require that those that are selling ARs and AKs raise their prices. This isn't gouging, it is the natural way of doing business. The same holds true for batteries, houses, toothpaste, etc.
Well it seems like the AR/AK prices are beginning to fall into the just-out-of-reach category. I've been to more than one shop around here that had 10+ AR's for sale. I was also at the same gun show as the OP and he's right, there were oodles of AR's on the tables (and way overpriced obviously). I was there for about 2 hours and didn't see anybody buying them. I think in the next month or two prices will come down a little. Not a lot or even close to October prices, but down some. Stores would rather take some profit than let it sit on the shelves.
They're not jacking the prices up to keep it in stock for the next guy, they're jacking up the prices because they're greedy and want to make as much money off Obama as possible..heck, look at those "commemorative" plates they're selling on t.v. w/Obama's face on it. Everyone wants to make money from this "historical" election.

Check out this cheap pot metal coin they're hawking:


There's a sucker born every minute.
Went to an Ohio gun show the other week and some dude had a MAK-90 for $700. Now that's nuts!
Just remember that speculation along with supply and demand are the drivers for a capitalist market.
No demand coupled with overadequate supply equals decreased production, loss of job security, and a reduction in market avenues.

The upside, as big suppliers fail their market share is left open to far sighted smaller business that trends towards specialization.

As things like AR and AK rifles glut the market it is getting harder and harder to obtain hunting type rifles and shotguns because lack of demand has forced manufacturers to shut these lines down.

On the same turn of the card, accessory and ammunition producers cannot keep up with demand and are finding their products are trading at near black market prices at the retail level.
Demand is certainly exceeding supply.

I just went to get some EBR food and found the ENTIRE shelf EMPTY!

The Kalshnikitty food was out too !

I asked when could I expect to feed my EBR and was told to "Check in EVERY DAY" by 9 am.

He stated that some are buying 4 and 5 cases at a time.

Just to be a smart arse I asked "Why?":evil:
It's a bubble that will burst just like anything else (Gas, Houses, etc.) Such high demand cannot be sustained at such high prices for too long of a period. Guns/ammo are no different. Eventually people aren't going to have anymore money to drop on such expensive stuff, demand will begin to recede, and prices will edge lower. Just give it time.
Guns/ammo are no different. Eventually people aren't going to have anymore money to drop on such expensive stuff, demand will begin to recede, and prices will edge lower. Just give it time.

I agree. Being in Florida it seems like we always get to see the bubble burst before everyone else. My observation was mainly that the gun sellers, be they shows or shops, are now focusing so much on ARs they aren't stocking much else. Its not something they can maintain much longer. Strong demand for semi-auto rifles and pistols is a good thing but having a market go bust because of saturdation is not.
I think the market going bust is a great thing. It isn't like there's an AR commodities exchange are a place to trade AR futures where a collapse in the market hurts the economy. A collapse means lower prices.
Don't worry, when supply starts to exceed demand and the gun makers aren't making enough profits, they can just go to congress and ask for a bailout, right?
Only if they own a failing bank -- or if they can convince the gov't that they are "too big to fail."
I think that by this time next year, there are going to be some hellacious deals on guns and ammo. I'm 49 , and I will bet that you guys who are my age and older can remember a number of similiar situations in the past. Remember the big primer scare back in the early 90's? A brick of primers went from $10 to $30+ and the manufacturers couldnt keep up. There was a period in the late 80's when gun prices rocketed, but I dont remember exactly what intiated that scare. But a Mini-14 went from about $350 to 6-$700, if you could find them.And the same thing eventually happened. The bubble burst and things returned to normal. Now prices didnt return to the lows they started at, but close enough to be considered normal. Look what happened to hi cap mags after the AWB expired. I am all about being prudent about this Obama thing, but I really think he and Capital Hill have got bigger problems for the next 4 years than to worry about taking our guns. Prudence is a must, but panic is a bust. And that's what this amounts to is panic buying. And I hope for ALL of our sakes that I am right, and at this point I am very comfortable beliving that I am. God Bless America! My best to All!
I think that by this time next year, there are going to be some hellacious deals on guns and ammo.

I hope you are correct. We only have 365 days left to find out. For some reason though, I don't believe we will have to wait that long.
I think it will be less than a year. I don't think the bubble can sustain itself for a year without bursting. I think it'll be within 3 months of his inauguration. God I hope I'm right!
I checked two stores here last night. The basic 699 dollar AR is a minimum of 999 dollars and anything "good" starts at 1,300 dollars.
I think the panic is ebbing a bit, or everyone that wants one has one.

What I am finding odd is that no AK's are to be had for reasonable prices, but AR's are still out there and the prices are remaining sane or dropping for them, even as the AK prices are getting stupid.
I have been trying to trade an AR for an AK with no luck.

Strange times.
"Standing in the line to get in (this was after noon) someone in line behind me said he had heard that our government (OUR government) had purchased something like 800 million rounds of 7.62 X 39."

This is true. Our government purchased 800 million rounds of 7.62x39 ammo AND several million AK-47s TO GIVE TO THE THE AFGHANI GOVERNMENT. :(


The US Gov just doesn't learn the "unintended consequences" lesson, do they.

In the '80s, our gov supplied arms and training to Afghani militants who were fighting the Russians.

One of the militants we trained?

Osama Bin Laden.

I wonder how these AK-47s and ammo are going to come back to bite us...
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