Gun Show Beef

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When I saw your post (Gun Show Beef) I thought you were going to review the beef jerky you found at the gun show:neener: . I think there are shows that have more jerky booths than firearms booths
gun shows suck!

This is the first time I have posted before taking the time to read through the thread in which I was posting.

I just had to say that Gun Shows suck! I will never go to another gun show. They are like garage sales. Why would someone like me, who is blessed with having many local gun shops, bother to attend a gun show? I don't know, but I know that I will never again go to another one. Now I feel better.
grandma's stale cookies!

What's wrong with gun salesmen? Why can't they say: "Sorry sir, we sell guns for the prices marked?" Why do I meet all sorts of friendly and polite people at the shooting range and surly, old curmudgeons at gun shops?

The world is so full of phony "tough guys." Put em' in a real pickle and watch em' crumble like grandma's stale cookies!
Gun show prices are like kind of like:

A guy sees a little boy with a lemonade stand in front of his house. It's a hot day, so he walks up and asks, "Hi, son. How much for a glass of lemonade?
The kid replies, "Its a hundred bucks."
The man is shocked and says, "Well, you won't be selling much lemonade at those prices."
The kid replies, "Yeah, but I only gotta to sell one..."
Typical gun show, you left out that the concession stand was beside the overflowing men's room designed for 200 guy's and has had 2000 using it including the idiot that throws paper in the urinal. Urinal mint flavored hot dogs are required at gunshow’s along with coffee that is indescribable.

Look up gun show and find some of the classic rants on them. it's fun!!!!!!!

I swear the Manchester one had to be in the ugliest basement-like hotel convention hall I'd ever seen.

And yeah, that's all true...I usually have a sling pack on for small things I might find, so I have a travel mug of GOOD coffee tucked in #2 diesel swill in a foam cup, thanks. :D

The Concord one seems to often have good ammo stuff. Guy had cheap battlepacks of GP11 last time.

The one at some armpit greyhound (?) racetrack out towards the coast was a TOTAL waste of time. Bunch of old sitters in a has-been rancid-ashtray-carpet betting lounge with $200 Nagants and $500 Model 10's that looked like someone had used them as wheel chocks.
I just had to say that Gun Shows suck! I will never go to another gun show. They are like garage sales. Why would someone like me, who is blessed with having many local gun shops, bother to attend a gun show? I don't know, but I know that I will never again go to another one. Now I feel better.

Some of us are not so lucky to be blessed with many local shops. :( :(
Why are folks so down on the Austin SAXET show?

I bought a Ruger Single Six for $195 there a few days back. How often do you see that price at gunshops? Ditto for a Marlin 39A for $175. Also there are several stocking dealers for major brands, so S&W 22As NIB for $189, NIB Beretta 92s for $450, etc.

Sure, some folks' prices are wildly optimistic, but you sort through the overpriced gear or bargain it down, see lots of cool things that don't turn up other places, and run across some pretty good deals from time to time.

I've been to some moderately crummy shows, but Austin SAXET doesn't seem that bad at all. Don't each the chow there, just stop at Taqueria Michoacana just south of HEB on Lamar, or go about five blocks further south to the Vietnamese sandwhich shop on 87th and Lamar.

Well went to the first gun show in about a year today at the Hampton Convention Center.

I was there. I'll agree it was disappointing. Only one thing gave me pause.

The 66 had a disfiguring ID number stamped in big font on the left side of the frame under the cylinder.

Saw these too. If I'm not mistaken, a majority of the used 64s had these as well. IIRC, these are turn-ins from CA. I want to say prisons or DCJS maybe. NC guns should be turning up before too much longer as well. I had the marking as it looks to be stamped by some fool with a heavy steel hammer and a set of dies. These dealers over-estimate the demand for these guns.

I rarely see "jump on it deals" at gunshows. What I'm looking for is decent prices on stuff I can't find at the local shops. I go in knowing what I'm interested in and how much it would cost me to get it if I ordered it from my least expensive option dealer. If I find what I want at something close to that, I buy it. Otherwise, I'm inclined to wait a few days for my dealer to get the gun I want.

No excuse for somebody telling a customer to get lost, but, in this particular show, I've got a few candidates on who it was. Unbelievable.
Talk About Rude

It's not just gun shows. Here's a reply from a dealer (Hal Baker) on to whom I made an offer:
First of all your offer is unreasonable,second,my listed price does not say "or best offer' and third,why would I sell a handgun for less than the wholesalers price to me? Please don't waste my time by responding to my ads in the future!
My "unreasonable" offer was what Southern Ohio Gun is asking retail for the same model (not a "low ball" offer). I would have been more than willing to entertain (and expected) a counter offer--or at least a simple "no thank you." I definitely won't waste my time responding to his ads in the future.
i guess i almost forgot what it was like when sales men where rude to me. now that i'm actually of legal age n what not, maybe its just cuz i look like i want to buy it(i probly do). Now whenever i go to the local stores if i ask to see something, i fondle it for a minute and as soon as i turn over the price tag the clerk will say "ill let it go for $XXX." happens almost every time. maybe thats why i keep going back. good people. the bad ones dont deserve my money or time.
Matt. The reason I'm so down on the Saxet show in Austin.
It has turned into a garage sale instead of a FIREARMS SHOW/SALE venue. Next month go into the show and count the amount of folks selling non-firearms related junk and I'd be willing to bet it will be at least 35-40% of the tables.
Saxet should limit the shows to guns,knives,hunting etc... but then, if they do enforce that rule they would only need, what, 25 tables.
I'm just tired of the blue hairs and their costume jewelery, ear wax removal ( my favorite) and homemade quilts at a gunshow.
Okay,rant off
One thing I've noticed in my area (Southern California) is that the A-hole dealers tend not to last more than a few years. This gives me great satisfaction. :D

We have a handful of really first rate dealers around, and all of them have been around for several decades at least. The market does work.

Having said that, I can offer no excuse for the continued existence of the Costa Mesa gun show, which normally contains a half dozen worthwhile tables right up front, apparently providing cover for the acres and acres of pure repetitive garbage that makes up the rest of the show.
Guess I'm weird.

I've been to two in the last two weekends, and may very well go to Dallas Market Hall this weekend. Texas Gun Shows beat the crap out of the last couple places I lived (IL and CA).

For a lousy $7 I get to spend two or three hours browsing, looking and talking.

That is about the price some of you pay for a movie. Just to remind you, there will be people with their cell phones ringing (and probably answering them), people loudly commenting on the movie (like Mystery Science Theater 2000 without the amusement value), kids screaming/yammering/misbehaving and their parents ignoring them and you will probably have your shoe glued to the floor by either spilled Coke or maybe, puke. Excellent. :rolleyes: No, thank you. And I won't get into the perspective (mine) that most movies are made by and for Leftists, and promote a Leftist agenda that I cannot abide, let alone contribute to financially. Oop, I think I just did:)

Okay, back on track. I'll take the Gun Show any time. The folks who are overcharging? Okay, I don't buy. Jewelry and Nazi crap? I walk right on by. Beef Jerky? Yeah, I generally buy a bag once every two or three Gun Shows...some is pretty good, some isn't worth all that much.

Okay, I'll admit I do a lot more looking than buying. It is entertainment, it is an enjoyable way to pass a Saturday morning. I have found almost zero rude people...however, I don't make all that many offers. If there is a table full, I will look. Many times, the guy behind the table will say "Hi". Doesn't cost me much to be polite, whether he has anything that draws my attention or not. He might next time...

If someone has something where the price is right, or close, then we'll talk. Not a contest, not a confrontation. I learned many years ago (Econ 101) that a financial transaction takes place (by definition) when two people (or entities) agree on the value of an item (without duress).

I function pretty well under those rules. I have had a lot more cases of Non-Buyer's Remorse (wish I'd have bought it) than Buyer's Remorse (wish I hadn't have done that).:rolleyes: Most of which may be No-Money Remorse (wish I had more $$$)

Of course, that's just me.
See you at Market Hall tomorrow.
There is no such thing as a "good" Gun Show in Arkansas.

Therefore, I do not go to gun shows any more.

About the only notable thing that's happened to me at a gun show in the last six years was I found my stolen tactical rifle for sale on a dealer's table at one.

In my experience with our local gun shows, most of the gun dealers with actual stores are priced competitively, don't mind if you fondle their guns and patiently answer questions. As well, you don't really expect to haggle with them. It is the private sellers who frequently overprice their guns (if they put price tags on them at all, which bespeaks an attitude of "if you have to ask you can't afford it:rolleyes: ) and will not budge from said high price.

Anti-gun phobics frequently wag their fingers at gun shows, calling them "arms bazaars" and such. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nothing is bargain priced and there is no haggling, as you are expected to do in the traditional Arab bazaar.

:confused: I go to local gun shows to kill a Saturday morning. I see alot of the same guns at the shows every time I go to them. I'm talking the exact same guns that I recognize and probably still have my fingerprints on them from the last time I handled it 4 months ago. What I wonder is if you are not selling anything why rent a table and waste a whole weekend sitting there?
Here's a foreigner's perspective - thank goodness for the gunshows.

The US must be the only country left on the planet that actually has them (excluding the obvious 3rd-world souks), and I take great pleasure wandering through and chatting with the vendors. Sure there's a lot of non-firearms stuff and some dealers are rude but, hey, think of the alternative.

It's a precious thing for me to be able to see something I like and buy it on the spot - no waiting for 6 months for a background check, no need to "prove" to the "authorities" that I "need" it and chance a refusal by same.

Bless the USA and the freedoms here (but your beef jerky still sucks) :neener: :D
Hey!!! That bread with dipping sauce gets tasty after you've been in your vendor booth for a while!!:D

Really though, some of the stuff I've seen really has me doing the "HUH?".
I see them as entertainment and a way to see a lot of different guns in one location. Other than the small local gun show that my gun club used to have each year I've never seen any great deals. If I cannot save a substantial amount over one of the local stores than I would rather give the local guys the business.
It's the same story everywhere. The gun shows are degenerating. Typically you'll find:

--The local gun stores displaying the firearms that haven't sold so far in the year.

--The glowering guy selling overpriced Nazi marked stuff, 90% of it faked.

--The wife of some dealer selling brick-a-brack at outrageous prices

--The guy selling his old magazines

--The guy with a collection of badly used hunting rifles and hacked up military rifles, all starting at $400. Won't haggle and sells nothing.

--The guy with a display of Class III's, none of which are for sale.

--The guy selling his old ammo, most of it in mis-marked boxes.

--The weird old guy with a table full of weird old parts, none of them identified or priced.

--The guy selling those %#@@! rubber band guns

There are two guys I get good deals from at gun shows on actual firearms. Like Shepherd points out, the only good deals I've gotten were on bulk ammo and bulk bullets, because it saves shipping costs.
I bought my SKS at a gun show, and I don't regret it. I really enjoy gun shows, though sometimes I'd rather go to a real gun store or a sporting goods store. Each have strengths and weaknesses. At a gun show, you can hang out and chit-chat, but you can't really do that at a store...well, I guess you could. But I think it's a little more personal at a gun show. Also, I've yet to meet a rude gun show vendor. At the one I go to sometimes, there's lots of guns and gun-related stuff, an NRA table there, all sorts of knives, and even swords sometimes. Even someone will sharpen your knives while you wait. Overall, I enjoy gun shows...even if they do get pretty crowded.
We don't discriminate against women, minorities, or younger people. If you don't think that is an issue at a gunshow, you aren't one of the above. As an experiment, we had a friend of ours (attractive woman) walk the show, looking at AR15s. (she is extremely knowledgeable about them). She was totally ignored by the vast majority of the other dealers. The ones that did talk to her, usually just looked at her chest and treated her like she was stupid.

Hear, hear! I sometimes get treated this way when I'm carrying!

We go to gun shows (in Virginia) because we figure if we don't support them, they won't keep coming back. It's only been recently we've been able to have them again (thanks to a now-gone 3-day wait).

Yes, I see the same things, the same people, etc. over and over. But I can walk right by the junk, the jewelry, etc. And no local dealer has the selection in one place at one time that I can find at a show.
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