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Guns and Food 2, - Different Perspective

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Dec 3, 2008
I continue to read posts on here regarding "Get a glock, you'll always have food".

As one very well-armed farmer, I would like the posters of this mindset to elaborate on this theory.

As a Christian man, I would not be living up to Christ's command to "Love thy neighbor" if I were to let people starve, but I will not feed people at the expense of my own family and neighbors.

Are you implying that you are going to attempt to forcibly take food? If so, I would caution that there will be heavy resistance. There are a lot of guns in fly-over country. I pray that it will never come to this, I'm afraid that if it does, it will mean that SHTF won't come close to describing the situation.

I guess my point is, if it comes to you needing a gun to get food- remember, there are many compassionate people who will not let you starve, don't let your pride get in the way of feeding your family. come ask, I'm sure that we would be able to work out an arrangement, labor for food, "protection" for food, etc. Just because the cities may become battlegrounds for food, doesn't mean that the countryside has to. We still take care of people out here.

Another thought regarding "guns and food", I don't believe that wildlife populations would come close to supporting the protein needs of our urban society. Don't count on that either. Stock up on food, not just ammo.

I hope and pray that none of this comes to pass, and that all of you realize that the only hope for mankind comes from the birthday boy (Merry CHRISTmas!)

This business of taking what you need is illegal under our present legal structure. It is a recipe for getting shot in an emergency situation.

Stock up on canned goods, basics that are relitively easy to store, water bottles, propane, and containers for liquid fuel. Hopefully, there will be enough time to "fillup" prior to things getting really bad. But I think you need to keep about a months food supply on hand for "whatever" man or nature throws at you.
I don't mean for my post to be a threat, I guess it is, but I am very uncomfortable with people saying "as long as i have a gun, i'll have food" You will still win more friends with kindness. Using a gun to get food, you would need to expect to be treated the same way that you would treat a mugger, rapist, burglar, terrorist, etc.
I continue to read posts on here regarding "Get a glock, you'll always have food".

I always chalk that up to internet posturing and chest thumping.

Another thought regarding "guns and food", I don't believe that wildlife populations would come close to supporting the protein needs of our urban society
You are correct, the population densities one finds in even small towns are only sustainable through intensive agriculture. Foraging is not a long term solution.
Relax, I think it's clear what you mean. And YES, I think it is internet chest thumping for the most part.
Some people think that an "SHTF" scenario will mean you, alone, fighting for your survival in an anarchic wasteland, like a lone-wolf warrior Mad Max character in an action movie, just you and your rifle. This is total utter bullsh*t. Going it alone is a guarantee that you'll be killed. This perception of the "SHTF" is just Hollywood fantasy/nonsense.

The truth is, in a SHTF situation, you want to be part of a GROUP. Let me stress that, GROUP. The bigger, the better. This is our only hope for survival. You want cooperation, sharing, people working together to build communities and protect themselves. Strength in numbers.

The film "The Postman" is the most accurate SHTF post-apocalyptic movie I can think of, because it has this concept as its message. The lone rider is doomed to failure. The only way to survive is to become part of a group. In that movie, there are groups of good guys, and there are groups of bad guys, but there are no independents. The good guys are able to win because they're able to UNITE. This is the key.
i dont know what type of person types in something like that. probably juveniles with no real understanding of how scociety works. i suppose that at one point in someones life, under extreem circumstances, it could come down to that kind of thing. i would hope that it would mean that as long as he has a gun and ammo, he could find some kind of animal to shoot, and eat. under survival situations, all animals are fair game, and if you have a STARVING family, i dont think anybody is going to give you much greif about killing an animal to feed yourself and kids. hopefully, it can be some normal game animal. if it came down to shooting a farm animal. I CERTAINLY would ask the farmer if we could work out something before i would just go out, shoot one of his cows to steal a couple of pounds of meat off from it. some people dont give a **** about anyone themselves and would do something like that in a heatbeat. if you use comon sense, there is always a way. if forced to steal, very few farmers would miss a chicken, or two, unless he only had a few to begin with. but a cow would definitly be missed. and nothing would make a farmer, or amyone else madder that to see that kind of foolishness.
Why do you think it will be your neighbors stealing your food??? Maybe it will be the government siezing your stockpile to feed those who don't prepare for bad times.

But the government is composed of people. I think many military and law enforcement folks will have a great problem with taking from the "have's" and giving to the "have nots" regardless of what Obama believes about our tax system. If such would develop, there would be conflicts develop.

In reality, if you prepare, most likely you will be giving to the "have nots" in exchange for services like defense or labor.
The thread will be shut down should I post my opinion. However human nature should tell you that stockpiling to give it away won't keep you alive. Unless you are prepared to defend yourself you may as well not arm and stockpile food.

I don't think any of us knows what we would do in a real SHTF situation. I want to live out my days in peace and prosperity. I will continue to be kind and generous to the people I encounter. However, I know enough about human nature to know that an empty stomach changes everything. When your kids start saying "Daddy, I'm hungry," "Mommy, I'm sick," "Grandpa, I'm cold," there's no limit to what we will do. I guess what I'm trying to say is hope for the best and plan for the worst.
The film "The Postman" is the most accurate SHTF post-apocalyptic movie I can think of, because it has this concept as its message. The lone rider is doomed to failure. The only way to survive is to become part of a group. In that movie, there are groups of good guys, and there are groups of bad guys, but there are no independents. The good guys are able to win because they're able to UNITE. This is the key.

How do you know if it's accurate if it hasn't happened yet?

As for food if you don't have a full pantry and freeze dried you’re a fool. In this day of JIT all we need is bad weather or a fuel shortage to cut off the supply to the stores, 3 days 5 max and there'll be a lot of scared people.
We have all read stories of the general destruction of the artificial edifice known as civilization, leaving man to his most savage impulses.

The collapse of the American economy will mean the collapse of it's military infrastructure, and the withdrawal of American troops from the Middle East and their bases around the globe. Wide-spread famine will follow, along with disease, starvation and a break-down of law and order.
Heckler & Koch choice

Hello all,
forgive me if I am not following etiquet & posting in the wrong place or something, I just joined and this is new for me. I am wanting a 9mm, and liking what I read about H&K and have narrowed it down to a P9S or a
P7M8. Any advice? I'm 5'8" , a woman, and haven't shot in years. Mainly buying for protection, but will do some target practice at the range too.
Buy A Glock And You Wont Have To Worry About Food

Day- amn I see my fan club is out in full force. I'm tempted to let my post stand W/ out explanation just to watch all of you go butt-monkey but I won't ( obviously or you wouldn't be reading this)

When the first thread was posted ther was a computer glitch and there was no first post so just for the hell of it I posted " Just buy a Glock and you won't have to worry about food"

Asin start a thread in Handguns about anything and before it's one page long somebody is going to tell you just buy a GLOCK.

Ok go chase your bananas now :neener:
I notice the government for some time has said to have 72 hours of food and water for emergency. However as Huntsman pointed out JIT gets shut down and who knows how long before the supplies get up again.

It doesn't take an emergency to shut it down either. It may just be economics. If money was no good then who will move food for nothing??

Defending what you have is another matter. Hope it never comes to that but all those buying a big screen TV rather than stockpiling for nowdays are really taking a chance.

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