Guy shoots himself at local gun shop.

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Our (ahem) western civilized culture frowns upon such self administered terminal action, yet the Japanese culture considers it an act of courage in the face of dishonor, to attenuate shame (harakiri).

An interesting paradox, that.
“I’m shocked,” Shooters customer Jim Walls said. “It’s set up very safe in there.”

Another reporter who has mastered the art of finding the dimmest bulb in the crowd and thrusting a microphone into his face.

To someone intent upon suicide, a firing range is not "safe". This is exactly what attracts him in the first place.
I once recited "Mr. Flood's Party" to a local Japanese (same man to whom I once loaned my mummed, NIM Nagoya Model 38 at the range). Man wept just a little. There is much to admire and much to laugh at in that. I choose to admire.

I picked up an that, too. It wasn't that the range was safe/unsafe. If a guy rents/has a gun and decides to do himself in, then safety has no way of stopping the victim.

I shoot there a lot, I mean a whole lot, and you are assigned to your individual lane and that is that.

They make sure you have shooting glasses and ear plugs, or you don't shoot. You also sign an waiver.

I, on several occasions, have been the only one "back there". It is a "down-home" friendly place to be, if you like guns and like to be with other gun enthusiasts, too.

I'll keep going.

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Sadly thats happend here more then once, its why all ranges make it so you need 2 people to rent guns.

When I was growing up, a hardware store not far from me, with a FFL, had guns be hind the counter and ammo in front. A guy stole one 44 mag round, then asked to see a 44 mag. Before anyone saw what he was doing, he loaded it, put it in his mouth and killed himself. they stoped selling guns after that
TAB: "When I was growing up, a hardware store not far from me, with a FFL, had guns be hind the counter and ammo in front. A guy stole one 44 mag round, then asked to see a 44 mag. Before anyone saw what he was doing, he loaded it, put it in his mouth and killed himself. they stoped selling guns after that"

Was the gun damaged?
Mental Health

I've worked in various mental health facilities. I've known some very sick, (as in mentaly ill) people. If your unhealthy enough to commit suicide your not worried about the mess you'll make or who has to clean it up. The thing is, they aren't thinking about anything other than the past and present pain, every thing else is secondary. Most people that work in this field have known several people that have taken thier own life, most by means other than guns. To talk about considerate ways to end your own life when its not shortening an illness in old age is just not realistic.
Ergoman: "To talk about considerate ways to end your own life when its not shortening an illness in old age is just not realistic."

Maybe, but perhaps I'm not a realistic man.

Let us consider reality for a moment. Somebody is going to have to clean that mess up. If it's in the family home, they'll be finding pieces of you for years. Just how difficult is it to step outside, first? Look, I'm not trying to influence anyone; if anything, I'd lose a little business (though not much) if people planned these things ahead a little.
You can't stop a determined suicide

A man walked into the Jewel Box pawn shop in downtown Phoenix years ago, plugged in a skill saw, held the guard piece back out of the way, and cut his throat with it. They say he was dead when he hit the floor.
deano186: "A man walked into the Jewel Box pawn shop in downtown Phoenix years ago, plugged in a skill saw, held the guard piece back out of the way, and cut his throat with it. They say he was dead when he hit the floor."

deano186: "A man walked into the Jewel Box pawn shop in downtown Phoenix years ago, plugged in a skill saw, held the guard piece back out of the way, and cut his throat with it. They say he was dead when he hit the floor."

As a carpenter, I handle power tools every day. Any tool that can cut through tight grain oak or maple can make a mess out of human body parts. Never considered them for suicide, though.

Never again will that guy say, "Honey, I'm heading off to the pawn shop..."

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