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Guy With A Weedwhacker: A Threat?

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Guys, why can't you all just get along!

This whole thing sounds like both of you need to grow up.


I agree. Way too overboard. Let him weed whack to his hearts content.

Learn, like rcmodel says, to just get along. . .
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some of you aren't getting it: there is no getting along with this man. i'm not the only one who's tried, and i'm not the only guy who's had to deal with his nonsense. i can't try and get along with an idiot who clearly does not want to get along.

first it was parking on the street, then it was MWAG calls. soon after it was insulting my girlfriend and noise complaints when no one was even home. then it was animal complaints about cats that weren't ours. then it was knocking over our garbage cans with his plow while he dumped all his snow onto our sidewalk and driveway. then it was walking into our yard, and waving a running weedwhacker at me.

what's next? should i wait for him to steal something, or set my porch on fire? how about i wait until he slashes my tires, or poisons my dog? would you then believe that i've tried to accomodate this moron, to no avail? this isn't some old curmudgeon, some cranky old man. this is a big man with abig mouth in his early forties who bullies the neighborhood, with absolutely no regard for anyone's property, and zero respect for anyone. the repeated suggestions that i try and be more neighborly, more accomodating, and to let bygones be bygones are baffling.

if there was a way to get along with this man, without just letting him do as he pleased and ride roughshod all over me, i would do it. it won't happen, so please stop suggesting it.
With all levity aside (since it's not permitted), based on what you say, it's time to move. You stated earlier that you are renting so there's nothing that ties you to the property unless you have a rent to buy option (doubtful). Move on, otherwise you risk the serious consequences and it's just not worth it.
that's not going to happen. i've moved a few times within the last few years, and i've finally found a nice neighborhood, with a great school system, a good landlord, and a house big enough for my family. i'm not going to pack it all in, and leave all the things i've worked hard for, an account of some jackass. and, we are considering buying this place from the landlord.

just move? that's asinine. i moved from the South Bronx to NEPA, because i wanted to get out of that environment. i moved from the small apartment i had when i first came to NEPA, because i started a family. i moved from the neighborhood i lived in, because the neighborhood was getting "ghettofied", and was no longer safe. the area i'm in now meets all our criteria, except for a jackass neighbor.

maybe you have the disposable income to just up and move your entire life when you please, but i don't. affordable housing in decent areas is hard to come by, or else i'd own a farm in the sticks by now.
I feel your pain:(

First learn the laws of your state/town. What could you be charged with for whatever actions you might take? Can he tell the police that you did something(lie). Always have a witness, not an accomplice. Don't re-act, think.

I feel the high road would be to invest in a security camera system, that recorded everything around your home, with sound. Then you would have the video witness to show the police. Plus, there might be more going on then you think/know.

If you are planning to stay a while, I would also keep a log of all incidents, times , date, officer names, Incident #'s, and detailed notes.

Weed Wacker as a weapon: How many people here would want a weed wacker placed near your face? Just start it up in a court room and run it by the jury's faces. Lethal or painful, justified?

Maybe you are the bad renter with a yard full of weeds? Don't make good neighbors forced to come onto your land. My father would have me mow the neighbors yard. If I didn't, it would have made the neighborhood look bad.
To totally disagree with most of the other posters; I would shoot someone who AGRESSIVELY came at me with a weedwacker. I'm not going to risk blindness/injury/death to stay 'legally safe'. Most people are assuming he is using nylon cutter line, but he could be using anything, I have .105" steel cable loaded in mine. I am NOT saying to just shoot him when he shows up. A weedwacker is a poor weapon, but if he is threatening to hurt you with it, it IS a weapon.

He has no right to threaten you with violence, less so on your own property. (If you are renting, it is your HOME.) Call the police, make a report, LOG EVERYTHING. Get a LAWYER, this was the only way I was able to stop my local eh-hole neighbor.

+1 to getting a camera (his word VS your word and your camera)
+1 to finding out if he is REQUIRED to get your permission to maintain his 6"

I personally would either pull up all his grass and leave it in a bucket in his driveway, or lay down some cinderblocks on his 6" so it stops growing.

Good luck! Get a LAWYER!
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Wow, tough situation, sorry you have to live with that BS. It's a shame that there's people like him, but they sure seem to be pretty common in this human race of ours. I'm no lawyer, but I'm afraid your only real recourse is the video camera thing and call the police every time he gives you any uncalled-for nonsense. And enlist the neighbors too, get their stories and have them start documenting incidents too.

We have a tool in our neighborhood too, but I've never heard of any real incidents with him from anyone. He's just a big burly, arrogant, jerk that loves to swagger around like he's a tough guy, and apparently show off his income by buying himself the best of toys. He's had more vehicles since moving here than I've ever had in my whole life, each out-doing the last. His current ride is a huge diesel F350 with every trinket on it you could buy, and he's got it rigged for remote start. He LOVES to start that pig at least 20 minutes before he gets in it and let it rumble and stink up the whole street. It's got those dorky giant exhaust stacks sticking straight up out of the bed pointing to the sky, and it's loud. Even if he's only going to the store and is back in 10 minutes, he's gotta let it run for 20 first. Sure wish we had a way to get him outta here, but he's nothing like YOUR problem next-door orifice.
Your neighbor is accomplishing his objective - he is setting the agenda and goading you to reaction.

Ignoring him is a strong act of disrespect by you from his perspective. Ignoring him will probably result in an escalation in tactics on his part to the point that he will cross the line then you can set the agenda.
If it were just the minor trespass to do yard work, I'd simply let it go. Combined with all the additional crap, plus the assault with a weed eater, I'd get the law involved, even if it's a restraining order.

My situation is a lot like yours, moved from place to place to find a decent, safe neighborhood with decent schools where I can be left alone. There is a jerk in my area, too. Thankfully, he's not right next door and I've never had to deal with him.

I'm still standing by my initial suggesstion of building your own fence. If you have a fence, and there is room enough for him to get to his own 6" swath of lawn, he has no reason (and now no ability) to trespass onto your lawn to maintain that section.

It's a nasty situation and I really feel for you. The man sounds like a jerk who is looking for a reason to start problems. Ignoring him might goad him into making bigger problems for you, but he'll eventually cross a legal line and get himself into trouble. But what will that be worth? Unless he kills someone, and gets sent to prison for a very long time, he'll be back sooner or later. With an even bigger chip on his shoulder. He gets a fine or a weekend in the clink, he sounds dumb enough to go looking for some payback.

Denying him physical access to you and yours, and setting up security cameras to gather evidence of his actions against you really seem like the best option. If he has to go out of his way to trespass by crossing a physical barrier instead of an invisible line drawn up by the county surveyor, he'll be less likely to do so. And if he damages the physical barrier, be it a fence of a hedgerow or a moat, then you have a lot more evidence of his trespass, and now damage to private property (especially if he's caught on camera) that he can face problems instead of being one.

I know we'd all wish everyone would just get along, but this is the real world and that isn't bound to happen. Sometimes, you gotta fight back. Defending your property, be it with a fence and a security camera, or a minefield and a belt-fed, is essential. Otherwise, you might as well roll out the red carpet for this piece of work.
thanks for the responses so far. nope, i've never used a weedwhacker. i had no idea they were nylon cords, although i'm sure if he swung it at my eyes, it would do permanent damage if it came into contact with them.

i'm not sure if i was clear enough, but i've gone out of my way to avoid this jerk, and to be polite to him when i do have to deal with him. my girlfriend has tried being super polite to him, but she's done trying.

he's already called the police on me for open carry. the police in my town are now super aware of the legality of open carry, because of a pending lawsuit (relating to the Old Country Buffet incident in Dickson City). the police themselves have told me that since there were no witnesses, even if i did "menace" him, there wasn't anything they could do about it. yes, MWAG calls are the negative aspect of OC, but i was on my couch, watching TV, in my AC cooled room, trying not to melt from the horrible heat we've had in PA this last summer. i only carry a gun when i'm awake.

Hardware, the weed killer idea is a stroke of genius, and i wished i'd thought of it. i want to avoid any contact with this idiot, and if there are no weeds to whack, he won't have a reason to cross my yard.

this guy is the only neighbor i have issue with, and i'm not the only one. every other person in the neighborhood that i've talked to has had nothing good to say about him. i've seen him dumping grass cuttings and raked leaves into one guy's yard, and an elderly couple across the street from us tell me he constantly plows snow into their driveway, everytime it snows more than 5", just to clear out a parking spot for himself. i know i can be abrasive at times, but that's usually only with people i know. i took it upon myself to have good relations with every other neighbor i have, and i've been successful; we get invited to cookouts, and most people are welcome in my home. i've gone shooting with a few of my neighbors, one is teaching me to reload, and no one else has had an issue with an ethnic-looking guy open carrying in the neighborhood; one elderly woman has gone so far as to tell me it's a relief to see me doing so, because of a few burglaries that have occurred over the last few years. so, really, the issue lies with George. he's just an ignorant person, one who i'd rather not deal with.
I get it, the guy is an ********* bully! He gets his rocks off bullying people. He was probably the kid in school who was always "calling everyone out" to fight with them after school! I have seen his type. All tough on the outside and a crying little child on the inside. Blame the way he was brought up! Maybe his father always beat him and told him what a good-for-nothin' POS he is and he will amount to NOTHING his entire life! So, he is living the life that was laid out for him, he didn't have a chance to "be nice" as it probably got him belted with the belt if he was nice.

It seems like you and your neighbors have a long list of stuff this clown has pulled, for whatever reason. He is acting like a spoiled little child (little George is PERFECT, he would never hurt a fly!) -- NO? An uncontrolled-child becomes an adult and they are even worse now as they are ten times larger, heavier and stronger than he was in third grade!

All your neighbors and YOU should all get a restraining order and/or a notice of trespass and file it with the police department. If he so much as steps foot on someone's property with that in place, one call to the police and he will be cuffed and taken to jail.
the police themselves have told me that since there were no witnesses, even if i did "menace" him, there wasn't anything they could do about it.
I don't understand this.

Are you saying your neighbor tried to have you arrested for menacing, but the police declined, saying there were no other witnesses?

Or that they were hinting: "Hey, it's okay of you menace him a little: just make sure nobody sees, okay?"

Either way, this is a bad situation.
MWAG calls are the negative aspect of OC
Not the biggest downside: raising bail for a false charge of assault with a deadly (if next time they believe him) would be bigger. And if you ever are forced to shoot him, defending a murder charge would be bigger still.

There is evidence now of previous hostility between the two of you: are you sure the police (or a later prosecutor) won't see it eventually as evidence of mutual hostility?
I don't understand this.

Are you saying your neighbor tried to have you arrested for menacing, but the police declined, saying there were no other witnesses?

yes, that's what i'm saying. this isn;t the first time i've heard this from police; a few years ago, i was forced by a man to present a firearm when he tried to drag me out of my van, with my kids present. the police responded. they said i could press charges against him, for attempted assault, but he more than likely could press charges for harrassment or menacing. there would be no way to know who was telling the truth, because no one was present.

the police in my area are reluctant to act on things like this, especially because of the open carry aspect. they are being sued over it, as i mentioned earlier, and most of the cops in my town are aware that i was one of the people who were harrassed for open carry in an incident that happened here at a restaurant by the same police department.
rcmodel said:
Guys, why can't you all just get along!

This whole thing sounds like both of you need to grow up.

You do realize that none of this would look good in front of a prosecutor, or a jury, right? Not your behavior, nor his. None of it.

From what I know about you, you sound like a very confrontational man to me. Not aggressive and violent. Just simply someone who likes confrontation. Just my opinion, of course. But the problem is other people's opinions matter when you get charged with a crime.

Me? I like peace when I come home. And I go out of my way to make sure I have it.

Bottom line . . . how is a neighbor dispute a topic for a gun-related board?
Just build a fence blocking him off then he will have to ask to get to the property. If you dont want him to then he has to find another way to acess his lil part. Its what we did. 10 years went by and each year we sent neighbor a certified letter from our lawyer saying that in the event that they dont maintain the small part of their land within the 10years by maine/city law that land becomes ours. Now we got a free 2 foot extension on our lot lol.
Bullfrog, the op was on topic,
and I would shoot someone coming at me with a weed eater,

I would call the cops the next time, don't bother with confronting him, simply explain that he is hostile you and has threatened MANY times, and get a record of police reports, cause something is going to happen.

My principle in school (private K-12) had a neighbor like this, literally painted the side of her house, barn and a LARGE fence with libel. Called the cops on him to the point they quit responding. He suspected her of poisoning one of his horse, grand champion Tennessee Walkers worth over a quarter million and bunches of petty stuff. He finally sold the place and moved, just wasn't worth it, and shortly after that, his neighbor got foreclosed on, seems she had run up some bills suing him.

Point is, sometimes, it's just better to find a new place. Look for foreclosures, lots of them in decent neighborhoods these days, your rent is covering your landlords mortgage etc, you could be putting that money into your own home.

somewhere else
I Was Thinking

From what I know about you, you sound like a very confrontational man to me. Not aggressive and violent. Just simply someone who likes confrontation. Just my opinion, of course. But the problem is other people's opinions matter when you get charged with a crime./QUOTE]

Two bullies that can't stand down?
There is one like this in just about every neighborhood. Some run the HOA. Some just keep calling the City Codes Office. Some are just abusive verbally.
Document with the police all negative interactions with the unfriendly neighbor. Try to get the others that are harassed by him to do the same.
Protect yourself from this guy, but be careful not to make the matter worse. Cooler heads are winners.
George can't create legal access to your property by putting up a fence. It is a trespass. Tell him he is not allowed on your property and that if he wants to visit that 6" strip of land, he can pull his fence down to get to it.

Tell him you will take his picture every time he trespasses. Then do that. Don't engage him, just gather evidence.

He will either go away or provide enough evidence to convict himself.
i've also found out that yes, the 6" does belong to him. he just decided to build his fence 6" short of his property line, for some reason, but still wants to maintain the part past his fence.

I'm surprised by all the psychological advice, 2nd fence advice, "just get along" advice, kill the grass advice, etc etc.

This is really very simple. You can offer to maintain his fence line for him - and he can either permit or deny you permission to do anything to his 6" strip of grass. If he allows you to maintain his strip, he should do so in writing so as to avoid any possibilty of creating a prescriptive easement. I suspect that is what he may be concerned over. If he denies your generous offer, he has created a problem for himself.

He has a right to build a fence anywhere he wants up to the property line. You don't have the right to trespass or damage any part of his property (e.g., kill the grass).

He has a right to maintain the grass up to the property line, but he does NOT have a right to trespass on your property to do it. You can post a "No Trespassing" sign and insist he ask permission each and every time he wants to enter your property - which you can permit or deny.

If you choose not to allow him on your property, let him know you will photograph him and call the police if he insists on ignoring your property rights.

If you can't come to an accord with this bully, he may end up having to lean over his fence to maintain his 6" strip - or you may end up having to look at an overgrown fence line.

[P.S. I note that while I was writing this, HLP covered some of the same ground (pun intended.]
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Is he a threat,.....He sounds like a nut.
A Nut who without your permission accesses his property by comming on to yours without permission.
A Nut that holds a weedwacker in a way that is intimidating and threatening when confronted.
I would in writing inform him that you do not wish him to trespass and that you will be happy to cut that six inches of grass, but he will not be allowed access through your property.
I would report him to the Police every time he comes on to your yard. Everytime he become menacing with what may be deemed a weapon (Weedwacker) or any other general Nutty person stuff he does.
A paintball gun isn't any more lethal than a weedwacker. But either could easily cause facial scars that would not go away for life or blindness if they damage an eye. It may not be a threat to life but it's still a very real threat to a person's long term health and ability to continue with their profession. But then I guess it would depend on the state laws and just how the guy attacked the OP if indeed he did actually do such a thing.

If he's got this history of doing these nuisance tricks to you and the rest of the folks it may be sort of nice to get a few folks to invest in one or two of the very inexpensive game trail cameras available these days. Mount them out of recognizable view but with a good view of the area such that you get a good history of this jerk's antics. Now no one incident would be something to take to court or call the police over but with a history of such nonsense along with carrying one of the small recording devices with you when this guy is around it'll build up a history of his antics which perhaps COULD come to some use.

I'm not sure if reporting to the police for every incident is wise. It could get you branded as just as much a trouble maker as he is. Or at the very least make it an information complaint requireing nothing more than an incident record if that is possible. Again so that you have a history of the situation more than because you want the cops to go out of their way to deal with this guy every time.

I'd also look into the local town or municipal laws concering fences and who's responsible for any setback. It may well be that he does not have the right to come onto your yard because with only 6 inches of exposure it's up to you.

I know that around here that's the way it works. Or at least it does in most cases. It may be different if the person were to give enough setback so as to provide themselves with a path and have enough access room that they don't actually cross any boundry.

But this is here and you're there.

And just for giggles I do know of at least one person that got so fed up with the neighbour's dog jumping over the measely 3 foot chain link fence to dig and mess in their yard that they built a fence just on their side of the property of 6 foot height leaving about a foot between their fence and the original... :D He talked with the neighbour on many occasions saying that he wanted to remove the chain link fence and would replace it at his own cost. But the neighbour kept saying no and yet would not do anything about the dog. So finally my aquaintance told the neighbour that he was going to put up his own fence and that the neighbour was quite free to either take his down or leave it. As it turned out they don't talk much anymore. Just the old guy with the dog scowls but says nothing.
blindness if they damage an eye. It may not be a threat to life but it's still a very real threat to a person's long term health
Whether or not an object can be used to kill you is immaterial in some ways. If it is capable of being used to inflicting grievous, crippling injury (and blinding of one eye qualifies), it can be be considered a de facto lethal weapon if and when used with the intent to inflict such injury.

I think it has already been established that a weedwacker would make a reasonable bludgeon with the motor off. If it can be used to crush a skull, and the attacker tries to crush a skull with one: lethal weapon.

But that's a legal matter. I would think that the main tactical questions here are how to avoid a violent confrontation with this guy, and (if one cannot be avoided) how to position yourself now to survive the legal aftermath later.

Assuming of course that a man with a pistol will prevail against an attacker with a weedwacker! :D
they built a fence just on their side of the property of 6 foot height leaving about a foot between their fence and the original
There's a saying in New England: good fences make good neighbors.
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weed wacker

Get yourself a weed wacker and start doing the fence on your side of his property. If he says anything challange him to a wacker duel
Odds are, if you ignore his bs he'll quit. I have a neighbor that everybody out here warned me about although imy neighbors aren't all that close. When he come back he was full of demands and big talk. He sure told me how things were going to be, after he realized I could care less what he thought and couldn't be buffaloed he gave up. He even stopped over not to long ago to visit.

It was a little touch and go at first, threatening my critters and things like that.

I sure hope you can come to some sort of understanding with him.
I would agree about posting a no tresspassing sign, send him a certified letter stating that he does not have permission to enter your property for any reason, and leave it at that.

If he comes into your yard call the police, and take his picture, from INSIDE the house. Dont even speak to him again.
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