Had some fun with Tannerite and my lady.

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Gun Runnerz

May 29, 2013
A few weeks back I had the opportunity to use some Tannerite while shooting. We set some of it under an old bowling ball and had some surprising results. We only used a few pounds so we really weren't expecting the height. :)

I love Tannerite as much as the next person, but I've seen way too many videos where doors of refrigertors or microwaves are turned into spinning shrapnel of death for me to get excited about putting stuff on top of it anymore.

And maybe I'm getting older, but when it comes to shooting, Tannerite and full-auto's are fun, but to me, nothing beats pinging steel targets.
Oh definitely for training purposes nothing beats steel. We just have some fun every once in a while.
Too many idiots do not respect tannerite for what it is. A little bit goes a long way.

Thank You.
To the O P and the previous repsonders.
I've been considering buying this and doing something

" Ya don't know whatcha don't know"
I would recommend it. As long as you're careful it's a good time. We always have medical equipment on hand. Always make sure to put the explosives in between you and the target. This will keep shrapnel from coming in your direction.
No it won't "keep shrapnel from coming in your direction". It just helps keep shrapnel from the object moving away, but without proper tamping materials and site selection, whatever the explosive is sitting on can throw debris/shrapnel in the full 360.

You appear to have used distance to help make the shoot safer, but you need to learn more about tamping and site prep to make you "play" safer.
You know, I wonder what would happen if you poured Tannerite INTO the bowling ball's finger holes, capped it with a bit of tissue paper, then shot it precisely. I'd think it would split the ball in two halves, more or less.

I was shooting hard drives once on a berm with very brittle shale rock behind it. Nice thing about shale is that it just fragments instead of causing a ricochet, and the hard drive itself would prevent any direct splashback. Wish I had some Tannerite, but no go.
Tannerite in pill bottles

I like to mix the tannerite and fill prescription pill bottles with it, not as big of a bang, but a nice reactive target and it makes one cannister go a long way.
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