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Have you ever used your Bug out Bag

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Nov 6, 2005
I see an overabundance of the "whats in your BOB" to ad nauseum.

Instead, please share the stories when you actually used your bug out bag. And what did you forget, not use, and so forth? Did you improvise around the missing item or suffer for the lack of one missing item.

I've never had to use my bug out bag.

I have two I have my SHTF world falling apart kit, and then my standard bad weather/not so bad.

I have used my second kit many times, and it has saved my hide many times. From forgetting to pack a lunch at work, to emergency car repairs (different story for a different day). Best story with that though was I also use that bag as my 24hour gear for S&R missions and someone needed some trash bags (which I always carry for shelter halfs) and vwalla, I look really good to the Major. LOL good times.
It doesn't have to be the end of the world as I know it for me to grab a band-aid or flashlight out of my survival kit and/or BOB when needed.
I certainly have, when I was hunting and the weather turned on us in a way we didnt expect yea I grabbed some extra food and a space blanket out of my BOB sure that stuff should have been in my "extra's" in my pack anyway. But the hike to the truck was worth it.
I have a BOB in my car. I covers most sub 72-hour situations, from a dead battery to getting stranded in the mountains during a snow storm.

I use things out of my BOB all the time. Hand warmers, jumper cables, warm clothes, bandaids, etc. I don't find myself needing the spare magazines and what not, but my BOB is mostly packed for my convenience.

IMO, a BOB is pretty useless if you aren't having to use it once in a while. It's really convenient to be able to run to my car and grab ice cleats, road flares, some fire starters, a bottle of water, etc. My friends like to make fun of me when I have whatever I need at the drop of a hat. We were sledding and needed a rope so that we could pull the sled back up a hill more easily. So I grabbed some rope out of my car.
I have a BOB in my car. I covers most sub 72-hour situations, from a dead battery to getting stranded in the mountains during a snow storm.

I use things out of my BOB all the time. Hand warmers, jumper cables, warm clothes, bandaids, etc. I don't find myself needing the spare magazines and what not, but my BOB is mostly packed for my convenience.

IMO, a BOB is pretty useless if you aren't having to use it once in a while. It's really convenient to be able to run to my car and grab ice cleats, road flares, some fire starters, a bottle of water, etc. My friends like to make fun of me when I have whatever I need at the drop of a hat. We were sledding and needed a rope so that we could pull the sled back up a hill more easily. So I grabbed some rope out of my car.
Several years ago with my wife and four young children at home. I was keeping a bug out bag with firearms three days of food and changes of clothing for all of us. A storm hit and tore off almost half of the roof of the house. The ceilings were colapsing and rain was everywhere. I grabed the bag and we ran for the car. We ended up staying in a motel but the clothes and the food came in handy.

Yes! I live 72 miles from work -- in the winter I have a standing invite from a guy at work to stay during bad weather. He knows I'm prepared and only need a couch. I carry extra work clothes everyday in the backpack in the trunk.
Only to grab a flashlight or match, I keep seperate supplies for breakdowns in my trunk.

I grabbed my BOB for a hike but never used anything out of it cept water
I doubt anyone will take this seriously because I'm a first time poster, but I've been lurking for a few months. As far as bug-out bags go, most of you guys are just carrying stuff that everyone should always have in the car. Jumper cables? Rope? Flashlight? Blanket? Welcome to being prepared and responsible.

My "real" bug-out bag I keep in an undisclosed, but handy, location in my house. It contains ten-grand cash, my passport, a 9mm with four loaded double-stacks, and a hand full of krugerrands. Even though I'm a law abiding citizen, I"m convinced that if i really have to "bug-out" it will be a run for the border.

Am I paranoid or prepared?
My "real" bug-out bag I keep in an undisclosed, but handy, location in my house. It contains ten-grand cash, my passport, a 9mm with four loaded double-stacks, and a hand full of krugerrands. Even though I'm a law abiding citizen, I"m convinced that if i really have to "bug-out" it will be a run for the border.

a hand full of krugerrands is some serious $. I'd love to be rich enough to use one as a target for .22 plinking. or a golf ball marker for when i putt.
I doubt anyone will take this seriously because I'm a first time poster, but I've been lurking for a few months. As far as bug-out bags go, most of you guys are just carrying stuff that everyone should always have in the car. Jumper cables? Rope? Flashlight? Blanket? Welcome to being prepared and responsible.

My "real" bug-out bag I keep in an undisclosed, but handy, location in my house. It contains ten-grand cash, my passport, a 9mm with four loaded double-stacks, and a hand full of krugerrands. Even though I'm a law abiding citizen, I"m convinced that if i really have to "bug-out" it will be a run for the border.

Am I paranoid or prepared?
That is absolutely the best bug out bag I could think of. I could just never afford to put it together myself. Here's the version I could put together:

hidden under my bed, a shoe box with $50 cash, an old .22 revolver with a box of 50 rounds, and a roll of quarters.
hidden under my bed, a shoe box with $50 cash, an old .22 revolver with a box of 50 rounds, and a roll of quarters.

LOL! Get a roll of Canadian quarters instead 'cause their cheaper.
For many years my bug-out bag was my daily carry backpack, bicycle commuting in Los Angeles, San Pedro, Portland, Eugene, Grants Pass, and other places along the Pacific Coast. Heck, yes, it got used.

Nowadays, most of my bug-out bags have wheels. They get used, too.
Years ago I thought it would be a nifty idea.

Disasters came and went and I stayed.

I never used it.

Now I don't have one.

I ain't leaving.
I don't have a BOB. I have a checklist.
If we have to run for it (an approaching hurricane or monster tidal wave are the only things that might make me leave my house in a hurry), all our important papers are in two drawers in the filing cabinet and some plastic tubs. A few boxes of personal stuff, some clothes, 3-4 guns, ammo, mags, lights, radios, food, water, cash and not much more. I always carry 2 guns, so I’d probably add the SKS and three 20 round mags. Everything goes in the van. Any valuables we don’t take will stay in the safe. That safe is NOT going anywhere!!

In case of a major civil disturbance, I’d stay put. I’d rather defend a house I know in a neighborhood I know surrounded by people I know than bug out to the unknown.
Years ago I thought it would be a nifty idea.

Disasters came and went and I stayed.

I never used it.

Now I don't have one.

I ain't leaving.
I don't have a Bug-OUT-Bag, I have a get-home-bag instead. Just a kit for that long walk home after a serious earthquake in SOCAL when I'd need to leave the truck.
My BOGear consists of a 642 and a credit card.

Short of a full out nuclear war, my wife and I will be just fine with just the above.
In a nuclear war, no BUGear will be necessary. :what:
My BOB? No.

My 1st aid bag? (Covers any wound or injury I could possibly think of)... Yes. I've had to borrow an item from it once or twice, but I always make sure to replace it.

My "Run-away-from-home" bag? (As my wife calls it... hey, she packed it!) Used often. Just a spare change of clothes in case I feel like going out and getting a beer with the guys after work. ;)
Yes, all the time. I have several size bags and several locations but my "30 second bag" that I grab if I only have 30 seconds is very small and goes with me everywhere in addition to the usual EDC. The most often used items are:

* Baby wipes (can substitute for a shower in a pinch)
* Spare undershirt (if you're unexpectedly away overnight, washing your face and changing your shirt can make the difference between being miserable and feeling comfortable)
* Medicine
* Honey roasted peanuts (if you've had to skip a meal these will fill the void for a while)
* Bottled water
* Spare cash
* Spare socks (again, sometimes if you end up unexpectedly away from home base for a day or two spare underwear & socks will go a long way towards making you feel normal).
My "real" bug-out bag I keep in an undisclosed, but handy, location in my house. It contains ten-grand cash, my passport, a 9mm with four loaded double-stacks, and a hand full of krugerrands. Even though I'm a law abiding citizen, I"m convinced that if i really have to "bug-out" it will be a run for the border.

Not sure on the cash idea. Only because if you as an american citizen have the SHTF in our society so bad that you need to leave the country, cash will be about as worthless as the paper it's printed on.

In that situation the only real currency that would be left and of any value would be gold or silver.
Stock up more on those.

Now, if the SHTF only for you ;) then maybe the cash is a good idea.
Not sure on the cash idea. Only because if you as an american citizen have the SHTF in our society so bad that you need to leave the country, cash will be about as worthless as the paper it's printed on.

In that situation the only real currency that would be left and of any value would be gold or silver.
Stock up more on those.

Now, if the SHTF only for you then maybe the cash is a good idea.
He mentioned Krugerrands. Krugerrands are gold coins. But don't worry, I had to google that when I first read it, because I didn't know what they were.
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