HD Shotgun: Storage While Away?

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Dec 25, 2002
western KY
I read with interest the post about the condition in which we keep our HD shotgun while we are at home, perhaps sleeping. I'd like to add a follow-up question:

Assuming you leave home to go to work, how do you store your HD shotgun while you are gone from home?

In my situation, my wife also works and there are no kids at home. I am mainly interested in novel ways to secure the shotgun in my absence. The most obvious choice would be a safe, which I currently do not have. Are there other ways?
One of the best, and cheapest, secure, "no fire, no steal" options is Mossbergs shotgun locking system. This is a device that's similar to the police squad car shotgun mount.

This is a box and hook that is screwed to a wall with bolts.
The box covers and holds the receiver and the separate hook holds the barrel.

This unit covers the receiver so it can't operated, (no fire), the locking box prevents the gun from being removed, and the separate hook at the muzzle prevents using the gun as a lever to pull the gun and box off the wall, (no steal).

The cost is fairly low, the gun can still be accessed quickly, and it's very secure. In addition, it can be mounted just about anywhere.

Here's a link to Mossberg's page on the lock.

P E R F E C T !!

Dfaris -

That is EXACTLY what I have been looking for! Wow! Perfect. Should fit right into my closet.

Thanks for the link and the reply.
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