He Said What?

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John Wayne/John Bernard Books in The Shootist:
First of all,friend, there's no one up there shooting back at you. Second, I found most men aren't willing, they bat an eye, or draw a breath before they shoot. I won't.
And of course:
I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.

Clint Eastman/Gunnery Sergeant Highway in Heartbreak Ridge and R.Lee Ermey as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket have, as most of us know, several outstanding quotes. For obvious reasons I won't print those here. ;)
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I just read this one in the March, 2019 issue of True West magazine:

“A friend of mine told me to shoot first and ask questions later. I was going to ask him why, but, I had to shoot him first.”:rofl:

John Wayne, on Laugh In.
I respectfully disagree. In the business world, it is VERY applicable.


Just because your customer can’t get something to work correctly does not mean that its broken.

Just because it gets damaged in shipping does not make it your fault. Maybe it is, maybe not.

And that minor problem your customer is having is most likely not catastrophic.

However, your desire to take your customers money is real. So, you get to take their crap. It comes with their money.
"one is none two is one."
the seals quoted it i think from no easy day or maybe american sniper along with the "slow is smooth smooth is fast."

I just taught my daughter 2 is 1. That’s important in a lot of areas in life. I was changing a tire on the mower, and had her helping me, mower jacked up with jack stand under the spindle...”daddy why do you need 2 lifters” “because if one breaks then this heavy mower won’t land on top of me” which was all followed by me smackingthe handle of the jack to knock it loose scaring the snot out of her and making her appreciate the jack stand as a safety measure. After that she asked if that’s why I have a little battery motor on the front of the boat, in case the big motor at the back quits working. Lesson seemed to sink in.
Heinlein's version: Your best weapon is the one between your ears and behind your eyes... provided it is loaded.

There are a lot of pithy sayings in The Seventy Maxims for Maximally Effective Mercenaries. Some are pretty hokey - hey, its a comic strip - but some make sense.
I like No 6. "If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it."

And if you want to get along and not fight, consider the First Rule of Metalaw: "Do unto others as they would have you do unto them."
I like no. 47; "Don't expect the enemy to cooperate in the creation of your dream engagement."
One I have used many times is, " an unloaded gun is just a poorly designed club". Another one I saw years ago,, There are 3 ways to stop an attacker, "Penetrate the brain, smash the spine, or shoot the son of a bitch into a state of structural collapse."
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