Help me name my business

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How about

Quad Cities Woodworking... Purveyor of fine grips and Stocks for the discerning Firearm Enthusiast.

I lived in the quad cities for a year. I liked it. I worked for Jumer's Casino Rock Island and we would go down to RIBCO most fridays for some blues. Also is Jim's Ribs still in RI and Moline?

I miss them ribs.
'Swifts Custom'

'Swifts Gun Furniture'

'Peerless Gunstocks'

'Johns Custom Gunstocks'
Swift Stock's
or Swift Stock's and Grip's

the name tells your customers who you are and what you do. in the end the name isn't as important as one would think. make a great product and people will buy from you. think of it this way, some of your favorite bands their names sound totally normal to hear, but if you pick the name apart it is pretty weird to say if it didn't have the band attached to it.
Maybe a restaurant stock place?

"Stocks,scotch on the rocks with ham hocks."

or maybe upper class:

"Swanky Stocks"

or maybe lower class:

"Stocks in a shop that smells like gym socks."

or maybe seriously:

"Stocks and Stuff"
If you have had experience in the military, you can go off of major-malfunctions-munitions lead and call it MAJOR WOOD

Beside the product, what message are you trying to send to your potential clients? What type of customer are you trying to get: those on a budget or folks with more disposable income? Are you trying to emphasize hand-crafted, artistry, custom, utilitarian, comfort, etc?

Naming a business is kind of an art in and of itself, so if you can provide some more detail on what you want a person to think / feel when they A) hear your name B) see the name (and yes, how that's designed and presented) I'll be better able to, hopefully, help.

Finally, remember that the name will become (and should project) associated with a price-point and value. "John's Cheap Stocks" will get different visitors than "Gun Stock Artistry", for example, so think of how much you'll be charging.

I hope this helps and good luck with your business.

Take care,
"The Naked Gun"

"Nuclear Furniture"

"Iron Butts"

"Lethal Walnut"

"Hogue Mahone"

"Lee Harvey Wallhanger"
Swift Gun Wood Co.

Swift Gun Wood, Inc.



Don't use "The" in front. I like the first name of the company to be important. Your last name is about as important as it gets. If you put "The" in front, the company will probably fall under "T" in a listing, such as the phone book. That's not good. Also, without using the word "The", the name is simpler. Simpler is better.
Beside the product, what message are you trying to send to your potential clients? What type of customer are you trying to get: those on a budget or folks with more disposable income? Are you trying to emphasize hand-crafted, artistry, custom, utilitarian, comfort, etc?
Naming a business is kind of an art in and of itself, so if you can provide some more detail on what you want a person to think / feel when they A) hear your name B) see the name (and yes, how that's designed and presented) I'll be better able to, hopefully, help.

I understand fully what your saying. And you have given me much food for thought. Thanks. My target customer is the "average Joe" who has a cracked, arsenal repaired, or damaged stock, upper hand guard. Or has plastic or rubber pistol grips, and would like to have wood ones.
I have been doing gun repairs, reblueing, and refinishing for some time for people and come across from time to time a cracked stock that either won't hold if I repair do to recoil, or can't be replaced because its unavailable. My own experience was when I purchased my first svt 40 that had been
"customized". I called it ruined. After many months I did find a avt 40 stock for it but paid big bucks for it also. I then found that the "customized" stock was in demand because people wanted it to use in the field so as to not damage their original svt stock. Svt's were notorious for breaking stocks.
My prices will be less expensive than most do to the fact I have the extra time to indulge each piece I do. Of course, the price also depends on the type of wood they would like. I've seen wood blanks go for $20.00 on the light side, to $700.00 for exotic wood.
I do realize that military firearms collectors want original wood and condition, however, like myself some would prefer grips and stocks that are not all beat to hell. Military firearms were new and unused at one time.
Given the business may grow, and I may sell or move at some time in the future. I'm frowning at names with MY name, or location, i.e. Quad Cities in them. Or the word CHEAP! To me, cheap means low quality. But you never know.
What exactly I'll be doing is, Replicating, Duplicating, and Reproducing Exiting stocks and grips. I also will be doing any special requests, i.e. unreplacable wooden legs from tables, furniture etc. The machine can handle anything up to 16" wide.
I want a name that older fellas as myself will remember. Will stick in their head!
I have much to think about.
I hope this gives you a better idea.
I wanted to add that the tolerances will be .005 inch or less.

As for the rest of you. I am totally overwhelmed by the responses. Thank you all so much. I know I won't get any sleep tonight thinking of all the names you suggested.
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