Help researching state gun laws?

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May 20, 2004
I have an idea for a research paper on the conditions that encourage the passage of gun laws, either those that restrict gun rights or those that enable them (like CCW), on the state level.

What I need is a list of gun laws (good ones and bad ones) and the years they were passed for each state. For my purposes, if it only needed one signature from the governor, I'm considering it as one law.

I've been to the NRA website and it's a good start, but it doesn't list laws that were later repealed; plus it lists the sections of the state code, not necessarily the bills that instituted them. (A single bill can modify language in several sections of a state code, for example.) Plus, some states don't list the references.

Does anyone know where I can look?
Whoa! I wish I'd known about this thing a week ago :banghead:

Thanks, Mongoose. Now to poke around...

However, my main issue is still finding something that looks like:

"New Jersey passed the I Hate Guns Act in 1993, the Guns Are Scary Act in 1995, the Make the Bad Man Go Away Act in 2002…"

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