Hit this poll: enforcement of illegal laws in Philadelphia

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Nov 16, 2007
Look for "live vote" in lower right corner of page:


Philadelphia's own DA has told the mayor and police commissioner both that the laws are unconstitutional, unenforceable, and illegal, and still they're attempting to convince the DA to prosecute, even though state law makes the laws illegal.
Hey, it isn't like that 31% has integrity, intelligence, or the ability to really think anything through.
guys cut and copy the link, dont just click it.

it underminds the poll when they see us all coming from progun sites
HER guns... Lynn Abrahams is one of the toughest, nononsense DAs in the nation... stuck for the last 8 years with one of the worst mayors in the WORLD.

The new mayor, Nutter, is good but he is overstepping here, trying to play to the populace.
Stick it to them worthless "we will switch the numbers" poll! I know it all matters in the public eye but I hope these things will eventually pull some public opinion our way
Should the new gun-control measures passed by Philadelphia City Council be enforced?

Yes: 337 (28%)
No: 872 (72%)
Should the new gun-control measures passed by Philadelphia City Council be enforced?
Choice Votes Percentage of 1339 Votes
Yes 365 27%
No 974 73%
Thanks for taking part in NBC10.com's survey.

Thats a good start.
Thanks for helping out guys. I'm from outside the city but I fear things like these eventually taking over the state.
p.s. being as high road as i can, mayor nutter is a complete idiot when it comes to gun control.
And crime. But he scores a big victory here. He can blame everyone else for the Violent Crime issues.
31% percent dumb. But it's nice to know 'informal' polls don't mention that there is even a conflict with the laws, or that they are just waiting to be struck down. Makes you wonder how 'formal' polls word their questions.
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