Home defense experiences

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My wife, my son, my shotgun and the neighbors dog.

It was a Sunday morning, I wasn't feeling so hot and elected to stay home from church. The neighbors dog had charged my wife a time or two and the knucklehead and his wife were warned that their pooch had run out of second chances, to keep it tied up. 12 ga. leaned against the back door due to knuckleheads and their dog.

So I'm laying in bed feeling not to good, hear the back door open and close as the wife leaves, our one year old son in tow. I hear the dog start up and a naked me does a Jesse Owens impersonation down the stairs to the back door. I got the "real" door open, but just shoved the shotgun through the glass of the storm door. Shot the dog twice with turkey loads, 1 3/4 oz of #4's. Dog is dead, I'm naked, son is screaming, wife is shaking, neighbor comes out of his house all ****'ed off. I'm actually looking for a reason to drop him, at this point. He says he's calling the cops, I tell him don't bother because I'm gonna do it myself. He goes inside, I tell wife to either get in or leave NOW because I'm not sure this jackass isn't getting his own pea-shooter. She opts to leave, I stand in back yard nekkid with a gun until she's out the drive.

Cops come, ask where the dog is, I get it out of trash can (heavy bugger, a pain to put in and get out). Cops write a ticket to the neighbor for violating Ohio's leash law and not having tags for the mutt. Then they wrote ME a ticket for discharging a firearm in town! :cuss:
About a week later we started hearing the "fat nekkid white guy with a gun" stories -- I guess if you act serious and clearly took the time to grab your .45 but didn't take the time to put on your shorts, then you're judged "someone not to ???? with."

I never underestimate the power of flab to terrify people in our society now. :D
The Timid act like the stuff is going to leap off me and infect them. :)
"Cops write a ticket to the neighbor for violating Ohio's leash law and not having tags for the mutt. Then they wrote ME a ticket for discharging a firearm in town!"

At least the dog's owner got fined. Not trying to intrude & feel free to tell me to shut up, but did you pay the fine or did a sane judge tell the cops to get lost? What type of dog was it?
Puppy, not to sound like a commando, but if they are in your house they are fair game. With a 1 year old in the house, an intruder would be a corpse in no time flat. Protect your family for all you are worth, they are the only one you have. Glad all turned out all right, hopefully there is no next time, but if there is, shoot to stop the threat.

I am very happy that I was able to control the situation without having to discharge my weapon.

But make no mistake about it, I would have killed him without hesitation, had I needed too.
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