Home Invasion Aftermath

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It's easy to hold utopian ideals when you've never faced the fire.
Yes, this is the blissninny's problem.

most fuzzy headed liberals hold the views they do because they've never been confronted with a living, breathing example of the fallacy of their views.
Another good example of the blissninny's ideals

Friends that wish you'd called 911 and be dead instead of pulling a gun and living are not real friends no matter how highly they think of themselves. And most won't change their minds until they face a similar situation, that's just a sad fact of life and it's not your problem.

You can get new friends since you both happen to still be around, so no worries. I have quite a divide between my ideals about guns and some friends. I just keep it quiet. If they bring it up and it becomes an issue, I just leave. Life is too short to entertain people who don't or won't listen, save your breath.

Either way, you probably called 911 didn't you, once you were safe?
Lost a pair of elderly cousins to a home invasion a few years back. Nicest old couple you will ever meet, would give you the shirt off their back. After finally catching the POSes that did it they admitted that Carl and Edna were compliant with all their demands but they had planned to kill them all along to eliminate witnesses. Any time I hear crap about not defending yourself, I tell them about Carl and Edna! Anyone who tells you that defending yourself is wrong is NOT a friend. I will take my chances defending myself, long before I rely on the sympathy of some scum bag.:fire:
I cant understand why she don't want a long gun. I realize that she would be limited to having at home, but ain't this about home invasion?
Perhaps because shed doesn't yet have a gun, she keeps flashing back to what could of happened if neither of us had been armed. This is a very frightening thought for her and is why she is getting one.
Changes in one's basic beliefs often only come after a frightening experience.
She believes that she has already lost some friends because she refused to agree with them that having the gun was wrong. She has had to endure the usual range of stupid and self-righteous comments from "you should have called 911" to "having a gun just escalated the danger of violence."
True friends are those who are concerned about how your life turns out. It's sad, but your friend has discovered just who her true friends are and how few they are.

Glad to see your friend has decided against being a victim.

Growing up, friends of my parents experienced a home invasion. Two thugs beat the father sensless while the mother ran next door to call the cops, leaving their infant daughter in the crib, asleep. The neighbor called the cops and then went back to the house with his hunting rifle. The thugs had already left, having taken just a few items from the living room bookshelves. The father spent a week in the hospital.

The aftermath? The husband bought "a good bat" to keep behind the front door. The wife insisted on the purchase of a wireless phone (new technology at the time) so that she could call the cops from outside the house.

Some people are just victims, and insist on remaining so. I'm glad your friend has decided to change.
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Yeah, wait until it happens to them. The wonderful and terrible thing about the world we live in is that you ALWAYS, ALWAYS get a chance to eat your words... If you are lucky, you just lose a little face... If you are not lucky, you decisions damn others.
I'd suggest that you see what _fits_ her best. Some may be more ergonomically friendly than others. After you teach her to aim, teach her to point, and that's when the ergonomics really comes into play.

but there are many people out there who would rather someone die than be defended by a gun

While I'm sure that there are SOME folks like this, I suspect that the bulk of them are theorists, who, when it becomes apparent that their theory really, really sucks, will rapidly change their minds.
I would put some of my underware in one of her drawers and store one of my pistols under them. It is not her pistol but yours and having clothing there means you live there part time.

Semper Fi
1) congradulations to your friend in choosing to not be a victim
2) for her friends... 911 and a Firearm should be seen as seatbelts and a airbag. Good protection from life trauma comes in layers. If they still can't understand, then they are refusing to understand. If they think they can't be friends with someone who refuses to be a victim, then they weren't worth having as friends.
3) Doesn't matter if she has a handgun or something bigger as long as she is comfortable with it, practices regularly, and is willing to use it when needed.

That's my .02
Keep safe and remember even atheists become god fearing when under fire.

You were lucky to emerge unscathed. And a large part of it boiled down simply to you having the means to inflict more harm than the BG's could.

A gun in its self is useless unless you can use it effectively. Be safe..
"Gun control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound." — L. Neil Smith

Pretty much sums up my feelings on it. If "friends" don't like it that you are taking steps to protect yourself, then are they really your friends? I've converted some of mine to the pro-RKBA side. The rest, I no longer associate with.
I ahve to agree with the majority sentiment that your friend should just focus on what she feels is best for her -- only she knows. I have lost contact with so-called 'friends' because of my "cowboy" ways. Meh...if their going to get upset because I own and like firearms, then they weren't really interested in my friendship to begin with.
Nobody needs bigots in their life (and yes, anti gun folk are nothing but bigots).

The irony is that statement itself is bigoted. I know plenty of people who are anti-gun, hoplophobic (but not anti-gun in a political sense), or otherwise from the "other" camp, but are hardly bigoted. Many are anti due to moral beliefs (true, considered pacifism stemming from moral courage) or similar reasons. Some have an unreasonable fear about the objects themselves, but don't project that fear onto gun owners. It's much more complicated than that. Hell, lots of antis are hypocritical, calculating opportunists looking for political power/relection, etc... None of that qualifies as bigotry unless you are willing to assign equal status to the tool (guns) as the people who wields it(us). Isn't that the argument? Guns don't kill people...postal workers do...

edited to add:

By acting in a knee-jerk/bigoted manner ourselves, rather than addressing the whole spectrum of antis, and taking a live-and-let-live attitude towards those who oppose us in principal, we actually make ourselves look like those anti-gun bigots who ARE out there, and weaken our own image/argument.
Why don't you invite her here to this forum and let her see what real friends are like , just a thought.
+1 ... and if not, be sure to at least print off this thread so that she can see that there are good people that stand behind her.
Home Invasion Gooseberi

I am new here and I will post more about me at a later time, for now I wanted to respond to Nelson133 Post:
I understand the views of many of you. Basically you are of *like mind* here when it comes to guns and protection. I value your likemindness and even bask in the warmth of it. But saying this, I also understand those around me who fear guns and do not comprehend the need for them. After all we have TV, movies and anti-gun groups flaunting the dangers and negativity of them. All the while street punks continue to revel in our collective fear.
My friend Nelson133, didn’t share with you that this was a second invasion into my home. The first happen a year ago Christmas, by a young girl who came armed with a box cutter. I was attacked and suffered several wounds. That experience frightened me and has imprinted me greatly. It no doubt sat into motion my desire to learn to protect myself.
A well-meaning friend *gave* me a gun after that. With this gun came 6 bullets and nothing else. No instructions, guidelines, suggestions, nor clearly any sense of responsibility regarding passing a potion ally dangerous weapon to an emotionally battered woman. First thing I did was to hide the dam gun, (whoa) put the six bullets in a box in a dresser drawer in another room (wow! Now I was safe huhJLOL) Far from it. When I finally realized I needed to at least know how to load the dang thing, I found out the gun wasn’t a safe weapon. The chamber for the bullets did not click into place , (I am sure all of you know the technical terms for this...all I knew at the time was this didn’t seem right. I was more afraid of hurting myself with this weapon than I was being hurt by anyone else).It was only after talking to a co-workers husband who was a police officer did I realize what a mess I was in. I didn’t own the gun even though it was given to me. Nor did he have the right to give it to me since he didn’t legally own it either (was part of his fathers’ items when he died). The gun was old (which isn’t a bad thing), dirty, and not operating properly, yet it was in the hands of a woman unsure of what to do with it if faced with a situation I might need it for. I gave it back to the friend who gave it to me along with all the instructions and comments the police and I had to say. And decided I would keep a hammer by my bed and a can of bear maceJ
Then something nice happened…Nelson133. He took the time to talk to me about guns and safety. He never pushed but welcomed my many questions and desire to learn more. He took it upon himself to take me shooting, thus introducing me to many kinds of guns, under his watchful eyes; he helped me to get over my fear that just touching a gun could be dangerous. I have a healthy respect for guns and their power, but I have a bigger respect for myself and my willingness to be responsible for myself and perhaps those around me.
I don’t feel I have really lost friends, I simply feel I have friends who aren’t very well informed, nor have they ever been put in situations where they have to face uncertain outcomes. Nelson is right in saying I have had major reactions to this last home invasion, but it hasn’t been all negative. It has just underlined my awareness and made me more convinced I am doing the right things.
Thank you for your kind words and suggestions, any perhaps more for your support to a stranger.
Thank you for your kind words and suggestions, any perhaps more for your support to a stranger.

Welcome aboard! You'll find that folks in the "gun culture" tend to be that way. Some of the nicest people I know I've met at the range.
Welcome to THR Gooseberi.
2nd Home Invasion!!! :eek:

Glad you have friends like Nelson133 and the other as well (even if the gift wasn't carefully thought out).

Read Pax's website The Cornered Cat, ask questions, crawl, then walk, soon you'll be up and running. Always be in a ready mode (Condition Yellow) aware of your surroundings. Be Prepared.

Ever Think about moving?
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