homemade weapons!

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Yeah, I noticed. Fortunately, we used rocket igniters from 18+' and had the cannon in a pit with a cinder-block barrier between it and us. No one even got close to getting hurt.
This thread brings back memories. I grew up in a suburb of Chicago that was not too built up and still had a forest in the front and back of the house. I made a lot of neat things back then that I tested in the woods. I would rather not go into anymore detail nowadays, it was a different time back then.

Along with plenty of crude knives and shanks (my dad made the mistake of buying a grinder and I was not shy about using it when he was away), I actually made some pretty decent weapons. The most functional weapon I made was also the simplest. It was a standard blackjack made out of a heavy-duty black sock and a handful of steel ball bearings. I probably still have it somewhere.
I made a blackpowder cannon once. Out of steel plumbing pipe, 1/2". Shot through 2-3 1/4" sheets of plywood. Blew up on the 5th shot.

afaik, black powder cannons are perfectly legal. gas cylinders hold a lot more pressure than pipe. the owner of a gun store i frequent made a bowling ball mortar from a large gas cylinder. says it'll lob a bowling ball several hundred yards. i've been toying with the idea of making something a bit smaller from a medical oxygen bottle but not knowing the pressures involved bothers me a bit.
napalm and others..

i remember once a while back a bunch of friends and me made napalm in my one friends garage...mixed gasoline with styrafoam and let it sit for a few weeks... that stuff burnt for hours and hours...i'm almost 100% sure though that in most places this would be considered a destructive bomb or something and is highly illegal..

another interesting fast and easy to make weapon is with a water bottle. just get a water bottle(prefereably a deer park water bottle) and twist the bottom so all the air is squeezed into the top, then twist off the cap and it'll shoot acros the room pretty fast, i broke a picture frame with it..

another easy to make weapon is an small claymore.. all you need is a highlighter(the big ones), a pen, a lot of big paper clips, some small paper clips, and some strong rubber bands. hollow out the highligter(take the insides out and everything) and make it so you can slide the pen through it easily. hollow out the pen too(a regular bic pen will do fine) put two holes straight across from eachother in either side of the pen, about half an inch in. then on the small side of the highlighter(the side where the pen is most tightly fitting) put 2 hole that are directly across from eachother..IMPORTANT:the holes must be directly across from eachother..stick the pen in and then put the holes in if neccesary, they must line up. then at the other end of the pen put 4 holes, not in a cross shape ( + ) but in 2 straight lines ( = ) across the pen. and then do the same with big part of the highlighter(make sure the holes are out of the way of the path of the pen though!) so the holes that line up with the holes in the small end of the highlighter you will cut off part of a small paperclip, make it about 2 inches long. make a small loop at one end and keep the other end straight and slide it through the four holes you made. then at the holes on the other side of the pen( = ) cut a small paper clip in half and slide a half through each set of holes and bend them down towards the other end, then bback up so it looks like this: >. do that on both sides for both paperclips. then go to the holes in the big part of the highlighter and do the same thing, attach the rubberband to them so its look somethingl iek this :


(=pen, :this part of highlighter, |big partt of highlighter, --rubberband, >< paper clips)

then simply put the cap of the highlighter inside the big part and then after that put in your munitions, in this case sharp paperclips. take the big paper clips and cut them up to all about the same length, you want about a hand full of the cut up pieces, shove inside the big part of the highlighter and theres your mini claymore. all you have to do is pull out the only piece holding it back, the piece through the little part of the highlighter and the pen. and it'll fire...you can also make it a trip line by attaching a string to it and then when someone pulls the string it fires...

well thats all later.
Hi, welcome to the board.

Let me be sure I understand you: you're describing something made with rubber bands as a weapon?!

Godfather said:
I made a blackpowder cannon once. Out of steel plumbing pipe, 1/2". Shot through 2-3 1/4" sheets of plywood. Blew up on the 5th shot.

you need to reinforce the pipe by wrapping it heavy wire.
Making weapons at home is all in good fun. I've made many and these are not my best, but they are still far from the worst.





The top knife is a hand hammered piece of whimsy. I don't know what I was thinking. Turned out kinda neat though.

The pointy knife was made from a rusty nail found in an alley. I hammered it flat and filed the edge bevel, burned the tang through a piece of scrap wood, added a copper spacer scavenged from a pipe, and folded the tang over. It won't hold an edge but would do a nice job of ruining your day.

The maul was made from an ash handle and a dead cherry tree. I drilled a hole through the limb and chiseled it square for a tight fit before wedging it at the top. It was a good waste of an afternoon and could be used for...... I dunno... Mole whacking.

The flail is fairly obvious. Broken axe handle, spare chain, and a lock with no key. Voila!
(Dan909: [1] your ballistics info = wrong [2] welcome to thr, read first post second :p )

Had a friend, who moved to Texas, who had the courtesy to give us one of the bamboo plants from his yard before he left. That was almost a decade and a half ago.. now the power company is out every two years to cut off the whole bunch before it grows over the power lines, and every spring Dad goes outside to kick over the shoots lest the patch take over our entire yard. Anyway, since the patch took hold I've had the special privilege of having an unlimited supply of staves, spears, lashes, a freaking TON of kindling...

My favorite home weapon, legalities aside, would have to simply be a thick oak dowel. Fill the end with lead for extra momentum.

And yes, the thought of a man with a SHIELD and HELMET coming at me, when all I wanted was a TV and some beef jerky.. heck. I'd run. Extra points if you've got a skull painted on the helmet or something.

The Anarchist's cookbook was based loosely on the US Army's Improvised Munitions Handbook - Get the army's version, it's out on the net too, and has at least been proof tested to some extent.

Chopinbloc - Oxy bottles (the smaller ones about as long as your leg) are pressurized to 2200lb.. I dunno about the big ones :what:
Might I suggest probably the single best resource for improvised weapons:


Peter Luty from West Yorkshire, England, is an author and civil rights campaigner who went to prison for four years. His crime? Making a machinegun. From scratch. With only hand tools. Despite three prison psychologists (or psychiatrists?) and the judge in his case stating that he was not a threat to the public, and the prison chaplain specifically requesting that he be given early release (as most prisoners are), he was denied his request and served his full term. Why? Because he was a vehement support of gun rights. This also despite the death of his mother during his time in prison, and the life threatening illness of his father.

He is the author of Expedient Homemade Firearms, Expedient Homemade Handgun Ammunition and Expedient Homemade Shotgun Ammunition, which you can buy through Palladin Press, Amazon etc. He also has numerous schematics on his website for making submachineguns from pipe fittings, 12 bore pistols and even a .22 silenced pistol!

With his stuff, you can literally walk into a hardware store in the morning, go home, and have a finished SMG a couple of days later.
I took some inch wide bamboo my mom was gonna decorate with and filled it with tight rolls of construction paper.I stuck it inside an M&Ms minis tube and put a few small diameter nails in it.Epic training sword.Another time I took one of those cheap pocket fans you find in convience stores and took it apart.I replaced the foam fan blades with a plastic disc I found somewhere that had some rigid 1/3 inch tips protruding up in the middle and on the sides of the disc.I replaced the AA battery with a 9 volt.Made a itchy,stinging feeling when you got poked with it,and wore your skin out pretty good.
good grief, where to start . . . .

from the used sporting goods section...a kids aluminum baseball bat looks very innocuous laying around but makes a fearsome truncheon. Hockey sticks are nearly indestructible and a strong knife blade bolted to the bottom of the stick gives you an awesome reach for a slashing weapon. A climber's ice axe is nearly a dead ringer for a medieval battle axe. Moving on to the home and garden section, a brush hook takes a bit of strength to wield effectively but could take off an arm or a leg easily. 14" lengths of rebar with the ends pointed make very effective throwing spikes. Replacement handles for pick axes are quite effective persuaders and have the advantage of being bio-degradeable( grin ). If raining destruction on the enemy from afar is what you had in mind then consider the window frame slingshot - cut off the bottom of a laundry detergent bottle and cut four holes near the cut off edge on either side. Get about 8' of surgical rubber tubing and loop it through the holes and attach the ends of the tubing to an upstairs window frame. We used this device to launch water balloons about 50 yards in school. Tinker around with the basic design and /or change the ammo to Molotov cocktails and you could get the anti-social award in your neighborhood.
Go to any auto auto repair shop that turns rotors or drums. They will give you all the powdered iron you can carry. Fill a hose section with it and plug, then tape the ends. :evil:
One of my favourite books spring to mind here,

"Improvised Home-Built Recoilless Launchers"

See if you can guess what it's about.....;)

:evil: :evil: :evil:
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