Household Weapons

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Believe it or not a magazine could kill a person. If you roll it up really tight and twist it you get a really sharp point on one end. You could jam it into their throat. Try rolling up a magazine and see what I am talking about.

Well , I know my Eskrima Datu beat the daylights out of me with a paperback book once !!!!
well, aside from the Glock 35, and the Bushmaster M-4 Superlite...

there is a heavy ceramic stein that I use as an ashtray; a fired-and-recovered 30mm dummy slug, a small, but nearly solid glass ashtray, and a set of those chinese hand sphere thingies that could be thrown... and that's just within arm's reach of my computer chair. doesn't touch on the tools at my workbench, the 1 to 5 pound weights...
Frog Gig...

Dandelion Lawn Weeder...

...ain't the best Frog Gig in the world, but I have seen the aftermath of girls, gigs, and frogs that "were a coming in by the gobs!".

Flooding near due to rain, beaver dams, and other "pain in the butts"..., gals in a hunting cabin, and frogs getting into the "mud room" and heading on in".

There was only so many frog gigs, so we run what we had!.

Weed puller uppers, broom stick with a bent nail used to reach a access, etc...shovel...

They had a nice frog leg dinner after it was all said and done. Neat southern belles, smart, and knew how to handle themselves, still after they had a few drinks, and them showing what all went on, it was funny!

Just picture a cute gal, in tank top, boxer shorts, wearing rubber boots too big for her, gigging frogs with a ...broom stick with el cheapo fork she taped at the end with surgical tape, then drove a nail or two into "just to make sure".
[Dandelion digger Roman pilum?

I have one of these things and it would make a very effective club / speer / weapon.
Heavy 34" oak handle and steel blade & ferrule.


Now I think I really like that! Can be used with the basic bayonet drill that was pounded into our heads at Ft. Dix.

i think I'd make sure it was a bit dirtied up from lawn use first. Then sharpened up really good.
Toilet tank cover. Use the edge, not the top or bottom. Less chance of breaking and doesnt distribute the force of the hit like the top does.

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