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How do you defend yourself if you run into this?

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If they started confiscating cars, writing tickets and charging ridiculous impound fee's, I think it would deter the offenders.

Am I stereotyping by thinking that Corvette's are usually driven by slightly older folks, folks that you don't think would be doing such a thing?
It kind of says it all when people say, "it's part of our culture they'll never stop it". Sounds more like Mogadishu to me than anywhere in the US.
what would i do? well, have you seen the new Dawn of the Dead? i'd use some of those propane-tank bombs. large shokwave and shrapnel... also i'd throw out a metric S-load of caltrops. then start go out with body armor, an Uzi in each hand, with a flashlight attached, and as many clips as i can carry.

oh, wait... does it have to be legal? hmm..

well, i'd try to get the hell outa there and shoot when necesary.

why dosn't the police just unleash hell[gun]fire and brimstone? idiots deserve it.

Gives a rebirth to the old meaning of someone calling "shotgun" . . .

Need something fast enough to keep up, good sensors to find them, and precise enough minimize damage to porperty and innocents. I'm thinkin' AC-130 Spectre.

If I saw one, time for a detour.
I would just have to get involved. I like community events! Sounds like a lot of fun. I wonder if they would let me play if I brought my dump truck and a front seat full of pipe bombs? Maybe, I'd get some of my buddies and they could bring thier dump trucks too! Wouldn't that be a party! I don't think the guys in thier tricked out Hondas would think so when the smoke cleared but hey...we would still be riding around when they finally got them fixed. :D
If they started confiscating cars, writing tickets and charging ridiculous impound fee's, I think it would deter the offenders.

one would think so...........

I would just have to get involved. I like community events! Sounds like a lot of fun. I wonder if they would let me play if I brought my dump truck and a front seat full of pipe bombs? Maybe, I'd get some of my buddies and they could bring thier dump trucks too!

i got one, would love to join you!! i would so love to see a car spin into the steel rails along the stake bed.

Am I stereotyping by thinking that Corvette's are usually driven by slightly older folks, folks that you don't think would be doing such a thing?

i dont think so, and i dont think there are too many vettes, more lower end sports cars, and i dont think those tricked out oilpans etc are very common.
its mostly morons in 90s camaros and mustangs
claiming "this is our culture, this is who we are" is about the most ignorant statement i've ever read.

its the same mentality and mindset that people have to justify street racing or speeding or wreckless driving.

driving is a priviledge and there seems to be a lot of people in oakland who dont deserve t have a car or a license. their licenses should be revoked, PERMANENTLY. their cars should be confiscated and sold OR simply crushed. that might mean that muscle cars like chevelles might be destroyed but i cant help that, serious measures need to be taken.

if they dont have enough cops they should get more. they shouldnt be afraid or hesitant to take this problem on hard and fast.

as a car enthusiast things like this sickens me. it gives car enthusiasts a bad name. i know in my own city there is street racing on friday nights downtown and a couple nights before derby day broadway turns into a parking lot at night. people come from all over the country literally to clog up the streets drink alcohol do a bunch of illegal crap and trash downtown.

this idiot running sydeshows should be behind bars for life, he's encouraging behavior that leads to other illegal activities and endangers the lifes of the public in general.

what this is is simply outright savagery. there is no other word that i can think of that matches the behavior. did anyone read the definition to ghostin? crashing a stolen car into another car home or business? am i the only person that views this is purely savage behavior? there is no sport to that and has nothing sporting about it. they are finding excuses to act like complete savages.

these people are using vehicles as weapons. these people should be behind bars for at least a decade, they should be forced to pay restitution and never ba allowed to drive again.

wouldnt it just be easier to turn oakland into a glass parking lot and be rid of this nonsense? people like this ruin a city and then complain when their city cant rebuild or are very slow to rebuild. its weird they'll dump thousands of dollars into having "bling bling" wheels, costing sometimes 5 grand or more and then do things that destroy other people's propertyand if you did it to them, they'd be mad as hell and would probably shoot you before calling the cops.

someone else suggested cops coming in with automatic wepaons fire. doesnt sound like a bad idea to me. i'd consider it a thinning of the herd and i wouldnt lose a minute of sleep over it. these are the dregs of society and thanks to hollywood with the fast and furious movies, acting like a retard in a car is now hip cool and the in thing to do. they have this highschool mentality about this, doing this makes you accepted...wow if thats the most important thing in their lives is to be "accepted" by fellow felons, maybe they dont deserve to breath my oxygen.
Well about the best way I think I could get rid of 'em, the "Fun" way to do that (I.e. Fun for me) would be to Sydeshow right along with them,but here's the thing I'd be using an M4 Sherman,Twisted Metal Mother F**ker!!!!
Covertly from the rooftops, "water" balloons, or really nitrile gloves, full of MEK, water, and phosphate fertilizer.

Those of you in the know will figure out what this will do not only to a paint job, but to the sheetmetal in a matter of hours...

Out of sight, out of mind
well taking away the cars or inordinate impound fees aren't the answer - the cars are stolen to begin w/...

but, here's what i really like:
Councilwoman Deseley Brooks has proposed creating a city-sponsored sideshow venue.

there's the answer! :rolleyes:
Short Range EMP

killer idea. all you need to do is warn area residents by way of the paper or whatever, that if they hear a sideshow, save computer data, and that will be very few people on weekend nights.

i would definitely tolerate a short blackout if it got all those fools towed.

i dunno about the city sponsered area, but really why not, its not that different form off roading or a demolition derby if done in a safe area.
It's the same rationale behind building skateparks and having Grudge Nights at drag strips - you get kids to do their stupid stuff in a safe environment. Problem is, it doesn't work 100%. There's some sort of thrill in doing something flagrantly illegal, and there's honestly nothing you can do to counteract that.

Also, I imagine that at least some of the people there are armed, so rolling up with a SKS would get you killed. Plus, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time hardly seems justification to be shot. Maybe a stray bullet will go through somebody or strike a car with a young family stuck in traffic. Imagine the publicity nightmare - Shooting Massacre - Gunman Opens Fire On Crowd - Man known to post violent plans on message boards.

Also, this is the LA Times. Don't most of the posters on THR discount a lot of the mass media as biased?
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