How does one "thin the herd"?

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IMO, if you're going to thin, keep one or more of the dupes. Best to have spares of stuff you're comfortable with and likely have the most accessories for and move the things you don't shoot.
Before I left for the Army, I had to reduce my small collection. I got rid of pieces that were easily replaceable. For instance, I kept the Glock 24, and sold the 23...(Plan on getting a 23 w/ integrated light rails, anyway.)

DON'T GET RID OF HIGH-CAP MAGS, unless you can get an absolutely wonderful price for them, and are certain you'll never need them.

No matter what you do or how you go about it, you will not escape regret at some point over getting rid of even a small number of your guns. I no longer trade or sell. There had to be some reason I bought it to begin with and I always end up replacing what I sell off.
If you don't need the money, you may consider gifting or selling them to a family member. That way they are in the family, but you will have room for more guns. Man, I wish I had that kind of problem. I have a few guns, but not duplicates and triplicates of a P7! I don't even have one.

I agree with one of the other posters, if you need to get rid of something make it a common easy to replace type gun like a Glock. Around here they have good resale value, but don't seem to be going up in price. They are always worth about $400 used.
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