How far do you drive to shoot if at all?

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8.1 miles from my garage to where I park at the range. Out to 300 yards is available there. Membership is $50.00 a year and members have the lock combination to get in any time. We can use it 24 hrs. a day. The main range is covered. There are 5 more bays we can use, or where various types of competitions can be held simultaneously. The range is open to the public 0800-1700 one day a week. After reading about the distance, range rules, expense, etc. some others have to put up with, I don't think I have anything to complain about...ymmv
I can shoot down the ditch bank out by my parents place five miles from here. I had a range set up there ten years ago out to 100 yards. I prefer to use the range that I maintain for our Cabin Tract and that is a bit more then an hour for a bit more then 100 yards but then once the washed out road gets repaired this spring I will again have access to a couple places for 1000m+.
About 10-12 minutes, but mostly shooting alone. The surprising discovery in '07 that people have natural shooting places here which are Not ranges is the only reason the "gun bug" ever bit me.

Sometimes the drive is about an hour, to shoot elsewhere with some gun friends.

I live in Brooklyn, NY....a borough of NYC. My range is a five block walk from my home, a private club in a residential neighborhood, established 1934.
I live in East Lansing MI and the Rose lake shooting range is very close by like less than 15 minutes away. There is also a private range that a friend of mine goes to as well and we go shoot there too. Not far either.
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