How many guns have you ever owned?

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5 less than I ever bought. 4 of those 5 were given away as gifts.
I currently own 13 and all that I ever owned (though not at the same time) is 17 since I've sold four. I guess I need to catch up, but I've only been shooting for a couple years now.
I'm 23 and I've only owned (and still own) two firearms (Chinese SKS and Springfield XD-40). But I intend to get more.:D
Well, I barely bought my first in January of 2002.
Haven't sold any.
Now I have a total of 10. And my wife has 2.

So combined, it has been an average of 1 a month.

If only I can keep it up for the rest of my life. :D
Interesting Question

Heck if I know for sure. The longer I sit here and think about it the more I remember. Ever owned? I'd guess about 40 or so. Currently own? Geeze, my safe is too full. I'd have a hard time counting them without unloading it and I'm not into work right now. This is suppposed to be my day off! :)

Tommorrow it will be +1 more. Picking up a newly refinished 16Ga Bolt action that my friend wants to get rid of. But I won't own it for long, it's going to be a 16th birthday gift for my youngest son.

It will be his first real gun. But don't feel bad for his neglected childhood, he thinks anything I own is his anyway. Hahaha, little does he know. The kid is a natural with firearms, can't think of a single time I've ever had to comment on his safe handling techniques. He wants a Barrett 50cal. :what: Not on my dime! I've got to save up for a larger safe.
When the Canadian government called me while surveying gun ownership rates, they asked "do you own 0, 1, or 2 or more guns", I picked the third option.

Do ya suppose they undercounted a bit?
5 pistols, 4 rifles, 1 shotgun... sold none so far... give me time, I'll eventually collect the whole set. ;)

Starting in January, 1973 when I got out of the US Navy, I've had 133 rifles, pistols and shotguns, mostly pistols, never more than 17 at a time, which I've got now. I had to wade through a lot of junk, and discover a lot of gunwriters were full of beans about what was good before I got rid of the bad stuff and found out what was good. It's been a fun 30 years.
Well.. I'm still working on my first purchase... I've got no positive income being a University student, and Canada is an expensive place to buy firearms. That and my dorm.. well let's just say they think a pointy paper corner is dangerous..

A big chunk of that came in August of 1987 when I went a little crazy and bought 142 guns in one day.

*doffs cap respectfully*

It's folks like you that keep folks like me from feeling like addicts. ;)
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