How much powder & copper solvent on hand?

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Oct 6, 2006
In the same vein as "how much ammo do you keep on hand?", how much #9, CLP, Gun Scrubber, whatever, do you keep on hand? This includes all types of powder and copper solvents, q-tips, swabs, patches, cleaning rods, and lube.

For those of you who are preparing for the end of the world or SHTF scenarios, are you going to do it with a dirty gun? Or do you have #9 stashed away by the 55gal drum? It'd suck bad if you had 10,000 rounds but couldn't fire it because the gun was too filthy.

FWIW, I have ~1,000 rds of 9mm on hand, and a small bottle of #9 and lube.
about half a bottle of Hoppes

A full bottle of Shooter's Choice
Can of CLP
Can of CorrosionX
About three cans of Eezox

...and enough t-shirts to make patches until the end of time...
2 quart bottles of ol' #9
and a small can of CLP, and Gun-Scrubber

I like to travel light ;)

I have enough to clean my guns if I went out and shot them all today. But I do have several guns that would more than likely function even when they were dirty (see GLOCK). But then again, I really should buy more...
2 1/2 gallons ed's red. (made 3 gallons as 1 gallon was the size of the mineral spirits and acetone came in OVERKILL) Case of Mobil 1 5-30 oil. 12 pack Sweets 7.62. My son & I are set for life.
I go to the range at least once a week. If I never buy anymore cleaning supplies I could continue shooting every week for at least 5 years.

I have enough solvents, lubes, and patches to last that long, not because of any perceived"scenario". I just like trying different products so I wind up with a bunch of stuff.
bought acase of CLP about 10 years ago, still working thru it. My rag bag is over flowing. At least 4 cleaning kits laying about. I think 4 bottles of sweets 7.62 solvent.
If I could buy good old Hoppe's Number 9 by the gallon, I surely would. At the moment, I have three and a half quarts keeping shelf space from going to waste in the garage, and need another.

Why so much?

Because I fill the tank of my ultrasonic cleaner with the stuff, then pour it back into the bottles. One large bottle would be less bothersome to deal with than three smaller.
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