How not to spend a friday night.

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Some of those parts are concrete-soluble. As soon as they hit the floor, they dissolve. That's the only explanation I have for some of them...
Another good one is 9mm in .44 sometimes they stick real well, and you don't even notice them until the primer extractor pin pops up on your press.
Spent 45 minutes looking for the rear takedown pin retaining pin spring on an AR while I was changing out the stock. My usual procedure is to put an el cheapo white sheet on the queen size bed and take stuff with tiny parts down there. Darn spring flew halfway across the bedroom because I wasn't paying attention, bounced off the wall and ended up stuck in the vent of a room air cleaner. I looked all over on the carpet before I thought to turn the air cleaner up and give it a shake. :banghead:

Oh yeah, the 9mm stuck inside the .40 casing stuck inside the .45 casing gives a whole new meaning to that debate. :D

(Note to self, sort brass before cleaning...)
Yeah there were a few .40's in my tumbler I scrounged at the range (note that I do not at present own a .40 :)). You know those little traditional nesting dolls from Russia? Kinda what that looks like.......
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