how to tell new neighbors I shoot??

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Shoot, just do whatever you would do anyway.

It's your land and it's perfectly legal.

You don't have to consult your neighbors if you're going to wash your car or light up the BBQ.

They can get used to it.

AMEN! :)
how to tell the new neighbors I shoot?

Introduce yourself - and hand them 5 bags of those cheap foam earplugs and say "You might need these. I shoot firearms and they make noise"

I had a neighbor come up one day when I was shooting one of my Freedom Arms 454 on my property (80 acres, borders a National Forest in a community of about 500 people). It's a loud handgun. She said some of the other neighbors were complaining and were going to call the Sheriff. I explained that what I was doing was legal, and that I was doing it safely and if she or they wanted to call the Sheriff I wouldn't mind. I then suggested she plug her ears because I had more shooting I wanted to do and it's loud. I don't shoot early in the morning or after dark.
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