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Hunting show hosts and limits

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Hunting shows are complete BS. There are relatively few "real" situations in them and the product pushing just makes the hosts look like whores. If ur a true hunter, u learn from trial and error. Im not even gonna bash people in treestands cause a lot of people are good at it and that's their cup of tee. Kyle, I don't see how u could defend a group of people who's true knowledge of hunting (if they even ever had any) faded long ago. Those shows are simply showing everyone the glamorous side of hunting. Not the reality. I like to compare hunting shows to looking at playboy. Sure it all looks attractive, but how much must the normal Joe shell out for a rack like that?! As far as the limits go, I have been personally told by numerous management officials that they look the other way in Oklahoma. Law enforcement doesn't care about who shoots the animal as long as its checked in legally by someone. Im personal friends with a deer guide, and use to guide myself for extra cash. We did it 100% on public hunting land and still drug out some 180 class deer. It cracks me up that some of the "guides " on those shows couldn't help anyone find a deer on property that doesn't have a tall fence or a feeder nearby. While im on it, trail cameras are a joke too. Who wants to spoil the joy of actually finding deer the old fashion way and hunting them down yourself? This hunting generation needs role models, and the hunting show hosts aren't them. Here's the modest wall of what I've shot in the past few years. Every single deer was shot on the ground less than 100 yards away with no cover scent and at least 400 sq inches of blaze orange on. I don't wear camo either. Bill dance didn't show me where to catch all four of those big bass either!! LOL!!


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Well said. Your entire post is dead-on and a real gem. I share your thoughts.
My son is 20 and watches all the hunting shows. I am grateful that he loves to hunt, but I'm working to ensure that he appreciates the hunt and the animal more than they do on TV.
Again, a great first post.
Thanks Bailey. I honestly think that everyone needs an old school mentor to show em how its done from scouting to responsible marksmanship.
So once again, it's about the money. In order to be "real hunting", it has to be public land, or some place that game barely exists. They could be in the middle of no where, but if anything better than average is killed, it must be tame...never mind the fact that some of these people are professional hunters. I guess sports are fake too...those guys endorse products, they're all FOS just like Larry weishuhn and those boys from primos calls.

What makes you think all these deer are tame? Because they got into range while video taping? Maybe an exciting show would be where no deer showed up, or if they did, the hunter was busted before they got into range. Sheer adrenaline rush.

Where did you catch those bass?
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Kyle they're aren't completely tame. The shows are about the $ and endorsement. My cattle aren't completely tame either but, if I drive to the same spot in the pasture every week shaking a sack of cubes out, I can pretty much tell where they're gonna be everytime. Deer are creatures of patterns. That's why people who wish to get paid for hunting or look good on TV are ALWAYS seen hunting next to a feeder, food plot, or cornfield. Deer that are taken on public land usually are scared and skiddish as hell. Far more than deer on ranches. I've got 650 acres that I don't deer hunt on for that reason. The deer don't run, and if they do, its not far. If u are a guide, im not trying to insult ur way of earning a living. I did it myself for almost ten years. Im simply pointing out the fact that what is done on hunting TV is simply not the way it is. The deer are usually fed some crap to promote antler growth and let to an unknowing slaughter from a food source they've come to trust. Deer on public land are allowed to be wild deer. They eat acorns and normal deer food. Half the fun is guessing where they're at. Someone also pointed out that 20 years ago u never heard of people speaking about the inches in a rack. No one cared about that nonsense till deer hunting became commercialized. The only reason I know my largest deer was a 193 3/8 is the game warden that was at the check station measured it. Otherwise I was gonna take a bunch of pics and send its butt to the slaughter house. After that, I got feature in the sports section of the local newspaper and won a $100 Big Buck pot that I never heard of. The only reason the head is mounted was the tribe im a part of had it done as an achievement and to this day its at our capital in the courthouse. The game warden just knew it was close to a state record but it was 3" short at the time. I can honestly say I was completely satisfied that my father was able to drive me to pick the deer up and see what I had accomplished thanks to him. You see, deer hunting is something that shouldn't be.commercialized, it should be held as a treasured bonding time between family and friends. I caught the two under the racks at McGee creek reservoir in farris OK. They were in may and June on buzzbaits. I don't usually keep bass that are eight pounds but I wanted to try out a taxidermist. The bigger two.on the table are a 10 1/2 caught on Hugo lake in 98 and the other was an 11 1/2 caught at the same place in 04. I had those done by a better taxidermist. I only had those mounted cause bass over ten pounds are harder to catch than a ten point Buck on public land. And yes, all the hunting show guys are fos for the fact that they say their products are the best. That is false. The only TV guy I had respect for was tred barta. He loved hunting grizzly on the ground with a recurve bow. He was just a rich guy that financed his own hunting show. He's dead now tho. People like ted nugent, the guys from promos, bill Jordan, and Jim shockey should be ashamed for selling out. But to each his own. I don't lose sleep over being fake.
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the boone and crocket club was founded over 100 years ago, and began score keeping and big game competitions in 1947. I assure you 20 years ago, people were talking about what a deer scored.I agree that it's much more common these days, but I can promise 20-30-40 years ago, people were talking about what a deer scored. Here are some links to different contests... all over 25 years old. The muy grande contest was established almost 50 years ago.






if you're not into score, no big deal. If you like hunting pulic land.... no big deal. I don't go out of my way telling people their way of hunting is BS. What's the issue with other people complaining about trophy hunting, or high fence hunting? If it weren't for high fence hunting, there would be numerous species of exotics that would be extinct... now there are large enough populations to hunt and reintroduce to their native areas. The high fence ranch I hunt on sponsors charity hunts every year, in particular a hunt for wounded warriors that get the chance to come out and shoot a great deer. I guess it's not real hunting for those guys though.... some of the ones that lost their legs and are confined to a wheel chair should be told their deer doesn't count, unless it's off public land. I know several other high fence ranches that do the same thing.

I'm not defending their endorsement of products, it's no different than anyone endorsing shaving cream or golf clubs.... get over it, it's the world we live in. some products are good, others are crap... I use practically none of it. however, you guys sound like the kids in a record store that whine when their favorite underground band signs a record deal....because their band isn't "keeping it realZ"

When did Tred Barta die? last I heard he was still hunting out of his wheelchair.
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One thing that continually amazes me is the amount of emotion over a silly TV show, or how one hunter can get all negative about other folks' ways of doing things.

The open grassy plains aren't the same as mesquite-brush country. Forested mountains aren't the same as jungle-y swamps. Terrain and vegetation force different styles on hunters. Big deal. So what?

High-fence pastures are to keep other deer from coming in to the smorgasbord of improved habitat, to maintain a proper size of herd at or below the carrying capacity of the land. Keep them out, not hold them in. Dunno why that's so hard to learn. I guess it's easier for those of us who learned about carrying capacity when we were kids on the ranch. :)

And God invented the Clicker so one need not be offended by any TV program of whatever sort.
Ur right on two counts. Those ranches benefit folks who otherwise wouldn't be able to hunt and the man is still alive!! Geez I didn't know he DIDN'T die. I understand that those trophy systems have been around for years but only recently did everyone start taking it seriously. Like it's a damn competition. Different folks go to different lengths to do what I sometimes take for granted. Although I do like to say that people who say they're REALLY hunting on ranches is like a crackhead comparing his buzz to a runner's high!!! Lmao!! Y'all be good. I gotta go feed my cows before the deer get up here!!!

PS: Art's a dork!! ;-)
A whitetail deer's "home turf" is rarely more than a section of land. What, then, is the difference between hunting on public land vs. hunting on private land? I've done both, and I fail to see any difference.

In the 90% of all ranches that are not high-fence, deer go wherever they want. Again, aside from one's right of trespass, what's the difference in the way one hunts? Walking/stalking is walking/stalking in either case. Same for sitting.
I like hunting shows. My guess is that a season worth of shows runs somewhere on the order of 20 to 24 episodes. Probably a third of their shows will involve deer so they only likely need to fill 6 to 8 tags a season. Not too hard if you go to several different states.
A whitetail deer's "home turf" is rarely more than a section of land. What, then, is the difference between hunting on public land vs. hunting on private land? I've done both, and I fail to see any difference.

In the 90% of all ranches that are not high-fence, deer go wherever they want. Again, aside from one's right of trespass, what's the difference in the way one hunts? Walking/stalking is walking/stalking in either case. Same for sitting.
From my perspective is that on private land you might have less people and potentially reduce the risk of getting shot. Also, on private land, it's possible to make the land have more abundant food and water and minerals so you may get healthier bigger animals. One year I went hog hunting on private land that was on a vineyard. I think there were three of us hunting that day over a decent size plot of beautiful land.
the amount of emotion over a silly TV show

Whoa...wait a minute.
I could care less about the shows. I am concerned about the taking of our game animals solely for the porpose of making a TV show. I don't see the respect for the animal that I think they deserve.I think there may be an entire generation that thinks the best part of a hunt is the kill, and everything leading up to that is just necessary work. If you don't want to do it, you can pay someone to do it for you. All you have to do is show up and make the shot. They're missing the whole point. Think about it while you're watching your next show, and the host bursts into laughter when he 'spines' an unsuspecting deer or elk.
jsut because someone is a trophy hunter doesn't mean they don't appreciate the outdoors....

Kyle....there's a big difference between a Trophy "Hunter" and a Trophy "Shooter". A Trophy hunter scouts his area and patterns the local deer. He knows where they feed and where they sleep. He then makes plans on how to hunt accordingly. A Trophy shooter pays for the privilege to hunt deer someone else has already scouted and to use a stand or blind that is already set up. Many times these are captive animals trained their whole life to come to feeders. Having $5000-$10,000 cash to pay for a trophy deer does not make you a trophy hunter......it makes you a trophy shooter. Sitting in a box stand waiting for that 180 class buck to come out in the food plot, because someone else told you he'd be there sooner or later, does not make you a Trophy Hunter.....it makes you a Trophy shooter.

Most of those TV celebrities were and still are good hunters. Most truly appreciate the outdoors....that's what got them into hunting before the money came around. They just don't have time to really hunt anymore. The problem is they do not get paid to hunt deer, they get paid to shoot deer and to use and endorse the products made by the sponsors. True hunting would never be successful enough to create a whole season of shows to air. It take too much time, success rates are too low and the majority of the animals would only be of average quality. To endorse a shooting preserve or game farm one must shoot a captive deer off it. This is not a bad thing....it just is not true hunting. If you believe those folks on TV are really hunting, I assume you still put out cookies and carrots on Christmas Eve.
kbbailey, as you and buck460XVR pointed out, it's the TV money and the sale of advertising which drives these shows.

No different from what's happened to Nascar racing. What with money, technology and spotters, a trained ape could finish fourth.

I've never figured out how to stop the changes engendered by the application of large amounts of money. Nothing against change, but not all changes are for the better. So, I don't pay much attention to most of what's on TV.

About all that I can see to do for us "little guys" is to talk about the package of hunting. It goes back to Sr. Ortega y Gassett's view: "One does not hunt in order to kill. One kills in order to have hunted." But it's a package, IMO, including being outdoors and seeing critters, and of an evening having a good BS session around a campfire.
My .02 worth

Let's get one thing straight-these aren't "hunting shows" these are "KILLING shows".
Having worked at a retail store selling hunting licenses I can also give you a news flash. A LOT of the "deer hunters" I see are either lazy or stupid. The Division of Wildlife could trim millions of dollars from their budgets by eliminating hunting law booklets for these "hunters". After all, it's the responsibility of the license agent to hold their hand while they're in the woods so they don't break any laws. More than a few times I've handed a "hunter" a rule book only to be told "I don't have time to read that!" Sorry Charlie-If you ain't got time to read the rules you ain't got time to deer hunt either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There-rant over. Now I feel better.
A LOT of the "deer hunters" I see are either lazy or stupid.
Wow,you learned all that by selling hunting licenses? I REALLY wish I hadn't stopped by this thread! Bottom line;if you don't like the shows...don't watch the shows.
if he's been doing it for 50 years, he would be in his 70s,

Why? I'm 59 in November. I started when I was 10, shot my first buck at age 11. My grandpa left me alone in that blind, too. That would mean I've been hunting 49 years, right? So, if Larry started when I did, he'd be 60, right? He looks about my age, about the same amount of grey hair. :D

I don't really watch the deer hunting stuff anymore. I still like to watch the bird hunting shows, rather do it myself, but don't mean I can't watch one. Yeah, they're infomercials. I can dream about where I could go if I were rich, like Argentina. :D I saw Tom Knapp in Argentina once. He was missing a lot of birds. I was shocked. I figured that guy couldn't miss if he tried. LOL! These birt hunting shows don't put themselves up as any kind of "experts" so much as they're usually hawking an outfitter. I don't much get off to the "you have to use com-er deer or dead down wind or whatever crap they're trying to say I "need". I don't mind hearing about the outfitters, though. Hell, some day I might win the lotto and be able to try some of those guys out.
kbbailey, it's all about the sponsors and their money as they hustle the viewer to buy the products.

The TV folks went to the sporting goods manufacturers, saying they could help sell product. Same as a Nascar team owner telling all manner of business folks that he can help sell product. "Sponsor my deal, and sell!"

So, for a bunch of city folks who've never hunted (and many never will, but dream), the shows tell them about a version of, "This is how it is." That's what TV does. Kinda like watching the NFL or the NBA: Dream of being a part of something without ever leaving the couch.
no... nascar is just making money by polluting the atmosphere with vehicles that burn huge amounts of fuel, and have practically no emmissions equipment. So how does that go for the environment?

There are plenty of outfitters making money of a public resource too. There are plenty of fishing guides making money off a public resource. Wasn't someone complaining earlier that most of these hunting shows are in high fence ranches? If so, how does the general public benefit from those animals?

This whole "respect for the animal" thing goes a little far sometimes. Most people try to make ethical shots, but what do you expect people to do when they kill an animal? eat part of the heart, and use the blood to make a cave painting out of? Should they start crying when they kill it instead of saying "hell yeah!"? It's just a deer... there are hundreds of thousands killed every year. Dead is dead, and as long as people aren't torturing animals, I'm not sure what you expect to see.
Ooooookay, it's plain to see that I am having difficulty making my point so I will try to make a graceful exit.
But first, let me say that as a landowner, the local deer population does a significant amount of damage to my crops every year. I am not an "animal lover" in the PETA sense. I have killed deer for 34 yrs, and in every legal manner. However I do have respect and admiration for the old bucks and bulls that i see the TV stars look at and shoot with $$ in their eyes. When I see the "star" "smoke" the umpteenth buck of the year....I think that's one less for the rest of us workin' stiffs to get to hunt. But hey, at least I got to watch right??
If the "star" is hunting legally, just like you claim to do, you don't have any real position to argue against the hunt or the fact that it is on TV. Yes, if the "star" shoots a buck, that is one less for everyone else. Every time you shoot a buck, it is one less for everyone else.

And those "stars" are working stiffs too, you know. They just make a business out of working in television and you don't.

If they are hunting illegaly, poaching, that is one thing, but if they are hunting legally, just like you, then deal with it. They are just as entitled as you are to be hunting.
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