I asked Obama about Gun Control...

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i dont care what they are, Democrat, republican. no matter who they swing with they are trying to get votes. so i dont listen to a word they say.
"I won't take away your hunting guns."
The problem with that statement is that even if true (regardless of who says it), it is irrelevant. Only ~1 in 5 U.S. gun owners is a hunter.

I don't own any deer rifles or skeet guns; I don't hunt and I don't shoot skeet. I want to keep my 9mm and my "AK", thanks.
So what did Biden say when asked about an AR-15?

He asked what day it was and why the lights were so bright.

And seriously, take this to APS. Someone with a first hand encounter with Obama is of interest, but not here.

But please, open a thread over there, it's a good topic.
Dr. Fresh said:
So what did Biden say when asked about an AR-15?
Something to the tune of "If he thinks that's his baby then I don't think he's mentally qualified to own that firearm" which was said during that CNN-Youtube debate.
That doesn't mean that they'll all cave in to HIS demands, just because they're the same party. I will guarantee you that there are a lot of opposing views within the Democrat party, just as there are in the Republican party.

Have you been paying attention lately?

There are conservative Democrats, but they have failed to stand up to Nancy Pelosi. She is not popular, and comes off as being stupid and/or insane much of the time.

And you think they'll stand up to the Democrat's Anointed One, when they don't stand up to crazy Nancy?

I'll believe that when I see it.
That doesn't mean that they'll all cave in to HIS demands, just because they're the same party. I will guarantee you that there are a lot of opposing views within the Democrat party, just as there are in the Republican party.

In fact, the way that deck is stacked, Congress doesn't cave to Presidents. Presidents cave to CONGRESS. If it ever happens in reverse, it's because the President in question maneuvered, manipulated, and greased enough palms, not because he just asked his fellow Democrats or Republicans to side with him on issues.

How many Congresspeople lost their seats because of the Assault Weapons ban? If you think they're going to write up a new one just because Obama asks them to, well it just doesn't work that way. Representatives and Senators are just as self-serving as any other politician. Obama would essentially be saying 'this is going to get you voted out of your cushy Senate position, but I want you to do this for me because I'm a fellow Democrat.' The most likely reply would not be very 'high road', to say the least.

So...Regardless of if he can do it, why would you VOTE for a man who would even consider such a thing?
His answer was the best on I have ever heard from a politician. Would you rather have him talk like some 12 year old boy pretending to be rambo like most politicos? I don't get how the GOP can keep puting up candidates that are ignorant decade after decade, and then the dems get attacked for running bright informed THINKING candidates. Something is very wrong with this country when intellect is demonized and people vote for the guy who talks rhetoric and no substance.
The question is his record or lack there of and the associations with BIDEN and other anti gun people and who is he beholden to? cause i'll tell you right now he is not beholden to the American people and neither is McCain neither have our best interest in mind. Thanks for the quote and for posting it, I have seen the recent NRA articles and from what I have read of his record not from them he is still waffeling on guns.
The mods must have gone to bed early tonight.
I'm sure Barack is a swell guy and he probably means well. He speaks of "change" and people love it because both Democrats and republicans aren't happy with the way things are going currently. The problem is change takes you in one of two directions, and one is a road you definitely don't want to go down. Don't let a fox in the henhouse. For once we've got the pendulum swinging our way. McCain isn't as much of a 2a prize as some of the other candidates were, but Obama's record speaks loud and clear for itself.
Is this the same Obama that supported the DC gun ban but now that he is losing no longer supports gun control? I hope he told his VP candidate to back down on the issue. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkavwuWE5eQ

You can support Obama all you want but he is not pro-gun. The only way I would believe him is if he introduced a bill today to reverse the Gun Control Act of 1968 or maybe a National CCW bill.
His answer was the best on I have ever heard from a politician.

Despite his "thoughtful candor" on this subject he is likely being disingenuous.

Intellect is to be celebrated.
Politicians with conveniently tailored "changes of heart", not so much.
His answer was the best on I have ever heard from a politician. Would you rather have him talk like some 12 year old boy pretending to be rambo like most politicos? I don't get how the GOP can keep puting up candidates that are ignorant decade after decade, and then the dems get attacked for running bright informed THINKING candidates. Something is very wrong with this country when intellect is demonized and people vote for the guy who talks rhetoric and no substance.

Well cornman,since the founding of the GOP in 1856 ,they've won 23 Presidential elections to you Donkey's 15.
The population seems to feel that overall the Republican's are representative of the population at large.
We shall see if you can cut into the margin in 41 day's.
"As an Obama supporter, I appreciate you posting this, inkhead."

Is this going to change your position on him?
Politicos has learned the power of the gun lobby and 2a advocates.

It's not really saying much but currently the second amendment is probably the safest one in our Bill of Rights.

That could change overnight however.
ISRA Press Release:
'Nobody Knows Obama's Record on Guns Better Than I Do,' Says ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson

SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Sept. 24 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following was released today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA):

"One of the most blatant lies ever to come from a politician's mouth," is how the ISRA is characterizing a recent statement by U.S. Senator Barack Obama. Speaking in the latest issue of "Field & Stream," Obama claims that Illinois sportsmen know him as an advocate for their rights. On the contrary, Obama's voting record while a state senator clearly indicates that he has nothing but contempt for the law-abiding firearm owner.

"Any sportsman who counts Barack Obama as one of his friends is seriously confused," said ISRA Executive Director Richard Pearson. "Throughout his tenure in the Illinois Senate, Obama served as one of the most loyal foot soldiers in Mayor Daley's campaign to abolish civilian firearm ownership. While a state senator, Obama voted for legislation that would ban and forcibly confiscate nearly every shotgun, target rifle and hunting rifle in the state. Obama also voted for bills that would ration the number of firearms a law-abiding citizen could own, yet give a pass to the violent thugs who roam our streets. And, inexplicably, Obama voted four times against legislation that would allow citizens to use firearms to defend their homes and families."

"Let us also not forget that Obama served as a director of the Joyce Foundation," continued Pearson. "While on the Joyce Foundation board, Obama funneled tens of millions of dollars to radical gun control organizations such as the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence and the Violence Policy Center."

"If Senator Obama considers his legislative record and his philanthropic endeavors to be acts of advocacy on behalf of sportsmen's rights, then I submit that the Senator is seriously confused as well," asserted Pearson.

"Nobody knows Obama's record on guns better than I do, and it's rotten to the core," said Pearson. "I've been involved in Illinois politics nearly as long as Obama has been alive. In that time, I have never encountered a legislator who was more hostile towards or more disinterested in sportsmen's rights than Barack Obama."

The ISRA is the state's leading advocate of safe, lawful and responsible firearms ownership. Founded in 1903, the ISRA represents the interests of over 1.5 million law-abiding Illinois firearm owners.
I'm fine with upstanding citizens like yourself having automatic firearms

Um, does Obama even know what an "automatic firearm" is? No, seriously does he know anything about firearms?
That was Fienstien.

It was both of them. Obama said the same thing to a crowd in PA a couple of weeks ago.

It's worth noting that Obama has pulled the anti-RKBA material from his website. Go to www.ontheissues.org and you can see his own statements. He's the most virulently anti-RKBA candidate for the presidency in history.

Takeing what Biden said to the AR owner and turing it around:
MHO is that if you are a single issue voter (RTKBA) and you vote for Hussain Obama then you probably are not mentally qualified to own that firearm.
If you are a multi-issue voter and are voting for BHO then there is nothing High Road I can sat to you.:banghead:
Why is this still not locked? A conservitive thread woud never last this long.:cuss:
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