I just joined the Marines.

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Work on your PFT and swimming now. Get to the point you can do a full 1st class PFT, a full 1st class swim qual (your recruiter can run you through the standards) and some additional running / roadmarching in the same day and you'll be in a great position to try out for the Recon indoc in SOI.

Come on, join the jump/dive club, America's tax dollars at play. ;)

Plus you get shiny badges. Chicks dig the shiny badges. :evil:
The DI's will tell you they do everything for a reason, which is true. Their own amusement is one of many such reasons.:evil:
Congrats Marine!

And I think it is safe to say, that there are only a few of us on here that have been to Troy, Montana.....

When you leave, the population will be cut in half. :neener:
Between now and the time you ship for Boot Camp...

1. Memorize your Social

2. Memorize all 11 General Orders

3. Ask your Recruiter for any information on the knowledge they teach in Boot Camp and Memorize it.

4. Run, Run, Pull ups, Pull ups, Run, Run, Run, Pull ups, Run, Crunches and Run Some More... You want to be doing at least 20 Pull Ups when you get to Boot Camp.

You want to be a Squad Leader... Don't just be General Population

BTW: Squad Leaders get Smoked on the Quarter Deck ALOT... but you get to look at chicks on Visitors Thursday and Friday's Graduation, cause the Drill Instructors are in the rear 1/2 of the Platoon, so they don't see you Eye Balling the Women ;)

Remember you only get out what you put in... PM me if your Stationed on the West Coast
Thank You + Way to Go!!!

I just hope if you ever get stationed that its somewhere you can get some decent boomboom...
because i hear pounding sand sucks-
(- - -), Honor, and Country

"The (horse) is prepared against the day of battle, but -safety-
is of The Lord"!

Get to know your creator; talk to Him, prayer, and read His written word.
You may recieve scoffing, but should you go into combat, it will be the greatest strength you will have with you, and those scoffers will recognize it in you regardless.

Next to your rifle and buddy, have a shovel handy! I and those around me opted for the D -handled type from the engineer kit, instead of the foldable type. Worth ever bit of the additional weight and size inconvenience.
MTMilitiaman: Best of luck!

carebear said:
Come on, join the jump/dive club, America's tax dollars at play.

Plus you get shiny badges. Chicks dig the shiny badges.
That caused flashbacks to the Marine Recon "Cool Guy Indicator" poster our USMC Battalion Liaison kept at his desk.

Seabees! - Semper Gumby; always flexible.
Semper Fi
Run 3 to 5miles everyday, do as many bends and thrusts as you can 2 to 4 times a day, do as many situp and pull ups 3 or 4 times a day
This will get you in shape, Learn now to obey orders NOW.

Then you will do fine.
If you are Infantry, go Mortars

I know that all Marines are Infantrymen first. Everyone must be able to the same skills necessary to defend themselves on the battlefield. After that, you train in a specialty. If they make you remain Infantry, try to get into the Mortars, especially the Fire Direction Center people. Blowing things up at a distance is a blast. I did 30 years in the Field Artillery (Army) and the best days were those out on the range shooting things and making small scrap out of big metal things.
Orag (Old Retired Army Guy)
You'll be Sorrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Sorry. Had to be the first to say it. ;) That's the traditional greeting to newbies at Boot Camp. You'll hear a lot of that salutation when you get to camp. In turn, you'll taunt the new boots when they arrive with that same, time honored greeting. Thank you and congratulations!
Congratulations and good luck.

Just count on boot camp sucking. Three months of suck and things will get better. Realize that the DIs will mess with you, and the entire unit, from time to time, just because it is on the schedule. Do your best and it will turn out fine.

You might read Starship Troopers to get you in the mood.
congradulations and wish I could be there beside you.

I can't serve for physical reasons and instead must show support in other ways, so I'm there with ya in spirit.
Congratulations MTMilitiaman, on joining the most dependable and elite fighting machine ever to stir fear in the hearts of our enemies! But you are not a Marine... Yet.

Your DI's will tell you so, in very imaginative ways. You will be tested physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You will be forged in fire. You will be tempered in oil. Trust in yourself and whatever God or gods you might believe in, and... You will emerge from Boot Camp, not the same person you were, but as a member of the United States Maine Corps. Not an "army of one" but part of a team. Then and only then, will you get to call yourself a Marine.

Semper Fi, do or die!
Real men in the Marines are RIFLEMEN! I was in the Army, but its all the same stuff, different story. They'll tell you that everyone is a rifleman, first, even the cooks, but the true infantrymen are trained in their craft to a razors edge. You'll be a trained killer, straining at your leash to be released into your calling.... combat.

Watch Jarhead, if you haven't already. Try to run 5 miles, 3-5 times a week. Be able to do ungodly amounts of pushups, situps and pullups. But the most important part is mental. Don't take anything personal, do as you're told, and you'll be molded into an awesome Marine.

I salute you for your patriotism and volunteering for the best job in the world.
congrats to you my man! Let me just say this, basic is all mental, it is just that they go through the body to get there. Get in the best shape you can before you get there. if you can do 40 plus pushups without stopping, and run 2 miles in 15 mins or less, this will be good. just remember , they are still going to dog you out big time, no matter what shape you are in.
It took me a while to fully understand this , but the saying , "they can kill you but they can't eat you", finally made sense to me. I could try to explain this , but for me it was a matter of getting it, detach my feelings, they are not out to "get" me , it is nothing personal. Soon afterwards, no matter how tired or ached i was, inside i was almost laughing. they do this to everybody, to weed out the mentally weaker. You have to let it go. For other guys , this saying may have a diff meaning to them personally , this is how the light came on in my head, and basic , ait, etc., just didn't bother me anymore.
one more thing, the first 6 or so months you will probably hate everything, and want to get out bad. after a year you may say hey, i could do this for a while. So anytime any advanced schooling or training comes up. or OCS, or any cross training , or naval academy, or anything at all to advance yourself or become an officer candidate, JUMP ALL OVER IT!
When I joined the Army, they gave a list of MOSs to choose from. Some looked sort of interesting, such as Photographer or Locomotive Engineer (this was in 1967), but I knew that although they'd train one in whatever MOS one chose, actually working longterm in some exotic MOS was unlikely.

So I think your choice of Infantry will be good for your whole enlistment.

Thanks, and God bless.
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