I love my girlfriend

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Sep 6, 2007
Reading these threads here, I just thank God for my girlfriend more every day.

She hadn't ever really been around guns before we met, but when we went out with my pastor last year, he starts her on the little Ruger .22 and she's dead on. She had a bit more problem with the bigger calibers, but we're working. (First shot with the 9 was DEAD center though).

As I have gotten more involved in guns and RKBA, she's been so supportive all the time. She even learned things about her family- her dad's never been around guns, really, but her mom talked to her about her .357 and the motorcycle she had when she was younger. (Her dad was a WWII vet, Japanese POW at that).

I talk to her all the time (we talk about everything) and we rarely disagree. We even talk about how different men and women are and how it's so hard for one to understand the other.

This past weekend just made me love her more. We were at a party with a white-elephant gift exchange and a "survival kit" was one of the items. (Survival book, fire starter, etc...). Prominent among this was a very nice Winchester pocket knife. Now, I wanted this item, but it was done long before I had a chance.

However, one of our friends is not entirely stable. He has his medicines, but sometimes snaps in true paranoia. He got the kit. I leaned over to her and said I was kind of worried that he had the knife. (Not for mine or her safety but for his own).

She says, "yeah, I know. But at the same time, he could go buy one very cheaply and he has to have access to kitchen knives at his home." Even now I'm just smiling- she used the exact same logic we all use whenever we talk about criminals and gun bans. And despite the fact that I'm the one on here all the time and she only gets it second-hand from me, my thinking was the muddled one because I hadn't thought it through.

Now don't get me wrong, usually I'm the logical one and she's the emotional one, but she's just so wise as well (not to mention she keeps asking me what kind of gun accessories I want for christmas AND she bought my subscription to Shooting Times). Looking at the problems here, just makes me appreciate what I have more every day.

Sorry to brag, I just had to share. :-D :neener:
She got sisters, or hell a brother?

Lol, sorry, no sisters. Her brother's a marine, so... good luck.

She has cousins, but... um... let's say they are dissimilar.
Mine hasn't ever been around guns before, despite being a Criminal Justice major who plans on becoming an LEO, and when i told her I would have to take her shooting, her first response was, "you'd trust ME with a GUN?"
many people seem to feel that firearms are somehow magical and behavior-changing, but she isn't bad. doesn't question my .357 next to the bed at all
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