I need help!

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Jul 3, 2004
My GF is still a lille P.O.ed from my last 2 gun purchases especially the MAC 90 that found it's way home this week. Looking through the paper I find a Ithica 37 police model call the guy he wants $175 I figure I can get it maybe for $150. Whats wrong with me?? I already have a 870, I don't need the Ithica I just really want one, i wish my dad hadn't let my granpa's slip away. So is a deal that may pop up again later on or should I jump on it and go broke and sleep on the couch for a couple of weeks?
Buy it and tell your GF that it was your grandfather's and you can't believe you got a chance to buy it. There are lies and damn lies, this one falls in the lies catagory.
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Just how comfy IS that couch?

Take her out to dinner next payday, flowers and chocolate, whole 9 yards. She'll probably forgive you....probably.....roses are good, too.....

Just tell me where the ithaca riot is and I will let you come hold it once in a while....
Hate to be cold, but if your GIRLFRIEND is telling you how to spend your money now (!!!), what happens when she gets the ring? This is not good for a successful marriage... :( Think hard about it.
I don't think it was cold Al, it's the truth. If you really want something and it's your cash then buy it. It sounds like she already has one nut, don't give her both. ;)
Whats wrong with me?? I already have a 870
Nothing is wrong with you, you like guns.
Sounds perfectly normal to me!

Gotta agree with Al, Lee and TNT and I say buy the gun ;)
Don't let yourself become another of this generations emasculated males.
Here see if this helps.


I know this guy that has a Ithica for sale. I was talking to him and he said he bought it from kngflp's dad. MAN what a coincidence. You have a chance to get your grandfathers old gun back. I mean who could say no to reuniting with a family heirloom. :D :evil:
You don't have enough guns yet----you'll need enough to where she doesn't notice a minor addition to the family-----doesn't see the trees through the forest-----or is it forest through the trees????

As long as all your other bills are paid----just what exactly is her problem???

Take your lumps on the couch and seriously consider where the relationship is going----Do you really want to live like that for the rest of your life??

Women come and go----only your dog and you guns are truely long term----LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :neener:
grow a pair

When we started dating I told the woman I married "I will buy things you will not like, but I will never do it to the detriment of us or the family". She did not like that at first, I told her it was a deal breaker. I then said the same thing applied to her. That she would buy things I did not like, but as long as they were not a burden to us or the family I would not object. It has worked for 19 years.

I like the way you all think, well, except the ones that say Im ball-less, they're the problem if I didn't have them I wouldn't care if I slept on the couch. My problem is that I don't always satisfy the needs before I satisfy the wants. If I had no other pump gun it would be a need, but I do so its a want, and I agree with the fact that I don't have enough guns if she will notice one more. If it is still available when I get paid It will be mine. When she saw the new MAC 90 I told her it was her Valentines Day present. She didn't think it was very funny.
SO... even if I end up paying closer to $175 this is still a pretty good deal huh?
I don't think your "ball-less". Not that I want to know...... :D

Couple of things - ladies like mushy, sentimental stuff. Most guys don't. You have to (IMHO) do little things for them and it pays off big time. A five buck bunch of flowers on the way home from work, perfume, jewlery, just geive her small frequent (cheap) gifts can do wonders.

But...... She has to get used to the idea that your going to do what your going to do. If she can't live with that, get a new lady. Period.

IMHO - the truest statement I've read is "ladies marry men thinking they'll change and men marry ladies thinking they'll never change". Both parties are mistaken.

Money - this is important. Always take care of the bedrock stuff first, wants second. Fer instance, many things are now dependant on your credit score. I strongly think this will only get worse as data banks grow and institutions validate the use of your score. I know three excellent folks who cannot get into LE due to bad credit. Let me say it again, bad credit can keep you from getting a job. Be smart and budget your needs, buy toys wih your excess.

Pardon the soap box, but just talked with a buddy having lady problems. She's great and he's great, but this lack of understanding is straining their relationship and it bugs me.

Oh - never lie. Once you start, it just screws things up - that's a very slippery slope. :(

The M37? Good price for around here. Worth buying? Not till you figure out what's going on in your life.
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