I thought this was the new Democratic Underground!

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Dec 25, 2002
Chicago area
Hey wait a minute, a lot of you guys look like that bunch of far right wing wacko's at the old Firing Line!

Could someone tell me where the Hillary for Prez/Kathleen Kennedy Townsend for Veep thread is?

Hi guys. Good to see so many familiar names.

Glad to be here. I guess the lesson is we may be ocassionally sidetracked but we 2nd amendment believers will go on somehow. Thanks Oleg.

Merry Christmas one and all.

Don P.
Welcome DonP.

We do have a tendacy to take things for granted, don't we? Thanks again to Oleg and the crew for providing this new home.

And the really great thing is that it's thehighroad.ORG , not .COM .
Originally posted by DonP
Hey wait a minute, a lot of you guys look like that bunch of far right wing wacko's at the old Firing Line!

Could someone tell me where the Hillary for Prez/Kathleen Kennedy Townsend for Veep thread is?

Most gun forums do steep in a miasma of right-wing extremism. One of the many nice things about TFL was that it was less true there than many places. I hope this one turns out to be similar -- less unconsidered belief than most places, and more respect for people who hold differing beliefs, than is usual. More ability to discuss some of these beliefs civilly.

At least by local standards, I'm sure I qualify as a liberal. (I think of myself as more libertarian, myself). I've never voted for a Republican for national office in my life. I'm in favor of public education. I think it's important to keep religion out of public life (the *other* important thing in the First Amedment). I'm militantly pro-choice. I think the ACLU is a much more important and valuable organization than the NRA (that happens to be wrong on one crucial issue). I think civil rights laws have been crucial to making this country the wonderful place to live that it is. I think women, gays, transgendered people, and lots of other groups need government protection from the bigotry of the majority of the population for a while longer. And so forth.

I'm also a strong supporter of the second amendment and firearms rights in general, including right-to-carry (and hope we'll get it in in MN this year; it's the only possible good outcome from the otherwise-disastrous election this fall). I'm a strong believer in personal responsibility for many things, especially including self-defense.

One of the problems that the firearms lobby has, politically, is that too many firearms supporters assume that support for firearms rights comes only as part of a package including lots of other political beliefs. By speaking and behaving as if this is true, they tend to make it true, by alienating people who do or might support firearms but don't support the other beliefs.

Let's not let that divisive assumption become the norm here!
Right on!

I'm with dd-b, for the most part. Probably not quite so liberal, but not an absolute redneck, either.

It has distressed me quite often to see bigots-in-disguise use the gun forums to spread their venom of intolerance. We all have our opinions, and we should all have the right to express them . . . but, gently, please, gently.

Calling people with whom we differ philosophically by ugly names does nothing to get a point across, and frequently only offends. I realize some folks don't give a whit about offending those they disagree with, but civilized people do.
Too Far to the Right!

I'm so far to the right it seems that I have snuck up behind the left, and here I sit gun in hand.

Re: Right on!

Originally posted by cdbeaver
I'm with dd-b, for the most part. Probably not quite so liberal, but not an absolute redneck, either.

It has distressed me quite often to see bigots-in-disguise use the gun forums to spread their venom of intolerance. We all have our opinions, and we should all have the right to express them . . . but, gently, please, gently.

Calling people with whom we differ philosophically by ugly names does nothing to get a point across, and frequently only offends. I realize some folks don't give a whit about offending those they disagree with, but civilized people do.

Oh, you mean like "bigots-in-disguise "?

Hmmm... Oh well, Merry Christmas anyhow. (hope I didn't offend anyone with that)

TFL was never a "right wing" board. Seemed like it had as many Libertarians as Conservatives, and the glue that kept them together is an aversion to those who would take away our liberties. That latter group is most often associated with Democrats since that organization's leaders hijacked it into being a socialist party.

Any organized political party will try to mold the citizens into a frame of mind that keeps the party in power, and none of them are to be trusted.

Why do we NEED political parties? It's because they have made themselves indispensible just like a doctor who has a contagious crony spread a disease all over town.

The Democrats are far worse than the Republicans right now regarding our liberties, but that's like saying the effluent doesn't smell so bad when a little perfume is added.

The irony is that Americans actually think they're capable of self rule and other "third world" countries aren't all the while oblivious to the fact that the U.S. is a republic not a democracy. We're barely capable of keeping the wheels on this thing the way it is much less being able to solo without political parties, odious as they are.
Hey ya'll

you made redneck sound like some kind of a bad thing:eek:

I personally am HIGHLY offended by your bigotry and short sightedness.

OK, I'm over it...move on...

Remember, redneck does not necessarily reflect intelligence nor upbringing.....redneck defines a way of life and values. Many tend to confuse redneck with what I would call, for a lack of better terms "white rubbish". When I go to the sporting clays shoots, I see lots of rednecks...some are doctors and other professionals. Cracks me up that the self-rightous "non-bigots" are just as bad, but since it's in their own way and serves their own values, they can justify it.

and about lumping things together...yeah, I have two issues that are litmus tests for any candidate. Pretty well tells you where they stand on everything else.

Oh, about the Constitution....the most terrifying thing I've probably ever heard is Al Bore and Hillary talking about the Constitution being a "living document". In liberal-speak this means something you can slaughter and devour. The Constitution is just a few pages long...what, maybe 14 or 15 total.

Think what it would be like if politicians tried to write it today.

cd..may want to go back to re-read your post. I think you got 'em backwards
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2nd amendment,

Now you've made me change my user cp to not show signatures. It's kind of a waste of space when your signature is five times longer than your message. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by stellarpod
Welcome DonP.

We do have a tendacy to take things for granted, don't we? Thanks again to Oleg and the crew for providing this new home.

And the really great thing is that it's thehighroad.ORG , not .COM .

Maybe that's just because .com was already taken?

.com, .net and .org are pretty much meaningless nowadays. It's just 'get the best domain name you can get', regardless of the suffix
Originally posted by bastiat
Maybe that's just because .com was already taken?

.com, .net and .org are pretty much meaningless nowadays. It's just 'get the best domain name you can get', regardless of the suffix

I think it's obvious what I was implying. The fact that we're not innundated with bandwidth-choking popups and banner ads is certainly not "meaningless" to me.

Somehow Rich, and now Oleg, have managed to put these sites together without having to submit to such supplemental tactics and I for one appreciate it. And for what it's worth, if there is any way I can help I'd be glad to do so.

I'm with dd-b--and I'm impressed to hear what he had to say. I'm a brutal, take-no-prisoners liberal (I just made that up, and I like it), but I don't adhere to one bit of the party line just because it's there. You can imagine the discussions I have with milquetoast Democrats when firearms come up.
Originally posted by 2nd Amendment
Charlie, I feel your pain. :rolleyes:
So, are those extra pixels showing up on your AMEX, or what?

No, just all that needless scrolling. Whew, need a rest, my thumb's tired.
As someone on another thread said, they don't even read the long ones. Besides that, who cares?
No matter, got 'em turned off now.

I don't want to give ideas to anyone but one site I used to frequent had lots of people using animated gifs in their avitars and sigs. Had to have both turned off there. I hate things crawling around on a page I'm trying to read.
Don't know what to tell ya. I'm not only NOT the first person to use that quote but probably not the first person to use it here. In fact, I shamelessly stole it from another TFLer who is here...but using a different sig line. I think.

And scrolling? What have you got your screen resolution set on? Anyway, turn 'em off...but you'll miss a lot of interesting things that way.
Originally posted by 2nd Amendment
dd-b and I are going to have many interesting exchanges...

I shall look forward to it -- really. I like a good argument that's actually about the issues.
Oh, about the Constitution....the most terrifying thing I've probably ever heard is Al Bore and Hillary talking about the Constitution being a "living document". In liberal-speak this means something you can slaughter and devour. The Constitution is just a few pages long...what, maybe 14 or 15 total.

To each his own. To me, the thought of the constitution being a dead document, locked irrelevantly in the past, is even more scary. Imagine if the first amendment didn't apply to any technology other than assembly in person and the printing press. Wouldn't mean much, would it?
Originally posted by 2nd Amendment
And scrolling? What have you got your screen resolution set on? Anyway, turn 'em off...but you'll miss a lot of interesting things that way.

1600 x 1024 on a 22"
I know I'll miss good stuff but will have to put up with it. Good stuff being things like Oleg's url, not five lines of something that's interesting only to the poster and is repeated with every comment he makes.

BTW, as was requested of one of the "brass" of this new forum (not by me), he didn't think there was a way of limiting the lines of sigs. The other forum I mentioned completely eliminated them due to abuse.

I'm done now. Sorry to have been off topic, but your one line post and 5 line sig got me started.
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