I walked into a bank robbery in progress...

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All the talk of slashing tires and pepper-spraying the car... c'mon! There have been more than a few occasions when my wife and I were running errands, one of which would be "go by the bank".

Most of the time, I'll drop her off by the door so she doesn't have as far to walk, then I'll wait in the parking lot for her. That way I can move the car in case I'm blocking somebody, or in case a close parking spot opens up. I'll tell ya... anybody indiscriminately slashing MY tires, or pepper-spraying ME better not be around after I exit the vehicle...

Ceetee........true, but your wife has never had people proned out on the bank floor with their hands behind their heads while she stands on the counter screaming "put the money in the bag bitch!!" while doing a 360 degree turn crouched down in an isosceles stance with a model 29 S&W .44 magnum........one of the most powerful handguns in the world! :eek:
Ok, I saw Robocop, lethal weapon 2, every chuck norris movie, and a bit of die hard in evan's post. Beautiful Sir.... simply beautiful.
heres the question. wheres the guy witht he flame thrower body armor and bullet proof welding mask?
The envelope please.....

And the 2006 THR Strategies and Tactics best screenplay award goes to.........evan price!

I'm sorry evan, but Michael Mann was unavailable, what with Miami Vice being released last weekend, so you'll have to accept the award from me....;)

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