If you have a firearm, do you need a self-defense knife?

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Oct 19, 2005
I'm trying to limit all the stuff I carry with me everyday. Do you guys think a self-defense type knife is necessary if you carry a firearm? I have a small swiss army knife I use infinitely more than I ever use my benchmade folder. My day to day knife activities don't require cutting anything beyond a taped box. I know some of you guys need more knife than that, but I don't seem to.
Is there ever a situation where you would utilize a knife in self-defense before your firearm? After? Simultaneously?
What do you guys think?


Not me personally.

If I need to stab em', they can just as easily be shot imo...
I like carrying a versatile knife. I usually carry a Chris Reeve Sebenza, or something similar. It's perfect for slicing some salami, cheese or an apple, and it's good for opening packages.

And I suppose I could put it into service for self defense purposes, if the situation should arise.
...do you need a self-defense knife?

I don't know... do I?:confused:

I hope not, I have two knives on me as it is, and I only need them to open packages when the FedEx guy comes by. It doesn't sound like you are that dissimilar, so I'd leave it out.

The instance that first comes to mind, where I might have to use my knife in self defense, rather than my pistol, is if for some reason I'm not able to get to my gun; if it is not accessible, but the knife is easily accessible. There could be a ton of reasons/scenarios where this could happen, but I'm thinking the knife isn't going to really do a whole lot for me in any of them.
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My handgun serves as my primary defensive weapon.

My 3" folder serves as my box opener, rope cutter, eating utensil, etc. but could serve as a a backup weapon. I carry it in my off-hand pocket. You never know when your primary hand/arm may be disabled, grabbed, etc. Good to have something you can reach and use in a pinch. For instance, someone grabbles with me, maybe my gun is not accessible but in one motion I can grab my folder, open it and in theory stab or slice to stop the threat.
You can carry a gun, but what do you do when you need to cut a seatbelt and get yourself (or someone else) out of a car?

I carry a $8 3" Gerber folder, it's cheap enough I don't freak out at the thought of losing it. There's so many things I use it for, eating, opening things, screwdriver, prybar, nail file, nail cutters, gunk-under-nail scraper ... and if the need arose, would certainly hurt some feelings
I'e found that it's easier to cut a box open than it is to shoot a box open......just sayin'.....

in addition, a knife is a very good gun retention tool. Someone trying to take your gun? Cut their tricep tendon and they'll stop trying to take your gun.
Oh, yes.

I had been in an elevator with two young, strong, and unfriendly appearing young men. Nothing was said; I did say hello, or something to that effect.
But no replies, just glares.

Now I'm thinking: If I were accosted for some reason, just now, I would be overwhelmed, and perhaps my SD firearm taken away and used on me.
The situation had been related to law enforcement.

At that time, and now too, I thought it would be a good idea to have a blade just to get release from being held, struggling, and not able to use the firearm. I'm moderately strong, and somewhat skilled, but not deluded into thinking I was not at a disadvantage.

Yes, you may need a knife.
This is my absolute bare bones every day carry, and the knife was a gift. Sharp as all get out, and FAST to deploy. Used it many, many times, and of course, the Leatherman is also one of the greatest tools ever made. Neither one takes much room, worth thier weight in gold in an emergency.

If I need to stab em', they can just as easily be shot imo...

There are many conceivable instances in which a a knife might be more easily deployed than a firearm. Does that equate to needing one? IDK.

A knife is a handy tool that you will probably be able to use for a lot of things other than self defense that alone might make it worth carrying.

Like a gun, if you plan to carry a knife for defense it would be prudent to educate yourself in its use.
I don't carry a knife. Have a folding knife in the truck. I'm not thinking of getting close enough to a BG where a knife would be effective. I suppose it's a good idea to have one, but that's just not for me.
I'm not thinking of getting close enough to a BG where a knife would be effective.
Wishin - that may be wishful thinking. You may not have a chance. Remember, the bad guy always gets a vote! You could easily be taken by surprise and tackled/grappled with. It takes a second for a person to cover 20 feet and you may be unable to draw your firearm.
OK, so I carry a gun. WHERE do I carry my gun?

Can I get to my gun with my support hand if my shooting hand is disabled/pinioned/otherwise occupied in fending off an attacker? (Hint: put your shooting hand in a pocket, and draw with your support hand. If it didn't work... what then?)

If I am physically locked down by an assailant I never saw coming and can't get to my gun- what then?

Do I carry defensive tools on both shooting side and support side, high line, waistline, low line? If I need a tool in a pinch, is there one available to me somewhere? Gun, knife, spray, light, kubotan, anything? Or am I rendered unable to access any defensive tool at all just because I cannot reach my gun?

Shouldn't I train hand to hand in retaining my gun, if I'm going to carry one? In breaking contact and drawing at close contact distance? Gunfighting at 0- 3 feet? In using other defensive tools in a pinch? What's to be done if the bad guys don't follow the script so many people practice for and seem to anticipate, and don't just stand there quietly at 21 feet so they can get shot?

Do I need a defensive knife? Well, I've never had to use one. But does that mean I can leave my left pocket empty just because I carry a J frame in my right pocket?

I certainly don't think so. But YMMV of course.

I suggest looking into http://www.shivworks.com/tutorials.asp and trying for a class with Southnarc, if any of the questions above prompt some serious thoughts about how adequate individual personal preparations are to deal with an assault.

Remember- sometimes your awareness fails...

If I need to stab em', they can just as easily be shot imo...

that's not always true, the minimum effective range of a knife is much shorter than that of a gun...unless you limit yourself to stabbing.

a gun needs have it's muzzle pointed in the direction you want to shoot...the safest place, when at contact distance, is right next to the gun. your vectors of motion are shorter than the arc the guns muzzle.

a knife in a reverse hold has almost no minimum effective distance
Remember, carrying a gun isn't about being ready to shoot someone, it's about being ready for bad things that happen in life. There are a great many things that might happen. as posted above, you may have to cut through a seatbelt.

A gun is a tool that can fail. It's a tool that you are staking your life on. Something this important deserves a backup. I have recently switched my CRKT folder from my strong side pocket to the weak, because if my right hand is being held, I can still access the knife.
No. You need 3.

The one everyone sees (you use it to open boxes and stuff, it might as well be good for SD as well).
The back up.
The one nobody knows about.

Triple redundancy. If it's good enough for NASA, it's good enough for me.
Shouldn't I train hand to hand in retaining my gun, if I'm going to carry one? In breaking contact and drawing at close contact distance? Gunfighting at 0- 3 feet? In using other defensive tools in a pinch? What's to be done if the bad guys don't follow the script so many people practice for and seem to anticipate, and don't just stand there quietly at 21 feet so they can get shot?
Most all of this is taught in the Suarez International 0-5Ft Gunfighting Class. A very eye-opening course:
* Dealing against the drawn gun. Bad guy pointing in on you. What are all the options? We will look at everything from running away, to drawing and killing him, stabbing him with a knife, to disarming him and shooting him with his own gun.
* Dealing against the drawn knife. Both from "hold up" type situations to actual attacks. You will deal with them with the gun in hand (this one is really cool), and with empty hands, leading into a draw and shots as part of the fight.
* Dealing with a fight in confined areas such as hallways, elevators, phone booths and cars. All empty handed, and with weapons and with one leading to the other. (Props will be used as the range allows)
* Dealing with more than one bad guy. How to position and maneuver to deny them the advantage, as well as how to immediately escalate and take them out.
* The combined use of various tools such as knife and gun, knife and light, light and gun, gun and stick. Not only the how, but the why as well.
Admittedly, rolling around on the grass practicing ground fighting isn't as ego-boosting as shooting tight groups on the range. But we are talking potentially life-saving skills.

No one wants to think about getting knocked on their @$$ during a fight, but it happens. Try getting you gun out from the 4 o'clock position with a BG on top of you. That's why I carry a weapon accessible with either hand now.
Wishin - that may be wishful thinking. You may not have a chance. Remember, the bad guy always gets a vote! You could easily be taken by surprise and tackled/grappled with. It takes a second for a person to cover 20 feet and you may be unable to draw your firearm.
I can't argue with that!! I always figured I'd infringe on the BG's voting right. Guess I need to rethink that, huh?

All kidding aside, although I have no problem shooting, biting, kicking, clubbing or punching, stabbing has always seemed cowardly to me. I know that defies logic, and I suppose in the heat of the moment that reluctance would quickly disappear.
YES you need levels of defense, I carry gun, flashlight, Knives, cell phone and a cane.

That way I have Options and being a former Triple Option FB Coach I want Options.
Is there ever a situation where you would utilize a knife in self-defense before your firearm? After? Simultaneously?
Before? No. After ? Maybe. Simultaneously? No.
As an all-purpose tool? Absolutely.
Well I would never carry a dagger or anything specifically made for fighting.

I have never been a fan of Case knives, or any sort of folder like that. I love folders, but more of the modern looking. ie Kershaw, Benchmade, Spyderco and so on. Some of the ones I carry do look mean, but I use them for any task that a knife would come in handy, and of course they could be used to fight someone off as well.
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