Illegal Aliens-Ranch Rescue TX

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Jun 11, 2005
Texas ranch granted to illegal aliens following court ruling. I have not seen this item on the board, so I wanted to get it out there for folks to see and react to. It really pisses me off.

Link below sourced from Michael Savage's web site:

The is the legal petiton filed on behalf of the two plaintiffs (illegal aliens) from El Salvador I believe. This was filed by the Southern Poverty Law Center and it appears several law firms in Texas.

It referrs to the illegal alliens as "Latino Travelers" who were "traveling" across the small ranch owned by the Suttons'. It refers to Ranch Rescue as "vigilantes and an illegal paramilitary unit".

I can not believe that legal land owners can not keep illegals from moving across their property. There allegations of threats, harrassment etc. by Ranch Rescue. This is the case where the property was given to the illegals as restitution for civil damages.

With the latest developments in New Mexico and Arizona with the Mexico border (potentially California may join suit). This seems like a true injustice by our courts propagated by US law firms. Something needs to be done.

Any thoughts?
The defendants failed to answer the suit, so a default judgment was entered against them. If you get served with legal papers, you show up, you file an answer, etc.

Oh well, a fool and his money....
The defendants failed to answer the suit, so a default judgment was enetered against them.

Call me a cynic, but this whole thing reminds me of Randy Weaver getting an official summons with the wrong date on it so he misses his own court date. I suspect there is more to this story than the press is reporting... :scrutiny:
Any thoughts?

Either dont attack someone, or attack them in such a way that they will not be capable of filing lawsuits afterwards. If you are going to take up arms against someone, it should be for the purpose of inflicting death upon them, not setting yourself up to look bad in court. This is not something you do to have fun on a slow weekend.

If the allegations are actually true, I have to wonder why the defendents havent been arrested.
hard to say. the illegals could easily be lying about their treatment, but if they arent- this is a bit out of hand.

you want to track illegals, round them up, take them to jail or back over the border, great. but beating, stealing things from them, threatening to kill them?

illegals deserve at least the same courtesy homeless get here, or for that matter- the amount we would wish to recieve if we lose our papers in their country, or next thing you know US tourists in Mexico start ending up in jail left and right

i hope that is not true.
In the criminal trial, the accused were found not guilty.

One party to the civil trial settled out of court; his liability insurance paid $100K. The other party did not appear and the judgement was entered ($800K?) and the only asset to seize was the Arizona land.

As we all know, there is a harsh penalty for a felon to be caught in possession of a firearm. In this case, five years.

two questions

1) When does "asymmetry" in legal judgments become outright political oppression?

2) Where are the Southern Poverty Law Centers defending those of us who want a crackdown on illegal immigration?
Was a time in America you could protect what was yours. Was a time doing something illegal got you punished. Looks like that police state heading to the one world goverment. Gee Thanks King George
I believe their is more to this story than just the law suit. I suspect that some people in America were looking for an excuse to prosecute them and it worked. Didn't know that one was a convicted felon.... now I understand why they didn't respond to the supena?? As mentioned, it reminds me of the Randy Weaver story.

I feel just feel that illegal aliens don't have the same rights as American citizens and sneaking into the US can be a dangerous thing. I can understand some harrassment, but I would have called the Border Patrol folks to pick them up.

I think this illustrates (if the allegations are true) of what things could degrade to if the border situation becomes or continues to become more of a problem. A lot of these illegals aren't just looking for work.... sometimes the "work" is criminal activity by our standards.
I listened to savage talk about this and according to the story he was reading the illegals said the ranchers also gave them water and cookies.
Would you give someone cookies if you where about to pistol-whip them?
I don't think we got the whole story yet.
That is the whole deal, something stinks here and it isn't the chicken bones that I put in the garbage last night.
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