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Illinois Dem Prays for her robber.

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Seancass said:
is it so wrong to pray that something sets him strait before he comes into one of your homes? Or pray that he stops before he uses the gun? Pray that he gets arrested, "corrected" and ends up a successful man who regrets his past and works hard to make ammends?

Absolutely not. There is nothing wrong with prayer, except if that's the only thing a person does during/in reaction to an assault, robbery, whatever crime they're currently being subjected to.

It's also foolish to think that this hoodlum had no choice in his actions and that what he did is a result of some nebulous "society's ills" type thing.

I'm a religious and deeply spiritual man, yet I don't have much use for prayer. I never pray for anything for myself, and when I do pray, it's for things like "I pray my wife can deal with her pain as best as she can." or "I pray my children use the strength they were given to overcome their hardships in life."

I would, I suppose, pray for a criminal, though there are others who are a tad higher on my list at this point.

Oops. There I go again, coming across as a bloodthirsty jackal. Everyone, please forgive my rabid, berserker-like rage.
I believe in PRAYER and in GOD.

I believe that I can trust my firearm and my skills along with asking GOD to help me in a nasty situation.

I believe in self defense of myself, my loved ones, my friends, a stranger in need, guarding my country from foreign and domestic enemies, from tyrants, kings, thugs of all types including political THUGS.

I do not believe in murder. I do believe in SELF DEFENSE and in stopping a criminal and/or crime.

I do believe in the death penalty too. Types like Manson and his ILK need to be put down like the dirty dogs that they are. WHY should the taxpayers support those killers?

Respectfully yours,

How can you turn praying for someone into a negative? I doubt her prayer is going to be like this "Please God, reward this gentleman in heaven for his deeds here on Earth. He really deserves a massage and maybe some aroma therapy candles"

It will probably sound more like this "Lord, please help this man see the error of his ways. Please give him the opportunity to reform himself, Amen."

Is that really out of line?
PS and I stand by my above post and this answer to you.

There is nothing wrong with prayer in asking that someone sees the error of their ways NO matter who it is. There are ALL kinds of criminals out there and in all flavors meaning types! Even ___ in D.C. who call themselves leaders, good Christians or any other good fill in the blank religion who really are NOT in my opinion!

You have Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. religious zealots who call themselves "religious" but there is a difference between REAL faith/practice and religion.

For example: Using the Golden Rule... or

The Two Greatest Commandments by Jesus Christ as an example.

Matthew 22:37-40 (King James Version)
King James Version (KJV)

37Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38This is the first and great commandment.

39And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

In the case of self defense... I would defend myself and thank GOD that I was not beat up, raped, cut up and left for dead or killed immediately by the BAD person = criminal. Same if my loved ones or a needy person needed my help in stopping a crime.

There is nothing wrong for praying for the bad person, for him to repent and see the ERROR of his ways.

Look at Jesus Christ who was hung on the cross. Did he pray for the ones who wanted him dead? YES. Did he pray for the other man on the cross? YES.

So that is my opinion and NO offense if some of you disagree. I was answering the one man who questioned praying for the bad guy.

Thank you.


"Dear God, if I might be so bold as to beseech you, in all your Wisdom and Power, please make sure that the man who robbed me receives what he has earned. Let his pool of fire in Hell be one of the hotter and deeper ones, and please let the pitchfork-wielding demon who oversees him have a serious case of hemmorhoids which makes it extra cranky. Thank you God. Amen."

Now that's funny.

My grandmother is one of those who believes in forgiveness for everyone, even the scumbag who killed my father, her son. That's fine. I have enough bitter hatred of that individual for both of us.
No worries Catherine. My post was not directed at you. I was replying to the person who started the thread. I apologize if I didn't make myself clear.
"The meek shall inherit the earth - a six-foot plot above them."

And here I always thought the quote was "The meek shall inherit the earth, provided that's okay with everyone else."

Vermont, a lot of the people around me resemble your remark, especially about the massage and aroma therapy candles. And they think I'm the scary one!

"It's okay that that assailant beat me to within an inch of my life, I managed to kiss his fist several times while he was punching me.":rolleyes:

Several of my wife's patients (she's an acupuncturist) have found out that she is getting her concealed weapons permit and they are horrified. They believe all of the left wing crap about no guns equals a safe society. I guess none of them have friends in places like Australia. It doesn't matter to them that some bast, sorry, I mean some poor unfortunate homeless person who should be taken in and sheltered, tried to get into her car at a traffic light about five blocks from our house last week. One of them was actually upset that she ran over the guy's foot. (My wife keeps her doors locked and I've taught her that she is driving a four thousand pound weapon in such a situation.) The short version to the end of that story is the guy hobbled away, and my wife drove away. However, if there had been more than one, and they had had something that could actually have been used to break the glass of the door, she would have still been better off with a pistol than with a prayer.

Now, guess what, she also prayed for her assailant. She prayed that he got medical attention, and that he gets the mental help he probably needs. She also prays that he doesn't pull this crap on her again so that she won't have to hurt him again, or kill him next time. The thought of turning her own defense, or the defense of our son, who was in the car with her, over to the police and hoping that it will all work out fine never popped into either her prayers or her continuing to be prepared for the future.

She's a good Buddhist, and believes what the Dali Lama says about such situations. He, considered one of the most peaceful men in the world, says (paraphrased not a direct quote) that is is perfectly fine to defend yourself in such a situation. That way you not only defend your own life, you prevent the assailant from acquiring all of the negative Karma he would acquire if you allow him to continue to victimize others.

As for prayers in such a situation, I always think about the one I heard on that John Wayne movie "The Cowboys".

"Lord, forgive me for the men I have killed in the past, and the men I am about to kill."
I'm just saying.... There would be no reason to pray for him if he broke into my home. I would set him up with a face to face meet with the big guy. He can then explain his actions directly.

I just found it humorous that she prayed for the bad guy. I like the Old testamant God, the one who was all for an eye for an eye, and who regularly whacked the bad guys.

So, if you break into my home, don't expect prayer.... and don't expect a prayer afterward. I don't see the need for praying for the bad guy. I don't forgive and I don't forget. Forgiveness is for sheep.

Although, my .45 has a cross on the grips....Maltese, but still a cross.
^^Protect yourself and your family by any means necessary. I probably wouldn't forgive a home intruder either, but if someone else wants to pray that a burglar will go on to lead a moral life, I don't see that as a bad thing.

It certainly can't hurt.
Gee, Robert, whatever happened to allowing people to show their faith, and not ridiculing other religions?

The man was just a robber. Not a rapist. He didn't engage in murder. He had done no physical harm. And yet, you and several others engage in ridicule and belittling of this woman's faith in the betterment of mankind through forgiveness.
Oh, yes, nowhere did I say it's NOT okay to shoot the guy.

F-word him up with the best ammunition you got (00 Buck is a particular fave).

But nowhere is it said that you can't pray for the dude who attacked. Forgiveness comes in many forms, including forgiveness for bloodstains on the carpet.
Gee, Robert, whatever happened to allowing people to show their faith, and not ridiculing other religions?

I don't know what happened to it, DougDubya. You are consigning other people to hell for their beliefs so I expect you to know the answer to that question, and I'm surprised that you need to ask a mere mortal and a most fallible one at that. Do your job and don't ask me to cover up your own sins for you.

Look, let's get to the bottom line. Are or aren't you going to part the waters for me? I'll understand if you're too busy judging people right now according to whether they behave as you wish, but I hope you're keeping track of the number of people you're sending to hell because it will be awfully overcrowded by the time you're through.

In all fairness I will tell you that there are several competing deities who want my business and they don't condemn people to hell while pretending to advocate religious tolerance when someone objects to their outrageous hypocrisy.
We need, we need, we need, we need, we need.

Same old song never changes.

Seen a few posts here about the price of ammo and some getting part time jobs to come up with extra cash to pay for it.
That's the real American way.

Speaking of jobs.....................

my 2 cents...

I grew up just east of ESL, spent too much time in both ESL and Washington Park, not nice places...last I checked, Washington Park still had the highest per capita murder rate in the states.

If praying makes the lady feel better, then more power to her. I don't think of God as the kind of guy who wants to solve all my problems for me. He gave me a strong mind and a free will. I was blessed with all the tools I need to get along in life, and it would be an injustice to God to not make the most of those gifts. I see God like I see my dad...he wants me to grow up, take care of myself, and be my own man.
Hey, Robert. I only pointed out the slippery slope. You're the one giving me acutal powers of damnation. Put on your big boy pants, if you don't like being told of ignoble behavior on the part of those MOCKING a lady's religious beliefs, then DON'T MOCK 'em.

Oh, and if you need to get to England that fast, I will fart into a balloon for you. That and a dinghy, it should get you transatlantic pretty quick.

I'm only a god of Flatulance.
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