In another gun panic inevitable?

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Sep 10, 2013
I have a feeling that another gun-buying panic is unavoidable later this year. Here's why: It appears that the presidential race will be between Clinton and Trump. The polls show Clinton will win. Also, the Senate is forcing the vote for the next SCOTUS judge to be the decision of the next president. Again, Clinton. I've heard that we'd be better off with a moderate liberal that Obama would pick rather than an extreme leftist Clinton would pick.

So, if it looks like Clinton is going to win, and is going to be deciding on the next SCOTUS judge, does it look like there's any way for the 2nd Amendment to survive? When people ask themselves this as we approach the election this November, then answer might be the same as when it looked like AR15s were about to be banned about this time last year. The answer was, "Go buy whatever you can, while you can!"

This leads to another question: Would this be a good time to invest in AR15s while their prices are still down? If another panic ensues, they'd go back up in price as they did in the last panic.
I think "gun-buying panic is unavoidable" just about anytime based on politics and the collective mindsets of would-be gun buyers.

The Second Amendment isn't going anywhere -- no matter who might become president. The process of amending the 2A would be such a political atom bomb with such great fallout that it's not about to be attempted -- no matter who becomes president.
But if that president puts a far-left liberal on the SCOTUS in place of the most conservative one we just lost, the balance would be tipped. The second amendment cases that were ruled in our favor could now be overturned.
Is a gun panic inevitable? Sure. Sometime. Everything runs in cycles and folks freak out about stuff.

Don't want to get into speculation about elections and court appointments. No value in that sort of thing. I will say that regardless of that whole mess, the makeup of Congress isn't likely to change much and some commentators have said that the Presidency really doesn't matter much because continuing as before, with the Executive and Legislative branches stanchly opposed to each other's positions will lead to the same outcome we've been getting: essentially no motion on anything. Certainly no new gun control. And stare decisis says nobody's really actually likely to substantively revise Heller and McDonald any time soon.

Now, is today a real good time to buy a black rifle? Sure. If you need one, go get one. They're cheap. Not likely to get any cheaper.

If you didn't need one before, why do you need one now?

:) You want to just freak out now and go buy some stuff? Cool. Go ahead. Then chill out and enjoy your stash. 'S long as the bills are paid, there's no harm in having another rifle around. :)
If you didn't need one before, why do you need one now?

I guess I was thinking of it as an investment opportunity based on the likely scenario I outlined. It happened after Sandy Hook, so it seems a certainty if all the polls show Hillary as the next president picking the next SCOTUS justice.
Investment opportunity? So you can SELL it to some sucker during the next bannic? Hmmm...well, ok.

Just be careful of being "in the business of" dealing in firearms.
Don't worry. I'd only sell one. Just thought it would be fun to make a few hundred dollars.
The Second Amendment isn't going anywhere -- no matter who might become president. The process of amending the 2A would be such a political atom bomb with such great fallout that it's not about to be attempted -- no matter who becomes president.

That lax attitude is 100% incorrect. Think about CT, my 10/22 is now considered an assault weapon. Standard capacity mags are illegal. I'd like another AR, but those too have been banned... Just because you live in a different state, don't for a moment think it can't happen there too. All it takes is one nutjob and some knee jerk legislation.
The Second Amendment isn't going anywhere -- no matter who might become president. The process of amending the 2A would be such a political atom bomb with such great fallout that it's not about to be attempted -- no matter who becomes president.

No amending necessary. All the Supreme court has to do is decide it means something other than what it says, or that there is still lots of stuff included in the Constitution that we don't know about yet. They've been doing that for ages.
The Second Amendment isn't going anywhere -- no matter who might become president. The process of amending the 2A would be such a political atom bomb with such great fallout that it's not about to be attempted -- no matter who becomes president.

You as a Californian of all people should know that it doesn't take a repealing of the 2nd Amendment to have the government disarm the civilians. Take a look at the incredible shrinking CA "safe roster" to see how few handguns are available for sale in CA. Look at all the laws the dems are proposing here to skirt the 2nd Amendment by calling all guns "evil" and introducing bills like "Safety for All", "Firearms dealers: conduct of business", "Firearms: imitation firearms: gun-shaped phone cases", "Firearm Violence Research Center","Public safety" changed to "Firearm restraining orders." Aldo Ray said in "The Green Berets": "No sir, Mr. Beckworth! It doesn't take a lead weight to fall on me or a hit from one of those weapons to recognize that what's involved here is communist domination of the world!"
I see what you are saying, but I agree with Sam...

Buy what you need, but if you want to buy on the basis of future developments and buying for an investment, spend your money on high quality pre-1898 antiques that will be the last thing touched by legislation.
You dont think people learned their lesson during that last fake panic?
I think if we get to August and it looks like Hillary is going to win and the Republicans are also going to lose the majority in the Congress, many gun owners are going to go into full panic mode.
Well since this topic is still open.

The first event to watch is the Republican Convention in July. If the leaders of the Republican Party make good on the threat to refuse nominate Trump or Cruz as the party’s candidate expect Trump to make a third party run for President. A Trump / Cruz ticket is not out of the question.

A Hillary Clinton win is far from certain. While the print and TV media is promoting her as the President elect she has a LOT of BAGGAGE including the breaking of Federal Laws.

Ignore the polls. Ronald Reagan was low in the polls the same time in 1980 and was not considered as a serious candidate. A actor running for President. What a joke. He went on to win by a landside and is generally regarded as the best President in the 20th Century and one of the best Presidents ever.

My F-I-L gets really worked up over politics. He is in his 80’s and spends a lot of time watching TV. I’ll give you the same advice as I give him. Turn the TV off and get out of the house.
There are 34 Senate seats up for 2016. The Dems only need 4 to put Polosi back in. With the fracture on the right not only is it possible to have a Dem pres, but a Dem senate, and the senate approves the Supreme Court nominees. It would be better that the republican senate to say, "Send your nominee and we will get to work" and then reject any one not suitable and ask for another until they get one that we can live with or time runs out.

p.s. I have been in panic mode since Obama won and haven't relaxed since. :)
I guess I was thinking of it as an investment opportunity based on the likely scenario I outlined. It happened after Sandy Hook, so it seems a certainty if all the polls show Hillary as the next president picking the next SCOTUS justice.

This actually sounds like the riskiest form of speculation to me. There have got to be sounder investments you can partake in.
The Second Amendment isn't going anywhere -- no matter who might become president. The process of amending the 2A would be such a political atom bomb with such great fallout that it's not about to be attempted -- no matter who becomes president.
The Anti's don't need Congress to "repeal" the 2nd amendment. It can be chewed away through other means without actually rescinding it. Ask your friends in CA, NY, NJ, etc.
I've been thinking the same. Those evil black guns have been creeping up in price. The cheapest of cheap AR's that went for $469 in November '15 are going for around $550. I had picked up a Stoner complete upper for $279 a few months ago and it's around $330. I have more toys than time or room nowadays, so panic or no panic - I ain't buying a thing except for maybe some reloading components.
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