Interesting Keating article in

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Staff member
Jan 3, 2003
0 hrs east of TN
The whole things at, but here's the bulk of it.

A View from the Dark Side
An Opinion and Some Insights on the NYC Knife Tragedy

By James A. Keating

What we have here is a tragedy of epic proportions. It is the culmination of many years of irresponsible teachings from men who only stressed the dark side of the blade arts. Killing, multiple deadly blows, and moves in sequence all designed to destroy, not defend. Yes, there is a difference. Even the Japanese understand that there is a "sword which takes life and a sword which preserves life." In proper self-defense logic we are supposed to be the latter version. As knife-oriented folks we are supposed to take the higher path. This is the path that respects life and seeks to preserve it, not the low path of murder, assassination, and street stupidity. Many people are asking me, how can something like this happen? Is there a reason or cause behind all this suffering and death? My answer is yes; there is indeed a reason this happened as it did. In fact, there are several reasons! Let's dig into this story a bit more and allow me to explain myself further.

A Common Problem?

Believe it or not, my friends, this is a rather common problem. I know, I know. How can that be, you may ask?

It's simple. Such behavior is part and parcel of the teachings of the Filipino arts according to some. So is it really true? Or is it merely an assumption of the misguided press? Well, it is and it isn’t. You see, some teacher’s claim they are teaching "traditional" Filipino fighting arts when they impart such nasty knowledge. This means that little has been modified in their particular art since it's creation (several hundred years ago). This is admirable as it preserves the old ways of doing some things. But it is also very dangerous because it applies the logic, mores and laws of a bygone era to today. It means the material being taught to the pupils is out of step with what's happening today, in this place & time.

Technical material is rather timeless, but how that technique is used is something that changes from country to country and from era to era. I ask you this: can you apply 1870’s era logic about gunfighting to the use of a firearm today? No, not even close! The "High Noon" scenario (the gunfight in the street at high noon) would fail you no matter whom won or how "right" you were. Do you see what I am driving at here? Does your knife training fall under the "traditional" path in which an opponent is "taken out" fast? Or do you follow a path in which life is preserved through proper, sane use of your skills? One way means jail or death. The other way offers life and sanity. Choose wisely amigo -- it is your soul that's at stake!

Still Need Convincing, Bunky?

I guess some don't get it. But like our stabber in this case, identified in the press as one Mr. Umali, I bet you will "get it" someday if you don't now. Let me elaborate more on this idea.

A while ago one of the editors of a national knife magazine called me and asked for a bit of friendly advice. It was in regards to a book review. Of course I was ready to assist and was curious as to the nature of his dilemma. He said, "Jim, I am confused as to how I should write up this book on knife fighting." My response was, "How so?"

"Well Jim, it's a moral dilemma," he told me. "The knife fighting book of Master XXYZ is full of pictures and references about using a knife against an unarmed person." He went on: "Master XXYZ is an advertiser. I want to write this book up good, but I am having trouble with this. Can you shed some light on this for me a little bit?"

My answer was this: "Sure, no sweat. Master XXYZ is correct in saying the art in it's traditional way does indeed show how to use the blade against an unarmed opponent." But I'll add this here: it is also setting the stage for disaster to strike. You will respond in accord with your training. If that training is to strike before thinking, then oops! Your gonna be in hot water. Does maintaining tradition take on such an important role that it overshadows life itself? It should not, my friends. But it does, at times, and it has overshadowed many other reality-based things due to the cultural mores and means involved with the inner workings of the arts.

This is done by the very men on whom many depend for guidance. Machismo triumphs once again over logic and reason. The [Internet discussion] forums are full of these types. The Umali case proves this out again! Why again? Keep reading. I'll tell you of a personal experience from my old hometown that parallels this case closely.

Think Again

Law of the Jungle: In the winner takes all mentality that came out of South East Asia, if you do not have a knife, then you are A) stupid; or B) dead! Tough talk from the oft spoken of "school of hard knocks." So the mindset is this: armed or unarmed, if you **** with the bull you'll get the horns! Yes, that’s why knife fighters are feared! Fighting "fair" is a joke to these men; the whole of the knifeman's art is based on deception, ruse, and trickery!

Fair fighting is for fools, according to many knife teachers. They take pride in their teachings of delivering a hundred cuts in a few seconds. They take pride in it and advocate it. This treads closely to the edge of the dark side of the blade. In today’s world such teaching lays the groundwork for tragedy. Stupid people, cult-like worship of outdated tactics, and too much focus on hurting others over defending yourself leads to jail and death. Wake up now, my brothers and sisters!

Names of systems play off this wild, crazy side of the knife arts. Goofy, ego-based teachers hoping to create a stir and bring attention to their names will use any and all means to scam the public. How about names anyway? I was warned never to name my knife designs anything violent or negative, meaning names like "Gutsplitter" and "Deathmaster." It incriminates and convicts before it ever reaches the courts. Names for systems are similar. Studios teaching the blade are competing for the dollar and the fame. They choose over the top names to draw attention. Those names can come back to haunt you. These places push that over the top mindset as if it were a good thing instead of downright insane. All of 'em are so stupid -- proud of their ability to kill hurt and frighten with their killer "systems." Assassins, killers, and ghouls by any other name...

What happened to the protectors? Where are the real blade men? Those who save life, who act in accord with the law -- those who use their abilities to make sure life goes on?

Those men are usually shoved under the carpet. America's fascination with violence is well known. Movies, games, books and arts prove me out. The blade arts are for defense. They are not for competitions, attacks, and robberies. They are not for operating the best knife dojo or for proving Japanese knife is better than Filipino knife. God, what sad crap. The forums and the Internet are chock full of nasty haters who add little to anyone’s knowledge base. They just spread hate and bull****. That mentality is the very HOW of the Umali stabbing case. It's the tip of an ever-growing iceberg of out of control violence and death. It comes from the same maggots who are teaching, talking, and misleading others, all for an easy buck, all under the holier than thou umbrella of "tradition."

Keating is Wrong and He Isn't Teaching the Art Correctly

Oh yes, Jim Keating was taught the art correctly. Keating does indeed know the art.

(Probably better than you).

I realized immediately how out of touch with reality the arts are. Often I've heard from these killer-diller teachers of arts like Pikiti Tersia and others about how old Keating is teaching a "bastard system" or that I am not able to teach the "real thing" because I don't know what I'm doing! No, wrong again. I purposely modified the art to fit today’s world. I changed it deliberately to work with our laws and ethics of this time and place. I have no use for outmoded traditional crap based on jungle Catholicism and ritual murder from an era in which only the strong survived. It simply does not work in this society of laws, cameras, cops, and prisons. Those who say differently are welcome to their opinions, but they are also doomed to continue this lineage of shame and remorse that has so far spanned centuries.

Instead of following the more traditional, well-worn paths, I based my entire curriculum on my pistol program. I was certified to teach by John Farnam. I am proud of my skills and I am very pleased with Farnam's teachings. These are lessons of life that work for professionals and novices alike. I applied the judicial and legal teachings of that program to my knife programs. You know -- what makes up a legitimate shooting? What does not? That ensures tjat we are up to date on laws, legalisms, and the do's & don'ts of personal defense with ANY lethal-force weapon. You must win in court and in the street. That’s the way of the modern warrior. If you ignore this aspect you'll go straight to prison.

Your call, my friend! Every man holds his life in his own hands at some point. Fools are a dime a dozen these days. My success has came about due to my modification of the arts to fit today’s defensive demands. Those jealous freaks that have sworn to "rip out my eyes" and other nice things are the same ones behind the unwarranted use of force and unlawful death suits perpetrated by their unprofessional teachings. Bullies, liars, and freaks have been the rule within the closed circle of the blade. Does that shock any of you? It shouldn't, because it's true. Am I a renegade or am I truth teller? Don't really matter Nancy, condition dictates... I simply say what’s true for my world. Too ****ing bad if you see it differently. Time to grow up, Bunky, and smell the jailhouse latrine.

Teacher Thugs

Posing as wise teachers, these men of "tradition" mislead and cause regretful circumstances to arise where none existed. Cult-like allegiances, making the pupil sign multiple contracts, papers swearing secrecy, decoder rings, and oaths of undying loyalty... Be sure to wear the club pants, socks, and shirt on the street, too.

Selling lethal force is different from selling belts in Tae Kwon Do. A certain responsibility goes with the advocacy of lethal force. It seems many "bad asses" have forgotten this fact. Welcome to the cellblock!

Shhheeeit! Come the **** on, what a scam and what a trap for future disasters like this club killing to occur. And so it is at this point: bad men threatening and posturing via their cyber-serpents' nests. They are influencing and misleading people under the guise of "tradition." I sincerely DO HOPE that this sad event closes the curtain on the out of touch groups advocating their cult-like behavior traits and their outmoded knife methods, which lead only to death, misery, and regret. Don't believe me? Ask Umali. I bet he'd agree about now as he ponders Rikers Island and a four by six cell. Again, wake up amigos. Wake up, grow up, or suffer a similar nightmare yourself someday.

Same Story, Different Faces

From personal experience in watching such sad events play out I can assure you that this is not unique. I will tell you a true story of another Filipino lad, a man of intelligence and great personality. His skill at Kali was minimal, but effective. He did carry knife -- a balisong. One night at a party he used it, just as Umali did.

This is that story. I'll provide enough detail so you may investigate it if you care to do so. Check it out. See where the stories are similar and where they differ. It was a lesson none of us soon forgot. Even though it was many years ago now, I still remember. Those were sad days too -- more lives lost due to pride & tradition.

It was in Kennewick Washington that this death happened. Many people had been partying at a place called Hover Park in Finley, Washington, a wild jungle of a spot located way out on the Columbia River. It was far from town with virtually no police nearby. The party was an all-nighter. The booze flowed and the pot burned. The revelers danced in the firelight as the night wore on. As in any group, some of the dynamics were positive and some were not. In fact, there was one fellow who was trying to create some attention. He had been acting strange and butting in where he did not belong for a large part of the evening.

At some point our Flipino friend, named *******, decided to convince this person to leave the party. When asked to leave, he refused. Shortly after that, our friend and his knife helped the fellow decide. Yes, you guessed it. Our Filipino friend stabbed the guy in the femoral artery with a lower body thrust, just like Umali is alleged to have done. Our friend ******* only meant to "get the guy's attention" and make him leave the area. Yes, wounding him was the goal. Killing him was not.

The party was in full swing. Drunks lack judgment. This was a classic of misjudgment. Bang! The stab hit and the victim fell. Laughs accompanied his fall. "Get up, mother****er, you ain’t hurt" echoed over the water. He did get up and run toward his car.

Copious amounts of blood flowed, yet few knew he was in trouble. It was just a little stab (as *******'s dad had taught him when he learned the family art). Nothing to worry about. Someone yelled get to the hospital, mother****er, and drive fast! The vehicle lurched out into the dark void of the swamp as it raced toward town. Well... Somewhere in the next three minutes the blood loss and shock made the victim pass out. The car rolled down an embankment and there it stayed until 16 hours later. There the police found him, dead. He was dead, not from the wreck, but from the so-called harmless wound.

A day later, ******* was arrested. Many knew of his skill with the knife, just as in this recent case. It was not hard to find witnesses and finks to roll over on *******. The grim tale poured forth. No one meant for death to occur. Our friend ******* only meant to make the dude go away. It was a minor blooding. But ya see, it's about six inches difference between where the arts teach you to kill someone and the place you hit to merely blood someone. Mistakes occur and **** happens. One dead, one in jail. Many lives ruined forever. This is a true story.

Mr. ******* was a friend of my old buddy (now deceased), Randy Wanamaker. It was big news because ******* was well liked, well educated, and simply did what he'd been shown to do. He was not a criminal.

Honestly, who knows if Mr. Umali has criminal leanings? I doubt it. Was this vicious? Yes! Was it a ****up? I bet so. Remember friends, this same move is taught by many schools as a means to "teach'em a lesson". It is not taught as a killing move. Many family arts also teach this method as a "kind" way to deal with unwanted aggression. After all, a far worse move awaits those who cannot take the hint. Yes, I have been here before. This is a reoccurring nightmare of the FMA that has been played out before this tragic instance. You dig, son?

Lethal force isn't something you take lightly. I assure you: the courts won't view it lightly either. The knife fight, the kill, and the anger come and go rapidly. What’s left is years of regret, remorse, and sadness. It never ends. Is this what you seek, you who carry the steel? Teachers? Is this what you offer as end result to your pupils? Look inward and look closely. Is this a wake up call for you and others? Can you accept reality? Can you change and say **** tradition? If you cannot, cops with guns will force reality on you and you will accept it all the way to the joint. Stop and consider things. Put that knife away.

"If your anger goes forth, withhold your sword; if your sword goes forth, withhold your anger". Simple!

Moving On and Leaving the Cult

Gee Bunky, can ya do it? Can YOU tell you what to do? Can YOU tell right from ****ing wrong? Or do you need to have your cult leader ...oops, I mean martial master... tell you what to think? Can you see knife fighting is nothing but sorrow and sadness by the bushel barrel full when it's used in the old, traditional way? Can you grasp that no matter what your "proud heritage" dictates, you'd better stick close to the laws of THIS land and THIS era if you are to stay alive, free, and happy? Sadly, the bouncer should have been more aware.

Umali, if he did what he is alleged to have done, should have been more patient and smart than to pull a knife for such a trivial reason.

I am going to say some things I've said many times in articles, on forums, and on my instructional videos.

I'll tell you the means to win-win -- win in combat, win in court. It takes discretionary use of force, it takes accurate judgment, it requires a calm mind, and it requires a heart that is calibrated to save lives rather than take them.

To have a defensible self-defense case you need several factors in your favor. They are simple and they must be present or you are going to jail for a long time. These factors are this:


Imminent Jeopardy



Leave out one or more of these factors and you lose. Have these aspects present and provable and it's much more likely that you'll win.

This article is not intended to be a do-it-yourself lawyer kit for those who use force indiscriminately.

I'll refrain from going into great detail here for that reason. It is up to you to find out more, to study and research about the use of force, like force, lethal force, and all of the related BS that goes along with such turf. Yes Nancy, it's up to you at this point. Ignore this and maybe you, Umali, and ******* can share a cell together.

Yes, I am sarcastic, but it does get your attention and it had better. It's a new world out there, my good freaks and funny friends. Adapt or die, eh?

The Dark Side is the end. It's not where your good guy knife fighter’s manual and roadmap to happiness should take you. YOU should strive to act and appear sane. Keep knife skills and knives hidden from public sight. Only you should know. Use these weapons only when it's appropriate.

Even then, think twice.

With Heart & Vigor,

James A. Keating
Interesting Keating article in

Others may think I'm prejudiced toward Jim, his training, and practices and they'd be right.

We just naturally followed the same path in life but with different backgrounds. I do not want to kill anyone and will only use what is necessary to prevail defensively.

With the proper training one can do both and survive in the courts at the same time.

Ditto on the excellent read. There remains a dividing line between being an aggressor and being a defender, regardless of the presence of "lethal force."

I agree with all of the logical arguments regarding 'be a defender, not an attacker.' Beyond that there is the tool to be used.

I studied all sorts of unarmed martial arts when I was younger (Korean, Japanese, and Americanized mish-mashes). I studied under several instructors who were fully lethal without any implement in their hands. (The snide among you may ask how I know if I didn't see them kill. The answer is I saw them incapacitate easily and once your foe is non-functional a kill is trivial). I was never an exceptional student and to this day consider my standard boxing and wrestling experiences as most applicable in a fist fight.

When I got into firearms I totally understood that classic line during the sword fight In The Killer Elite, "just let me shoot 'em." If an intruder is found in my house I will not have a folder in my hand, hopefully it will be a firearm. And all the same conditions for use of lethal force apply. I read Ayoob's 'In the Gravest Extreme' and I understand.

Out on the street I will be carrying my folder (no CCW for a peon in LA county). I will never be the aggressor. You, or a DA, may argue I went too far in the cause of self defense. But I hope not.

Please continue these threads debating the legal implications of use of deadly force. The examples used are certainly instructive.
Thanks for the plug and the interesting discussion, guys.

I hope you had a chance to read the rest of the magazine and found it worth your time. We're always looking for new articles, and I would be pleased to see more firearms-related material in future issues. If you're interested in submitting something for publication just drop me an e-mail.
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