Interviews, new jobs, and gun talk

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Carter, you were wise for not pushing the issue. I used to have heated political discussions during lunch with one of the women I used to work with. I realized that, through no fault of my own, she started to take the discussions personally, as if I was putting her down because I disagreed with her. I wasn't putting her down. I didn't dislike her because of her views. She was in no position to fire me or affect my job, but I still didn't want to hurt her feelings...that wasn't my intention. I'm not sure if it affected our working relationship or not. I hope it didn't.

Anyway, I came to the conclusion that I get paid to do my work, NOT convert people to my way of thinking. If political or ideological conflicts or views start disrupting a workplace, then they aren't appropriate. If anyone asks me my opinion, I'll tell them what it is in all honesty. If anyone asks me to do or say something that goes against my ethics, I won't do it. But the workplace is not the appropriate place for a soap box.
I would never bring it up unless I was talking with someone else who brought it up first.

Sucks, but you never know when someone might anonymously call HR about the "Gun nut" in the next cubicle. And yes, it happens, and there is no recourse in most states.
Lots of factors. If you are young, and need the job, use extreme discretion, as the majority of employers will trash you in heartbeat. If you are established, a real marketable wiz in your field, and don't particularly care if an employer dislikes your "hobbies" or what you do on your own time, go ahead and bring it up; but, be prepared to walk away from any particular job that doesn't like your "hobby", or comes off that way. If you are an old fart like me, I've paid my dues, put up with employers that see things differently, and worked my way into self-employed freedom. Now, I love my boss (me), my license plate says "TWO GUNS" on it, and I don't give a gosh darn what anyone thinks about my hobbies. :D
I would say no now I did get a church one time because the men at the church wanted a Real Man feeling the Pulpit. They all liked to hunt and fish and were tired of the city boys they had been getting for the past 15 years.
Back at school, training for my 2nd Career. I had to toss all my T-shirts in a box (They were pretty much all free gun shirts) and I DO NOT talk guns at school.

"Guns, what guns, I'm into motorcycles."

-Seriously, I had to MAKE myself talk about bikes b/c I'm so used to talking about guns.

Now, I don't hide the fact that I'm a retired Marine... and those people who are into guns, 'know enough' to know I'm cool with guns.

But only one guy (Who i have been to training classes with) *Knows*

This is drastically different from my LAST JOB!
-Building weapons at Red Jacket firearms!
Hell, there I was expected to CARRY a gun! :p
WHILE I was building them!
(I miss that)

No worries, Will still calls me to help him find parts!:D:D
I work for a French company. After 6 years there, I have carefully run across 2 other "like-minded" people, and we discuss things very quietly while at work.
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